Gavin Williamson – defying political gravity yet again

Gavin Williamson, the Tory cabinet minister, regularly lampooned by commentators as a bad joke, has used up his nine lives and more. He has over the years made repeated gaffes, two of which saw him ousted from May and Johnson’s cabinets and he now looks to be going the same way from Sunak’s round table. The astonishment is he was ever there in the first place. He has a reputation as an inveterate plotter and knows where the  bodies are buried from his time as Chief Whip. But the bullying allegations he now faces show no signs of going away.

  Born 25 June 1976 in Scarborough, he has a Sun Venus in Cancer square Pluto and trine Uranus – charming, controlling and defiant with his Uranus also in a can-be-autocratic Saturn in wannabe important Leo. His Mars in flamboyant Leo is in an opportunistic and risk-taking square to Jupiter.

  This coming January looks like his downfall with tr Saturn throwing a significant setback in his way as it opposes his Mars plus a trapped, enraged tr Pluto opposition his Sun/Mars midpoint. He will recover to  push ahead with full brass-neck polished by late March but from April runs into career losses, one and off into 2024.

  His relationship chart with Rishi Sunak isn’t great at the best of times with a bad-tempered/mutual dislike Mars Saturn conjunction and a oneupmanship Jupiter square Pluto. It runs into the buffers come February 2023.

  He’ll no doubt bounce back in his usual brazen way but will crash into an obstacle even he can’t climb over easily by 2024 when his Solar Arc Mars is conjunct his Pluto.

5 thoughts on “Gavin Williamson – defying political gravity yet again

  1. Williamson has been fired (yet again).

    Looks like the lunar eclipse might have been in play as it occurred exactly on the Moon in the composite Sunak/ Williamson chart Marjorie posted.

    • @ Hugh Fowler, also, long awaited US Powerball and Eurojackpot wins came out last night. No escaping from this one for people with planets affected and money matters in general.

  2. He is three days older than my best friend, therefore close to an astrological twin, although my friend friend has a distinctive Sun/Moon in Cancer on MC 9th house side (she is Libra Rising). My friend would be the first person to admit she is extremely stubborn, and, being also into astrology (though even more to tarots, she has also designed some) tells it’s up to her Sun/Moon, but also Taurus Saturn/Leo Mars square, which, however, also gives her artistic talent. She hasn’t had the best period, as of late either.

    Overall, friend is one the most profound people I’ve ever known, and we’ve definitely known in other lifetimes. Goes to show how minor changes in astrological charts can produce such different character!

    • Correction: Friend actually is has that Sun/Venus conjunct 9th house. Moon is later degree Cancer, 10th house side. Interesting tidbit about her 9th house, she always did well at school, and was first of her working class family to go to lyceum rather than vocational school and later University.

  3. Thanks Marjorie. I was wondering about this strange man, and his rather theatrical love of a sinister persona. His Mercury opposition Neptune may help with that.
    I remembered all the publicity around his ‘pet’ tarantula, which he kept on his desk when he was Chief Whip, and also at the Ministry of Defence. It was called Cronus. Interesting to see Saturn (Cronus) challenging Uranus in his chart – Uranus being Cronus’ father in the Greek myths. Asteroid Arachne (Greek mythological weaver who became a spider) is 8 Taurus, aligning with his South Node. Murky!

    And as for 2024, probably an election year, when you write that Gavin Williamson – “will crash into an obstacle even he can’t climb over easily”, I read this today:

    “Dominic Raab and Gavin Williamson could be casualties of a shake-up of parliamentary constituencies.

    Under plans from the Boundary Commission revealed on Tuesday, the number of seats in England would increase from 533 to 543.

    Although the total number if MPs will remain at 650, the aim is to ensure all seats broadly have a similar number of voters.” Huffington Post

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