Israeli intelligence was caught by surprise this morning as Hamas militants fired thousands of rockets into Israel from Gaza and gunmen infiltrated the south of Israel. Mohammed Deif, the leader of the Islamist militant group, said it was the launch of what he called “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm”. “We’ve decided to say enough is enough. The occupation has committed hundreds of massacres against civilians. Hundreds of martyrs and wounded died this year due to the crimes of the occupation.”
Benjamin Netanyahu retaliated by saying “we are at war.” It is the first major outbreak in the more than 15 years since Hamas took control of Gaza and comes after months of violence and rising tension between Israelis and Palestinians. See previous post 3 July 2023 – Violence breeds violence with no end in sight.
It erupted as the Mars Pluto square draws to exact echoing the December 2008 Gaza War which lasted three weeks, kicking off on a Mars Pluto conjunction in Capricorn and resulting in an Israeli win.
The rage and anger of this October 14 Solar Eclipse (see Eclipse below post) is clearly in evidence though the Libra Eclipse degree itself does not impact on the Israel, Hamas or Gaza charts. Though it does on the Hamas/Israeli relationship chart which has a composite North Node at 21 Aries exactly opposition the Solar Eclipse with a 19 degree Saturn in Libra conjunct.
Israel, 14 May 1948 4pm, has been brewing up for trouble throughout this year politically as well as militarily, see previous post 30 December 2022 Israel – on a dark road backwards.
Israel’s deeply entrenched and impossibly obstinate 8th house Taurus Sun picked up the first tr Uranus conjunction in the middle of August and this jolting, forced-change influence runs on and off till early 2025. Tr Neptune square the Israel Jupiter is also in effect undercutting confidence and enthusiasm and also runs until early 2025. In 2025 and 2026 tr Uranus will make a violent, insecure, over-reactive square to the Israel Mars which will be reverberating at the moment since it squares the Israel Sun – making for a longish phase 2023 to 2027 when there will be high risk, shocks and upsets. 2026 also has the Solar Arc Midheaven conjunct the Neptune which will bring disappointment and indecision.
There is also a tricky run of Israel having a dead-halt SA Mars square Pluto in 2025 and then square the war-mongering Saturn/Pluto midpoint in 2027 alongside SA Mars conjunct the South Node the same year; and SA Mars square Saturn by 2029. Plus tr Pluto opposition the Moon in 2026/27. A relentless pounding for years and years ahead and the 2030s don’t look much better with tr Pluto opposition Israel’s Saturn and Pluto and all the Mars midpoints thereafter until it opposes the Mars in 2041.
Not that Hamas, 14 December 1987, are looking upbeat with tr Neptune in square to the Uranus this year and next; with a deadlocked or ruthlessly suppressed SA Mars Pluto crossing their Sun in 2025/27.
Gaza, unsurprisingly, looks rattled mid December 2023 to mid March 2024 with tr Uranus square its Uranus and opposition Mercury. The Gaza chart, 9 November 1917 9am has an exact SA Sun opposition its Mars at the moment for a collision-type event.
I suppose it is too much to hope that Mohammed bin Salman gets involved who evidently said an Israeli deal was dependent on the Palestinian problem being settled. The USA won’t step up to the mark and no one else makes an impact. The Israel/USA relationship chart has the composite Mars square this Solar Eclipse and the Lunar Eclipse is exactly conjunct the composite Pluto – which looks irritable and stuck. European leaders have condemned the attack.
How odd – Egypt alerted Bibi days before…that something bad was afoot…and Bibi chose to ignore the warning. Now some are lining up Iran in the common gunsight.
But this is old news that’s been ignored.
Shani Louk( 15/06/1993), the Germán woman seen in Hamas Pick up track, was exactly in her Saturn Return. Rest un peace Shani
Interestingly, Shani is the Vedic Astrology word for Saturn.
The Vedic astrologers were predicting something violent would happen around Oct 5th because Mars would be conjunct the South Node (Ketu). They pay great attention to the nodes and regard Ketu as a malefic.
