Much excitement about the Jennifer Lopez Ben Affleck up-the-golden-staircase moment as they got hitched at the witching hour on Saturday, the romantic frisson only tainted by the trashy Las Vegas venue. Two Leos both with Scorpio Moons – what could possibly go wrong? J-Lo has her Sun/Moon midpoint (the marriage significator) conjunct unpredictable, changeable Uranus which has led her through a merry-go-round of revolving relationships.
The wedding chart, assuming just after midnight, has a controlling Pluto in the 10th opposition a 4th house Sun Mercury – a dual pointer to a need for public influence and a strong streak of possessiveness. And that squares onto the Ascendant. The light-hearted Venus in Gemini is in an illusory square to Neptune and a sensible trine to Saturn; with a high-tension Saturn square Uranus, hinting at differing moods and agendas.
Their relationship chart has an optimistic composite Sun square Jupiter; with a passionate Venus square Pluto and a chained-together Pluto trine Saturn with Saturn in a suspicious opposition to Neptune.
More details in previous post 22 April 2022.
Neither have a good track record in relationships but sometimes even reprobates settle in their middle years. They will have to negotiate a disappointing and decidedly edgy patch through 2024 when tr Neptune opposes Ben’s Sun/Moon midpoint and squares the composite Venus; and 2025 when tr Uranus shakes up the composite Saturn opposition Neptune.
It’s a Hollywood marriage. Nuff said.
I loved hearing about how Jen and Ben turned their drive-thru coffee date into a magical movie moment! Such a sweet and romantic story
Has Ben always carried a torch for her? Well I hope it works out.
Thanks Marjorie (now posted in the right place)
I wish them happiness. Glad they fulfilled this dream of marrying and no longer have to wondr what if ….. ! Maybe it didn’t happen the first time because on some level they weren’t ready to be tied together.
Curious as to the meanings of
His North Node conjunct tr Pluto
Her North Node conjunct tr Neptune
Is his Saturn conjunct her Venus the glue?
Thanks Marjorie. What I can’t understand, is why celebrities/movie stars want to get married so early on in their relationship. What is so important in getting married? I just don’t get it.
Celebrities have insecurities like everybody else. Possibly more because they’re always surrounded by yes-people and they know their career is based on looks as opposed to tangible skills. Not to say they can’t be intelligent, artistic or highly skilled or whatever.
Movie stars spend can spend long periods of time away from home. 2-3 months on a set in a foreign country. An insecure partner will worry especially if their own schedule clashes.
They move in circles surrounded by other beautiful people. The men want to ‘lock up’ the relationship, the women don’t want to have to deal with being asked out all the time.
I would guess.
Jennifer E
Re: Saturn conjunct Venus … I have seen it said that once the commitment is made, it can be very difficult to break. Irrespective of how miserable they may be making each other.
You would hope that given Ben is past his 2nd Saturn half-return (i.e. Saturn in Sag oppo Saturn in Gemini at age 45ish); he will have matured to tone down the worst of Saturn. I know I certainly I did, it was a big turning point for me.
Crikey those two comments from Mia and Gnarly Dyde aren’t nice ….I cannot agree with Mia ….ouch !
Don’t usually find this stuff on Marjorie’s site.
Sorry, if you wanted something like “Ooh, aren’t Jen and Ben a beautiful couple? It’s so great they got back together after all these years and finally able to get married. True soulmates” – don’t bother reading my stuff. I try to say what I see based on the astrology to explain. I have Scorpio/Sag/7th/8th going on so it tends to see the murkier side of people when it comes to relationships.
Hello. I read people/relationships like that, also. Neptune and Venus in Scorpio in 7. Sun, Mercury and some asteroids in Sag in 8th. I can’t stand hypocrites, posers and phonies. Probably why I want Harry and his wife held accountable for their lies and elder abuse(s).
I’m not a believer in 2nd time around relationships, I can’t think of anyone from my past who I would want to be with again. Will be interested to see how this plays out.
I suspect her moon-neptune-mars trine Leo mercury-sun dives into relationships then when the rose-tints are lifted bails. Trouble with being beautiful is you don’t have to work at yourself to make the relationship work.
I wonder if they are doing this to keep in the public eye. I’m sure that they will have a reality show soon like the kardashians.
Thanks Marjorie
I wish them happiness. Glad they fulfilled this dream of marrying and no longer have to wondr what if ….. ! Maybe it didn’t happen the first time because on some level they weren’t ready to be tied together.
Curious as to the meanings of
His North Node conjunct tr Pluto
Her North Node conjunct tr Neptune
Is his Saturn conjunct her Venus the glue?