The manifest failings of health secretary Matt Hancock have always been in plain sight – screw ups over PPE for health workers, and cronyism over contracts, Covid-infected hospital patients dumped back in care homes and a test-and-trace system that didn’t work. All of which caught him in Dom Cummings’ crosshairs and he was scud-missiled with an expose of Boris’s contempt for his abilities. All of which begged the question why is he still there? To which the answer was simple – he is Boris’s human shield, to deflect and soak up criticism.
Whether this latest embarrassment – a “steamy clinch” with Gina Coladangelo, the lobbyist and long-term friend he took on as an aide last year (initially undeclared), who was subsequently given a paid non-executive directorship at the Department of Health, will be the final straw that broke the camel’s back is moot. And that last sentence contains at least three political transgressions that should bin him for good.
There are conflicting views about what comes next. Some say No 10 would worry he might tell his own version of the past two years if freed of ministerial responsibility. Others despair that if he stays the government is seen as sleazy, hypocritical and arrogant – one rule for them and another for the rest of us.
Hancock born 2 October 1978 is a New Moon, Mercury, Pluto in Libra with an ultra-determined, risk-taking, seductive (and vengeful) Venus, Uranus, Mars in Scorpio. His Jupiter in flamboyant Leo is in an opportunistic square to Mars which in turn is exactly in opposition to Chiron. That hardly suits him for his present role but the emphasised Jupiter may explain his Teflonesque abilities to survive in the face of repeated failures.
Within a few days tr Uranus will oppose his Uranus for his mid life crisis which may upend his life and ambitions; plus a panicky/confused/devastated tr Saturn square his Sun/Neptune midpoint now and square his Mars/Uranus midpoint also from July 7th, which latter can accompany a violent separation.
That coincides with tr Uranus squaring the composite North Node and Mercury on his relationship chart with Boris, which is surprisingly competitive, with hints of power struggles, and backs up the notion that he would be a risk if dumped onto the back benches. He’s not quite the bland nonentity he looks. Whatever happens he’s in for a shockingly bad 2022/23 with tr Pluto square his Mars/Pluto and Saturn/Neptune midpoints.
I didn’t find Maggy Cassin confusing Marina. For me astrology is a tool for self knowledge. For instance I sometimes find people with Capricorn Suns hard to relate to. I am aware however, that this placement makes adverse aspects to my natal planets and can colour my opinion and expected experience of all people with Capricorn Suns. Hence the need to see everyone as an individual rather than an expression of one or two specific placements. I do agree with you that both positive and negative placements need to be addressed in an objective manner.
Whew, that’s fierce Marina! A Libra Moon alone won’t do it….in any chart there are ‘heavy aspects’ – a Libra Moon is an advantage… (no, mine is in Cancer!) if in a good mix = a recipe that gives balance, sociability, fairness….a high advantage in most cases. We are all a bit disappointing compared with the sages of the past, but the world has gone off its rocker with wokeness…. a Libra Moon can be a blessing or curse, same as any other planet, but even if it operates negatively, the whole chart must be interpreted…we all have a tendency to loathe an aspect but its probably just a reflection of our (imperfect) selves…..Sun Pisces sounds wonderful, giving, blah blah but is probably the most commonly convicted felon on the land! One planet doth not a disaster maketh (she said paraphrasing Himself, uselessly….)
Yes Im aware of the whole chart needing interpreting. I was particularly responding in context to Virgoflake and gnarlydude.
The rest of your response though is rather confusing as it undermines your premise and reinforces the reality that when discussing astrology its ineveitably, generalistic as opposed to a specific chrt.
You yourself refrence this dynamic here;
“Sun Pisces sounds wonderful, giving, blah blah but is probably the most commonly convicted felon on the land! ‘
and here;
‘ Libra Moon can be a blessing or curse, same as any other planet,’
‘One planet doth not a disaster maketh’
Literally no one is saying that, we were discussing Libra moon, out of context, just as you were when you mention Pisces. And as in your mention of Pisces we were referring to the side of Libra placements that are not usually covered by the astrological clichés.
“Within a few days tr Uranus will oppose his Uranus for his mid life crisis which may upend his life and ambitions”
He’s resigned and left his wife this week as well. Although it’s entirely possible she asked him to leave I think. There’s been a Mercury square Neptune phase this month, with more again in July, so I wonder what else will emerge. Tr Mars in Leo square Uranus in Taurus soon, making a t square with his natal Uranus looks quite explosive. Perhaps we find out more about how that “security” footage leaked out, and what else is on it. Is it possible to hack into those systems?
