Jeff Beck, known as the guitarist’s guitarist has died at 78. He’s described as a ‘rare musician, an absolute master of his instrument, and just about the most self-effacing rock supremo to ever grace a stage.’
He evidently shirked fame, did not chase hits and disappeared from the limelight for long periods if he did not feel creative. He turned down the chance to join the Rolling Stones at the height of their 70’s superstardom because he considered what they were playing to be too undemanding.
He was born 24 June 1944 and had a serious though charming Sun, Venus and Saturn in Cancer all square a musical Neptune; with his Neptune in a creative trine to Uranus, sextile an influential Pluto. His enthusiastic Mars Jupiter in Leo was sextile his Mercury with a Leo Moon lurking nearby.
There’s no birth time but his flamboyant Leo planets must have been muted to some extent in a hidden house.
[Is it just my imagination or are there a fair number of older musicians dying at the moment?]
Jeff Beck had a near fatal car accident on 5th Nov 1969 (time unknown, source various internet articles). He basically had to retrain his hands to play. I’ll have a look later to see how/if this shows up on the charts we have
“Is it just my imagination or are there a fair number of older musicians dying at the moment?”
Marjorie – there are, I agree – plus other famous people – Gianluca Vialli, famous footballer and delightful man, for one. I was thinking about the period in early 2016 when David Bowie and Alan Rickman died – 10th and 14th January. I seem to recall a phase of celebrity deaths then, and it was remarked upon at the time. I might be mistaken. But I do remember people reacting strongly to the relatively early loss of Rickman and Bowie. Tr Jupiter in Virgo was then conjunct the Nodes at 23 Virgo/Pisces. Neptune at 23 Pisces now. There are quite a few fixed stars around those degrees, which may add to the feeling of something being ‘broadcast’ to the public?
I always feel there are a lot of deaths generally around this time in the ‘dead of winter’, not just of people but animals too. We’ve taken in many rescue cats and dogs over the years–at our peak had 17 cats and 3 dogs with us on a permanent basis–and the older ones often had crises and passed around this time. I think it’s a time of low vitality generally. Our local obituary pages always swell around this time too.
I was thinking, if this is true, there must be statistics to back it up. Googling ‘month with most deaths’ brought up numerous articles indicating that January generally has the most deaths, at least in the northern hemisphere. Here is just one of them from November 2022: https://www.livescience.com/deadliest-month-us.
I agree about the animals, Laurien. Our rescue and non-rescue cats in particular seem to choose February to leave, all at a good age though. The oldest was 20! All the dogs, over the years, have died in the autumn months.
As for 2016, I did a bit of research – it was quite a shocking year for famous deaths it seems. They included Prince, Leonard Cohen, George Michael, Gene Wilder, Muhammed Ali, Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds, her mother. IMBD gives 5,265 names for the year, but many of them aren’t known to me. I don’t know if that’s a ‘normal’ number or not. However, we did lose some wonderful talent back then.
Interesting! Maybe the dogs wanted one last summer. Also interesting about 2016. It was a year that featured squares between Uranus and Pluto and Saturn and Neptune. Just off the top of my head, I wonder if that had something to do with it. Maybe Saturn-Neptune especially killing off some our film and music icons. Lots of room for research if any astrologers are so inclined!
I rectified his chart to 3:54:23 pm. Moon, r10, conj MH, for public projection, Neptune rules 5th of
entertainment square Venus, music, elevated, ruling his Ascendant.
At death Lunar Return Pluto conjunct his IC of endings.
Hi Martha, the rectified chart is for 23rd, not 24th June. Is that correct?
Hi Marjorie and thank you,
I hope it IS just your imagination that we’re losing so many older musicians at the moment! Jeff Beck’s loss is a real shock. As a teenager in the 60’s I was spellbound by the rise of English r’n’b groups (yes, including the early Stones!) and the explosion of rock forms that followed, until it self-combusted in the rampant egotism of prog-rock.
Of the 3 guitar gods – Clapton, Page and Beck, the most talented and innovative has gone first.
In his natal chart, despite the lack of a birth time, what stands out for me is the chart shape, a classic ‘bundle’, focussed on one area. I think it provides a perfect snapshot and summary of his life and work.
RIP Mr Beck
Canadian drummer Robbie Bachman formerly of Bachman-Turner Overdrive died today. Born February 18, 1953 in Winnipeg. Transiting Uranus was conjunct his natal Jupiter. Transiting Venus conjunct his North Node so hopefully a peaceful passing. Brother Randy tweeted that perhaps Jeff Beck needed a drummer.
Love that bit about passing on joining the Stones…Brian Wilson mentions doing Danny Boy on tour w Beck in 2013.
Sounds like one more worthy thing to track down…
Fair bit of chart activation from jupiter at his passing. Saturn opp natal Jup, Jup square his cancer stellium and opp his Neptune. I think of jupiter as larger life somehow now. Marjorie I think you have commented on Jup presence at the time of passing.
Don’t know if we are all dying off but perhaps we’ve just reached the last bar (knowing musicians’ habits).
Marjorie, I recall you saying (possibly just before the Pisces ingress) that a fair few well-loved stars tend to depart around the time Neptune is due to move signs. Maybe Jupiter’s co-presence would amplify this?
There always seem to be a spate of deaths amongst creative types this time of year.
Only got to see him once live. His playing was very emotional as well as skilled. A rare musician who could bring out so many emotions in his audience. The Mars, Moon, Jupiter Leo could cause explosions of energy, in perfect time and pitch.