I looked up the positions in the western ephemeris and on 7th Oct, Mars was at 26°31 Libra and Ketu was at 25°26 Libra. So the conjunction happened just after they crossed the Israeli ascendant (23°02 Libra).
The Hamas chart looks like the perfect foil to the Israel chart. Israel stubborn and arrogant with its 5 planets involving Sun-Moon-Mars-Saturn-Pluto vs Hamas with Scorpio Mars-Pluto and Sag Sun-Mercury-Saturn-Uranus. The Hamas moon is either in Virgo squaring the Sag planets or in Libra squaring the Cap Neptune. If this were a personal relationship it would be love-hate, bitter to the end if the two people involved didn’t work on themselves.
The Mars-Pluto square, and the energies of this eclipse are intense. A few thoughts:
I noticed that this eclipse Saros ‘family’ began in 1248 – the year when the 7th Crusade began, led by Louis IX of France. It is, like all the Crusades, complicated. However, while mainly aimed at Egypt, it involved Gaza, Syria, Lebanon, and contact with what was then Persia, now Iran.
It is also somewhat chilling to see the eclipse degree crop up in Israel’s history. So, for example, David Ben-Gurion, 16 October, 1886 was one of the founders of modern Israel, and its first PM. His Sun, 23 Libra, square Saturn 22 Cancer. His Mercury 5 Scorpio catches the Lunar eclipse later in October.
The agreement signed by Yasser Arafat of the PLO and Yitzhak Rabin of Israel was intended to create, eventually, independence for Palestine. 13 September, 1993 – Mars 20 Libra, Jupiter 17 Libra, square Uranus and Neptune 18 Capricorn. Both men shared the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994.
As for Iran, the Revolutionary Guard of 1979 have Mars 21 Aries, Mercury 20 Aries, and Pluto 17 Libra. The Islamic Republic of Iran has Pluto 18 Libra, while Iran 1906 has Mercury 22 Libra.
And here is what Marjorie wrote in May this year:
“The winds of change in the Middle East appear to have brought together a troubling alliance of Iran, Syria, Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad. ‘This axis of antagonists has rarely cooperated so directly in the past’ and is raising fears in Israel of an outbreak of war in the region. One political commentator said that Tehran was boosting its presence in Syria and Lebanon with these links in order to create an “effective deterrence belt” around Israel. “The presence in Syria and Lebanon is to a large extent a defensive posture, deterring not only the Israelis but by extension the Americans from taking military action against Iran.”
The chart for Gaza is the day after the Russia 8 November 1917 chart. Will be susceptible to the same Uranus transit to Uranus square Mercury
Good eyes Zhane!
I am thinking that, using the 4 pm time for the Israel chart, the solar eclipse at 21°07′ Libra does fall on its ascendant. Like Leo, I noticed that it is Putin’s birthday today too. Maybe it’s a stretch but I wonder if he is behind the attacks in terms of funding or otherwise encouraging Hamas to provide a distraction from the Ukraine War. He does pick anniversary dates and whatnot for his operations. Or maybe it’s Hamas’s way of saying thank you. The Russians have apparently been getting cozy with Hamas over the past few years. Putin’s slippery 12th house Neptune at 21° Libra is exactly conjunct the solar eclipse and his calculating 12th house Mercury (23° Libra) and Saturn (17° Libra) which flank his Neptune are also within orb. His Mars at 26° Sag is also sextile the Libra 26° Mars at the attack. BTW transiting Mars today is conjunct Netanyahu’s Sun at 27°34′ Libra based on a 10:30 birthtime (see entry on Astrodatabank). He also has a stellium of planets and points in Libra including his Moon at 19° Libra that will be hit by the solar eclipse. Thanks for this post and also to the great historical info from other commenters.
