Madonna has lost a brother to alcoholism which has drawn media criticism about the contrast between her extraordinary wealth and his long spells of homelessness, living on the streets. Though he does appear to have rejected offers of rehab from her and other help from his family along the way, refusing to admit he had a problem. In the past he said there was intense sibling rivalry between himself and Madonna as children. Another brother, Christopher, in a scathing memoir, described Madonna as machiavellian, dominating, a tyrant, selfish, bossy and mean.
Run-of-the-mill fraught family relations multiplied ten fold with lopsided success rates amongst siblings. Though additionally the Ciccone family have been blessed or the opposite with extraordinarily Fixed charts so cooperation would not come easily.
Madonna has her Sun and Uranus in Leo squaring onto a stubborn Mars in Taurus. Her brother Anthony had his Taurus Sun conjunct her Mars and his Jupiter Pluto in Leo conjunct her Sun – so a competitive, power-struggling chemistry from square one. Her birth time is questionable but on this one adjusted slightly it would put Neptune in her 3rd house which rules siblings which might make sense.
Father Silvio ‘Tony’ Ciccone, 2 June 1931, is a Sun Gemini with his flamboyant and attention demanding Mars in Leo conjunct Madonna’s Sun and his Venus in Taurus conjunct her Mars. Like his son he has a pushily-confident Jupiter Pluto conjunction though he appeared to have used it more constructively.
Another brother Martin is like Madonna a Sun Uranus in Leo with Pluto also in Leo. And brother Christopher has his Uranus in Leo.
Mother, also called Madonna, who died young of cancer, had her Venus Mercury in Leo opposition Saturn in Aquarius. She would be fairly battened down with her Cancer Sun also conjunct Pluto. Her relationship with her daughter was close and affectionate with a composite Sun, Venus, Pluto conjunction in their relationship chart – and Madonna has always said it was her mother’s early death which spurred her on to become a success.
What a volatile family. Flexibility not a strong feature amongst them.
Might be interesting to look at Madonna again, especially upcoming transits? She’s been rehearsing for her 40th anniversary world tour, but was rushed to ICU due to a bacterial infection – was said to have been touch and go – tour understandbly delayed. Bit of a battering by transit from saturn and pluto upcoming and July 3rd full moon quite hit as well.
Maybe this is indication that she really is a Virgo Rising with Saturn in 4th house – difficult family dynamics
Blinding wealth and inebriating intake are probably closer than I’d like to think ( – but who wouldn’t choose the munny?!!) When I think of the envy, disdain, pride, shame, obsession, suspicion – plus warped distortion – it all adds up to isolation.
The ancient problem of alcoholism seems unstoppable. Why or how some friends succeeded with AA while others have not is unknown to me. Alcoholic organ shut down is a wretched way to die. I like to think if I had all the money in the world I could at least relieve that physical suffering. But oh, to solve the thirst for annihilating substances… to furnish an appetite for nourishing help…
Thank you Marjorie, my youngest sister was born on the same day as Madonna at the moment she is battling severe Osteoporosis. Trans Neptune was square her natal Saturn 19deg Sag, when she was diagnosed in 2020, and she has continued to deteriorate. Does Neptune show difficulties with Madonna in the structure of her life, her body, or perhaps deception?
Yes, she had hip replacement in 2020 due to wear and tear from a long career dancing.
There is a trend among people who lose a parent early to establish successful careers. One way of looking at it is that they shut down emotionally and then try to attain happiness through outer means. Madonna has an intense Virgo moon-mercury-pluto conjunction which makes her prone to overthink rather than deal with feelings.
With her Sun 8degs behind Pluto, itself 4degs behind Mercury, itself 6 behind the moon and Libra NN-Jupiter 6-8 behind Scorpio Neptune, her progressions from age 4-8 will have been conjunctiontastic and no doubt fuelling her ambition as a reaction to the loss of her mother. Being one of 8 children means you have to shine if you’re to get any attention from the parent(s).
I think she left home at 18. I understand her mother died when she was 5 I think. Family dynamics are always hard. I have the Taurus Leo thing going on with my own brother.
I am very surprised to see that Madonna’s Sun is sandwiched between Pluto and Uranus. Isn’t that considered to be a ‘besiegement’ – between a rock and a hard place – where one of the lights is hedged in by malefic planets and therefore can’t express itself easily? Not that it seems to have affected Madonna in the slightest, obviously.