I think some of this might be a distraction of some sort too. Just a feeling.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the vile scrote himself that is Dominic Cummings is the mastermind behind this all. They are all birds of feather that lot.
I had a feeling the minute I clapped eyes on Hancock that he would be exposed for some kind of hypocrisy, I just didn’t know what. It just leaks from his pores like oil! And his smugness is off the charts. Even his TV resignation was just so self-congratulatory, wasn’t it? I’ve got my suspicions about Prity Patel too who wreaks of a more angry self-entitlement. They really are a bunch of sociopaths and narcissists in Westminster. The whole environment needs razing to the ground and rebuilt with people from ALL walks of life.
The timing was interesting, Jane and Jo, Carole Cadwalladr today wrote: “It’s not a resignation, it’s an execution. Someone has been sitting on that footage for a long time. So why now? To what end?”
Like you, I’ve taken note of the ongoing Mercury/Neptune square (which is strong with both planets in the signs of their rulership) and up until a couple of days ago was wondering how that classic smoke and mirrors planetary aspect was going to play out. (Jane, I notice the Pentagon UAP news was both disappointing and buried beneath more sensational headlines, with not a mention on the BBC).
Oops I’m not saying that this Hancock affair has anything to do with the UAP report! – just that I know you were following that news).
Haha! Well, you never know…..
I agree with Carole Cadwalladr and had been thinking along those lines. I also wondered what kind of a poisoned chalice has been handed to Sajid Javid, an impossible job really. The whole episode feels so manufactured – I know Matt Hancock was having an affair, of course, but I doubt whether he’s the only one in Parliament somehow. So why was someone spying on him with a hidden camera? The hidden camera is very Mercury/Neptune, as is the media scandal. Who else has a hidden camera in their office? Other MPs must be wondering what’s going on. In some ways, the hidden camera is more of a scandal than the affair. It is quite sinister.
Re the UAP report – I have noticed that the BBC tend to shy away from anything that might be called “mysterious”. Also, they love a binary question – “true or false?”, and this news prompts more questions than answers. Clearly something is shown on the film footage, and surely not all US military men who have witnessed bewildering things are mad or duplicitous. So far, so Mercury/Neptune again I feel.
Well, that was quick. He’s gone! Funny how he’s done over something that Boris has done lots! Is this the clammy hand of Dom?
Murdoch? It could be rather interesting to see what lies ahead for R Murdoch and The Sun founded on 15 September 1964. They may have sat on this footage for a while before releasing it now for maximum damage. Cummings is close to Gove having worked together at the DfE, Gove is very chummy with Rupert Murdoch who owns The Sun.
It is clear that Murdoch would love to get rid of Johnson who has served his purpose of winning the 2019 GE. Today Cummings has tweeted ‘Need #regimechange’.
“In politics, stupidity is not a handicap.” – Napoleon Bonaparte
An apt description of Matt Hancock.
Really? what a brilliant quote!
Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.
Martha Hoyer Millar Dec 17 1976 is married to Hancock. I wonder if she will stick with him. Fancy antecedents- maybe she will do what such families often do, grim and bear it. Shes an osteopath and flowers were delivered to the family home today. LOL.
An osteopath? Hmm anticipation is half the enjoyment….
Quite ironic given how spineless he is.
Neptune in the first house would fit well, connected with Jupiter of course. This man is clearly corrupt and awards lucrative taxpayer-funded contracts to all his friends. now we find out that he appoints his lover to non-executive roles in Government as well. He’s exactly like all the other Tories, and this behaviour is clearly unacceptable. The longer that he, Johnson, Gove, Patel and all the others stay in post, the more damage they will do to our country. More fool those who voted for them.
Could have been ” the kiss of life”…..
….if there was any life left in the man….
I have a feeling that the Johnson administration is finally starting to unravel and is badly wounded from the scandal. For one thing Chiron hasn’t been sitting on Johnson’s Descendant since May for nothing. It will take a lot to win back the Great British Public who have been unable to embrace their friends, lovers and relatives for so long. It’s one of the most venal administrations we’ve ever had.
Maybe his wife has had enough of him too and nothing speeds up separation (and a midlife crisis) faster than public humiliation. His career may ‘survive’ for now, at least (because of Boris) but his family life I suspect not.
Interesting that Boris has taken another sheet out of the Trump playbook: Surround yourself with incompetents to deflect criticism and make your own performance look less pathetic.
Ugh — he really is the slimiest person with all that Libra ‘charm’.
