A federal investigation into Hunter Biden has concluded there is enough evidence to criminally charge him with tax crimes and lying about his drug use when he bought a handgun in 2018 according to reports. The US attorney in Delaware, a Trump appointee, has not yet decided whether to file criminal charges in the case.
Biden’s lawyers believe the leak about a possible prosecution was motivated by “frustration inside the FBI over the time it is taking prosecutors to deliberate over this case.” Hunter Biden confirmed he was under investigation for tax-related issues in 2020. His business dealings and consultancies in Ukraine and China have attracted political scrutiny and questions about the ethics of his connections to foreign businesses given his father’s political influence.
See previous post June 4 2022.
What is of key interest astrologically is that the Scorpio Solar Eclipse late this month will oppose Joe Biden’s Taurus Moon in his 5th house of children. The timing is uncanny. Eclipses opposing the Moon usher in a testing few months where personal relationships are concerned, with heavy emotional involvement. Pulling away from old patterns is essential and if not volunteered for tends to be forced on the individual through an external crisis. In 2024/25 tr Pluto will square Joe B’s Moon for a challenging and can-be-anguished time.
Hunter is clearly a blind spot for Joe. Hunter’s Neptune is conjunct Joe’s Ascendant so he’ll smokescreen his father and with H’s Pluto in Joe’s 10th he’ll control him. But the potential for Hunter to undermine Joe’s image and cause damage in his career is built into their relationship.
Their relationship chart has Neptunian overtones (shades of the Queen and Andrew); in this case with a composite Sun Venus sextile Neptune trine Pluto.
Jill Biden is less persuaded by Hunter with her Pluto opposition his Aquarius Sun and Venus; and her Saturn conjunct his Pluto. Their relationship chart is cool and edgy.
Hunter, 4 February 1970 no birth time, has the tr Saturn square tr Uranus exactly in hard aspect to is Venus in Aquarius now; with a panicky-failure Solar Arc Mars opposition his Neptune; and a Progressed Mars in a car-crash-collision with his Sun around now as well. Quite an upset with more jolts and jangles through till early 2023 and Neptunian swamps through 2023 and 2024.
Well thank god he didn’t steal from a childrens cancer charity or a dog rescue! No one really cares if Hunter is charged or found guilty. We are waiting for the trump crime syndicate to go to prison.
Really hope Hunter does not slide back into virulent drug addiction, which Beau’s death triggered so badly. His new wife is responsible for forcing him into sobriety in a way POTUS/Jill could never do.
Hunter Biden was offered a plea deal by the DOJ which he refused, Hunter calls Joe the ‘ big guy ‘ I believe that Hunter will have the ultimate revenge on his father and bring down Joe Biden and the Democrat Party in one foul swoop.
My idea about Hunter is that he is child who gets into trouble to get attention especially since Beau seemed to be the chosen one since he was named after his father and grandfather.
Or Hunter’s behavior could be the result of the brain injuries he suffered in the car crash that killed his mother and sister.
Too bad we don’t have the chart of the Washington Post reporter who claims to have gotten the info.
He may not be on the up and up-has put out stories that conveniently affect elections
(Like Saudi’s Arabia’s messing w/ oil-gas production just now)
Trumps adult children – and we are talking 3 ppl who are in running Trump’s business & then Kushner—all are involved in very shady activities that often deal with international relations. That involve corruption—possibly involvement with Trumps stolen classified documents too.
Biden’s crime (in this instance) is not stating he has used any drugs (including just weed) when applying to buy a gun.
It’s just mean BS
Nothing close to anything that has big effect on anyone but Hunter.
Jared basically helped kill Kashogi.
So much difference between someone being a bit of a mess & others who caused deaths (Kushner also didn’t want to help Blue states at the height of Covid & is responsible for many deaths from that as well.)
The contrast batten the 2 families is huge.
@KG, the reporter also broke the story of Trump indictment being dropped by a friendly judge, right?
And I really don’t get the continuing disinterest on Don Jr. from the US press, given Hunter has not been part of his dad’s campaign, while Don Jr. very visibly is. Don Jr. has had a very troubling downward spiral on Twitter.
The press is truly horrible in catching things that matter, somehow.
Yep. Trump & his children have cheated people out of their money. Hunter Biden is messing up his own life (I hope he is straightening himself out).
Has Marjorie done pieces on CNN, NYT, Fox News & other media outlets?
The News media is not doing its job.
The reason for the 1st amendment isn’t for people to randomly say anything they want–it was to protect those who put a check on those in power through informing others and to allow people to protest to have complaints addressed.
The “news” media is not acting as the 4th Estate. They are to be a check on power. So many outlets are just reality t.v. entertainment.
That’s well said Deborah. Joe Biden certainly will leave the US and NATO in better circumstances than he found them when his administration ends. And how many of us can claim anything like that? But poor Joe never seems to catch a break from the Fates! The very week of his most dazzling legislative triumphs was dominated by endless toxic headlines about new Trump atrocities. And Hunter is the heartbreak kid from Hell. To say nothing of the endless whining that Joe is not a JFK-level orator! I appreciate Marjorie’s astrological explanation of Joe’s blind spot about Hunter and I feel so sorry for this unusual and dedicated president with such lousy luck!
Leslie, the people whom you care for the most, will cause the ultimate harm to you. Joe has been given a raw deal
Sad to read this. Joe Biden, though too old to run again in my opinion, has made headway in stabilizing international diplomacy and throwing a few modest privileges to the middle and working classes, instead of simply codifying more tax cuts for the upper one percent, as Trump did. It will be hard on Joe Biden, and on the country, if the Trump-appointed judge prosecutes Hunter before Biden’s term ends. Not a Hunter fan, Beau was Joe’s promising and honorable son, but in terms of distraction in terrible times, this seems unnecessary hardship for the country. Donald Jr., Ivanka, and Eric were not prosecuted for their financial crimes during Trump’s term, though they have been indicted in New York finally.
Yeah it is too bad that Biden is cleaning up Trump’s mess just so that DeSantis can muck it up.
DeSantis is scarier than Trump because he’s smarter, even more underhanded and vicious, a true Rethuglican.