Israel – a tricky balancing act

Israel is treading a cautious middle line of neutrality over Ukraine providing “humanitarian aid” and “life-saving defensive equipment” but not weaponry or a defence system like the Iron Dome. They need Russian cooperation to continue air strikes against Iranian-backed forces in neighbouring Syria.

  They have also finessed a tacit deal with Hezbollah who gave a discreet nod of acceptance to a U.S.-brokered deal settling a decades-long maritime boundary dispute with Lebanon. The deal opens the way for offshore energy exploration. At the same time it defuses one source of potential conflict between Israel and Hezbollah, who have spent the last decade fighting to help Iran’s allies, notably President Bashar al-Assad of Syria. Hezbollah’s focus is now on rebuilding crisis-ridden Lebanon, with offshore oil and gas seen as the only lifeline to rescue the country from the recent devastating financial meltdown.

  The Israel chart is undergoing a Nodal Return at the moment so is considering its options for the way ahead. Their Solar Arc Pluto is sitting on the Ascendant as they make a concerted effort to transform their image.

  The months ahead won’t be easy with tr Uranus in a jolting square to the 10th house Saturn in this November and next March; with a downbeat tr Saturn in hard aspect to the Taurus Sun square Mars in Leo in January/February 2023.  Plus a nerve-stretched tr Neptune square the Uranus till late 2023 and then in a financially disappointing square to Jupiter in 2024.

  But the really heavy pressure – and it will be considerable – will come from tr Uranus conjunct the 8th house Taurus Sun after mid 2023 into 2024, moving on to a risky and self-esteem-denting square to the Israel Mars by 2025. The previous time there were similar influences was 2001 to 2003 when 9/11 led to the Afghanistan and then Iraq invasions and the Middle East was on high alert. The Israel chart also has a dead-halt, cornered Solar Arc Mars square Pluto in 2025 as well.

  The Bank of Israel chart also looks to be blocked, deprived and in meltdown in 2025 as well.

  No country will be immune from the coming turmoil but some will be more affected than others.

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