Kevin Costner – keen to ride off to pastures new

Down on the range there is high tension over Paramount Network’s Yellowstone and whether the massively successful show with an 8 million viewership will make it to a sixth season. Kevin Costner, the star, having just won a Golden Globe for season five, is reportedly keen to exit which as one reviewer said would be ‘as bad as if James Gandolfini prematurely exited The Sopranos.’ The rumour is that Costner demanded over $1 million per episode for the fifth season with an increase for the sixth. Though on those ratings he’ll be worth it.

  He was born 18 January 1955 9.40 pm Lynwood, CA, and came to fame with Dances with Wolves and The Bodyguard in the early 1990s but then hit a downer with the massively expensive flop Waterworld in 1995. He has worked constantly since then though not quite at superstar level until this.

  He has a powerful, stubborn, ego-centric and talented chart with an ambitious Capricorn Sun in his performing 5th house which is on the focal point of a Yod inconjunct Pluto and the Midheaven, as well as opposing a lucky Jupiter Uranus in Cancer square Neptune. He’s custom-built to be in the movie spotlight. His Saturn in obsessively conscientious Scorpio is in an unyielding square to Pluto on one side and a 5th house Mercury on the other. With Mars in Aries in his 7th he is well-designed for assertive, macho-roles. His Mars is also trine an adventurous Sagittarius Moon and Venus.

  A larger than life personality and not always easy to get on with he will certainly make his presence felt.

  This year as last he has tr Pluto conjunct his Sun and square his Neptune with his Solar Arc Saturn sitting on his Sun and square his Neptune as well – so he is in a high-stress phase of his life in the path of sweeping changes whether he opts for them or not. 

  Tr Neptune is also square his Midheaven through this year which can be career-undermining and indecisive.  He will continue to be jolted onto a new track when tr Uranus squares his Pluto in 2024, pulling on the third end of his Yod. When yods are triggered life usually moves force majeure onto a new track, which in retrospect will seem meant.

  He has a good deal ahead of him with tr Saturn heading upwards in his chart rising above his Descendant after 2024 for a decade and a half; and tr Pluto staying in his creative, attention-demanding 5th for many years to come as well.

3 thoughts on “Kevin Costner – keen to ride off to pastures new

  1. It is interesting as the conductor Simon Rattle was born 19 January 1955 and is similarly leaving his post in London to return to Germany, in the next while.

  2. Always wondered how Costner went from being one of the big stars of the late 80s/early 90s to pretty much forgotten.

    My first note is when Waterworld, a sci-fi story about a future earth being covered in water, was made in 1994-95, transiting Neptune was going over his Sun along with Uranus. Very descriptive of the film itself but also of the apparent difficulties they had filming it, becoming one of the most expensive films ever.

    Add to that, he has a natal quincunx from his Cap Sun to Leo Pluto so the transits were hitting that too.

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