Iran recruiting allies to deter Israel and the USA

The winds of change in the Middle East appear to have brought together a troubling alliance of Iran, Syria, Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad. ‘This axis of antagonists has rarely cooperated so directly in the past’ and is raising fears in Israel of an outbreak of war in the region. One political commentator said that Tehran was boosting its presence in Syria and Lebanon with these links in order to create an “effective deterrence belt” around Israel. “The presence in Syria and Lebanon is to a large extent a defensive posture, deterring not only the Israelis but by extension the Americans from taking military action against Iran.”

  Benjamin Netanyahu’s chaotic right-wing coalition has inflamed Muslim/Palestinian feeling within its borders and is struggling to maintain its authority in Israel.

  The Israel country chart is a good deal more troubled ahead than that of Iran – see previous posts 27 March 2023 and 30 December 2022. Neither Iran chart, 7 October 1906 and 1 February 1979, is flagging up anything too stressed ahead.  Though the Iran/Israel relationship chart hints at aggravation this year and turbulence in 2024/25. A similar timeline is indicated in the USA/Iran relationship charts with uncertainty and concern this year, escalating in 2024/2025.  

  Iran and Afghanistan do look to be locked in combat in 2025/26.

  The Solar Eclipse of October 2024 in Libra is pointed up in several charts as significant. By that time tr Uranus in late Taurus is trine Pluto giving rise to movements pressing for change to the old order. By 2025 Israel has tr Uranus square its Mars which could be potentially violent.

 2024/2025 will bring a few sobering moments between the USA and Israel with the old rock-solid affinity being less robust than before.  Although on Joe Biden’s astrocartography  Teheran does put Mars exactly on his Descendant so it is one of his diplomatic and warzone hot spots.

7 thoughts on “Iran recruiting allies to deter Israel and the USA

  1. This could be said to be one of many disastrous unintended after-effects of the Iraq war. Saddam Hussein, however despicable, kept Iran in check.

  2. Thank you for writing about this. It appears Israel is on the verge of bombing Iran’s nuclear weapons facilities according to leaked documents from the CIA. It also appears that the conflict between Afghanistan’s Taliban and Iran is heating up as well.

    According to The Jerusalem Post, the Taliban has declared war on Iran and the Taliban are using weapons we (the U.S.) have left behind.

  3. As a neutral, I hope for once the UK overcomes its world power complex and stays neutral. Our involvement wouldn’t help any one on either side, let alone us.

  4. One general trend seldom commented upon is as the USA transitions to a majority non European descended nation by population – a change which will occur surprisingly timely – American political support for Israel – which, after all is said and done is the only reason why Israel predominates against her many fervent enemies – will evaporate.

    • @ Jonathan Portes,

      I disagree. Hispanic and Latina/Latino/Latinx Americans are fastest growing demographic here in the U.S. and many of them express stronger support for the State of Israel than younger Non-Hispanic White Americans (who are trending more progressive). I can (and will) provide reputable sources if necessary.

      The support for the State of Israel is very unlikely to evaporate anytime soon or in the near future – especially now that the West needs to work with Israel in helping keep nations like RuZZia and Iran in their place.

      • A recent gallup poll in USA vis a vis Israel.
        Sympathy toward the Palestinians among U.S. adults is at a new high. The 54% of Americans sympathizing more with the Israelis is similar to last year’s 55% but is the lowest since 2005. It is also the first time Israel has not enjoyed a better than 2-to-1 advantage over the Palestinians in Americans’ sympathies.
        Generational distinctions: in how U.S. adults view the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Net sympathy toward Israel is solidly positive among older generations. By contrast, millennials are now evenly divided. This reflects a steep drop in recent years in net sympathy for Israel among millennials.
        The drop in religious believers among Democrats is also highlighted as one reason for the drop in sympathy for Israel.

        • @ Marjorie,

          I already saw the Gallup poll. For the record, Gallup is a Republican-leaning pollster (R+0.6 to be exact) and this is just one poll.

          Here in the U.S., like with elections and most social statistics, majority of people who are usually polled are Non-Hispanic Whites. I already mentioned that Non-Hispanic White voters (younger Millennials and Generation Z) are indeed trending towards a pro-Palestine or at least a Two-State Solution (which is what I support).

          That being said, Hispanic/Latina/Latino/Latinx voters (of various age demographics) are trending in the opposite direction. Sadly, many are also trending towards the Republican Party too.

          Anyway, I’m a Latino/Jewish heritage Millennial Democrat and I support the two-state solution.

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