I remember at one of the early briefings, when the government was trying to get people to take lockdown seriously, he stood up at the podium and outright threatened to take away rights to leave the house if people didn’t comply. It was completely the wrong messaging and showed no knowledge of nudge theory (ie if you point out others are leaving the house, that will become the norm). He toned it down after that and has often come across as an incompetent, bumbling, confused idiot (but not in the more-likeable way Boris does it).
Reportedly he is not like around Westminster with other MPs and so on referring to him by rude variations of his surname. But have to wonder how The Sun got the footage? I wouldn’t be entirely surprised if Boris (despite backing him) is now getting worried by being associated with Hancock and has allowed this to happen.
I see no evidence that he has charm. Some Librans can be a bit wooden – they are the one sign which is non-corporeal – and he strikes me as that. Mind you he’s got that Libran Moon. One astrologer I read calls a Libra Moon a ‘Courtesan Moon’, always looking for romantic opportunities even when attached. His Mars/Uranus in Scorpio makes him a bit creepy imo. I’ve seen him interviewed where he invades the female reporter’s space and it’s intrusive and uncomfortable to watch. That’s typical Mars/Uranus.
Boris sacking him for infidelity is going to look a little awkward.
Well yes, I used quotes around charm because I don’t find them particularly charming. It’s a fake veneer of conflict avoidance and people-pleasing with most Librans. But I don’t think Hancock is people-pleaser, he’s a suck up. Willing to do whatever he’s asked to do to get as high up the greasy pole as he can.
That also applies to Libra ascendant.
Courtesan Moon’, always looking for romantic opportunities.
Thats a poetic description, but I would say the courtesan/slut dynamic extends far beyond romantic opportunities.
Wether in relationships, work force or politics you can far too frequently rely on the Libra moon to sell itself to the highest bidder.
Hello Kier…
I’m a Libra moon and this does not apply to me at all. Quite the opposite, in fact.
I’m not a Libran moon Lena but I can sympathise with your statement. I always think it’s a mistake to make generalisations about a planet and its position without taking into account the aspects both positive and negative that it is making in an individual’s chart
Trish – isn’t the point about generalisations that they’re generalisations? Only Lena looked at her chart and its positions and highlighted she didn’t meet the generalisation (“far too frequently rely on the Libra moon …”)
Have to say I often come up with generalisations about signs and then, when I think through the people I know, I always come up with someone who doesn’t meet it.
But we need some generalisations to work from, or we’re going to be rebuilding astrology every time we look at a chart. (“So this person has an Aries sun … does that make them outgoing, cautious, shy, inquisitive, efficient, calculating … what could it mean?”)
My husband is a Libra Moon and I am a Libra Sun, Lena. Neither of us fit the above description of Libra. We do tend to make these generalisations in Astrology. I sympathise with Geminis who also get a really hard time at the moment because of the swathe of Gemini politicians currently in power.
I’m sure it doesnt, it was a genralisation of the dynamic in the archetype, which as gnarly dude pointed out is a part of Astrology.
If there were no generalisations then there would be no Astrology and no Astrology books.
And if Astrologers take those generalisations personally then thats problematic for their practise.
But it was you who made the original generalisation ‘One astrologer I read calls a Libra Moon a ‘Courtesan Moon’,
to which gnarly dude and I responded 😉
Apologies Marina, I meant to say that the description of Libra Moon as ‘courtesan’ by this particular Astrologer stuck in my mind at the time. because my husband has this placement. I don’t necessarily agree with that but it gave me food for thought, though husband doesn’t fit the ‘courtesan’ description himself, but it seemed apt in the case of Hancock – if that makes sense!
It does, thanks for clarifying.
In a Libran backtracking sort of way 😉
Boris just needs to wait for a new delivery of rope before giving it to Matt Hancock.
Hi Marjorie, no known birth time, but wondering if he could be born slightly later as the chart has 27 Scorpio as asc, but he looks typically fiery (Sag) with the receding hairline….. if he had Pluto Moon on the ascendant we would’ve seem him smouldering and seething, I’m amazed that his chart is so Lady MacBeth! Behind his mild, almost innocuous appearance….the Jup and Pluto sextile the stellium in the 11th give him good camouflage. Pr. Mercury is on the way to conjunct Neptune, and Venus conjunct Chiron in the 6th (good for a health minister!) with the progressed Moon certainly could be translated as a ‘sudden change of employment’….pr Venus is at the midpoint of Mars/Uranus so fireworks with all the women in his life…..of course Boris protects him, they’re birds of a feather……