Gaza chart is the day after the 1917 Russia chart of 8 November. Same transit of Uranus to Uranus sq Mercury
According to Reuters Sept. 29, Saudi Arabia said it would NOT hold up a deal even if Israel does not offer major concessions to the Palestinians. This violence is paid for by Iran, and Iran has attacked the Saudis as well. Fear of Iran is the reason they’re discussing the strategic partnership with Israel in the 1st place. For whatever they say to control their own publics, most Arab countries have given up on Palestinians.
I have been thinking a lot about Israel the last few weeks. Trying to understand more about the UltraOrthodox Jews, the take over of their government by the far right (a warning to USA), the mass protests of everyone who is not far right against the government overhaul they are trying to do. My understanding is that the UltraOrthodox do not fight, do not serve in the military and do not work. CBS stated they were 1/3 of the population. How can you manifest a country that way?
BTW – I was an exchange student in Venezuela for three months living with a lovely Jewish Family – Father, Mother, Boy, Twin Girls for a Summer when I was 17. They were originally from Israel. They went back to Israel when Venezuela fell apart. They live in Beersheba. They found me on Facebook. We are still connected. Of course, worried, connected, concerned. Educated moderates. Lovely people.
Forgot to add the mother and father met when they were both serving in the military.
Marjorie,have you looked at Hizbollah?
Iran connections as well.
Even a bigger threat,here.
Guess we have to be aware.
Certainly not a nice world,coming.
Hamas is not designated as a Terrorist Organization in Turkey.
“We do not see Hamas as a terrorist organization” said Erdogan.
What about the SA Mars squaring natal Pluto and Saturn of Israel in the 10th House?
What about the SA Mars approaching the natal axis of the nodes?
Thanks have added.
I’ve visited and lived in Israel off-and-on over the years because I have a friend from university who took up aliyah and settled in the northern town of Metula. She and her family would invite me to stay with them during the summer months – they knew I was researching my Crypto-Sephardi Jewish heritage…and thought I might be interested in visiting Northern Israel (which is a predominately Sephardi Jewish area) The first time I visited Israel and was in 2001. I went back again in 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, and 2012. In 2006, I was in Israel just 3 months before the Lebanon-Israel War broke out (thank heavens I wasn’t there for that debacle).
Every time I was in Israel, I was habitually reminded of how volatile the region was. I would often wonder how my friend and her family have managed to endure living around checkpoints, identification cards, air raid sirens (which I was encountered a lot when I was there), and sudden outbreaks of war.
But then I would remember just how beautiful Northern Israel was when I would visit. It’s such a vibrant enclave of Sephardi Jewish culture, Ladino music, delicious cuisine (plenty of vegan and vegetarian eateries, by the way), and most of all: many of the towns in Northern Israel (like Tzfat) are known for Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism) and the teachings of the 13th century Spaniard / Sephardi Kabbalist Abraham Abulafia. So, I quickly understood why my friend and her family stay there.
It’s a shame that another war has broken out. The world has seen enough violence these past few years…so I sincerely hope there will be peace for the people of Azerbaijan, Israel, Kosovo, Kurdistan, and Ukraine sooner than later.
Just a quick thought – not sure how it plays into matters – but transiting Venus is conjunct Israel’s natal mars today.
This coincides with the completion of this summer’s Venus retrograde.
Entered the pre-retro shadow on June 19th-ish at 12Leo12
Retro at 28Leo36 on July 23rd
Direct at 12Leo12 on Sept 4th
Exiting post-retro shadow today Oct 7th at 28Leo36
Venus rules Israel chart’s Libra Asc and Taurus 8th
While Mars rules its Aries Desc and Scorp 8th
Guess Putin laughs on his birthday,today
Just don’t “unfocuse” on Ukraine, please.
Thanks Marjorie. Really very concerning, to say the least.
The Yom Kippur War, 6 October 1973 had Uranus 22 Libra, and Mars 7 Taurus. October’s eclipses activate those. Uranus squared Chiron at 18 Aries.
And GD – Venus was 26 Scorpio when the YK War began, squaring Israel’s Mars, and opposing its Sun.
Yom Kippur, the holy Jewish Day of Atonement and reflection, was in September this year, the date varies.