France is in flames as riots broke out over the police shooting of a teenager without a driving licence who drove away from a traffic stop. The state prosecutor said the circumstances of the shooting did not meet the criteria for the legal use of firearms by the police. Macron said the killing was ‘unforgiveable’ but then described the resulting violence as “unjustifiable”. Public buildings have been burnt and at least 130 police officers injured in the worst rioting in 18 years, as the simmering tensions between young people and police in disadvantaged neighbourhoods boiled over.
Whether it was racially motivated or not, and it seems likely, since the youth was French of North African origin, it could spell trouble ahead.
The France chart was always due to have it revolutionary Uranus opposition Pluto square Mars detonated by tr Uranus square Uranus and Pluto exactly now and moving on to oppose the Mars through the first half of 2024, all ramped up by the Solar Arc Sun square the Fr Uranus and Pluto in 2024. So the country will rock on its axis. Tr Uranus on Mars does tend towards violence so it won’t be easy to calm.
The France 29 degree Virgo Sun and Macron’s 29 degree Sagittarius Sun will both be undermined by tr Neptune in hard aspect from spring 2024 on and off into 2025 – so an ineffectual and lacklustre response is likely to be the outcome.
Macron’s 2nd Term began officially on the 14th May 2022 with a 23 degree Taurus Sun square Saturn at 24 Aquarius – all of which will be severely rattled by tr Uranus from this August onwards into 2024.
My French grandmother and great grandparents were colonist in Algeria. My great grandfather was the mayor of Algiers and a dam architect. I grew up with a deep understanding of the French/Arab dynamic. My American GI grandfather gave me a copy of ‘The Battle of Algiers’ when I was 16. Young Arabs revolting against French police was the theme from what I can remember. Seems nothing has changed except the Arabs now in France have chosen to live with their oppressors.
Speechless on this BBC post – “A GoFund me page for the police officer who shot Nahel has raised more than €738,718 (£634,391).
The page was set up by Jean Messiha, a former politician who supported Eric Zemmour, a far-right presidential candidate, in France’s election.
The page claims the officer “has done his job and is now paying a high price”.
What price offered to bring the young man back to life?
the money is not for the police officer as the police corps will take care of his defence. They have their own lawyers.
By the way, you can watch the conference given par the french procecutor as well the one given by his own sollicitor if you are interested in what happened, it is on youtube for every one to watch . Beter than the press sensation and far more to the point.
The money is meant to breng his wife and children in security as the name and address of the police officer are circulating on the web. This is illegal but done anyway.
You may not know it, but people in france get their throat cut for much less . For example Samuel Paty, the little Lola, priests during offices and i could go on..
And war arms detained by the rioters were alread filmed during the riots, the pic are circulating on the net and online news.
His family is in mortal danger.
And i am glad that a part of french population show much consideration for the safety of his family .
And such attacks on family members don’t seem far-fetched.
Attackers in France tried to set fire to the home of a suburban Paris mayor’s home overnight and fired rockets at the official’s fleeing wife and children.
Agreed Aline. The news has sensationalized to the extreme in order to sow division.
thank you brigitte.
Just using common sense really and not drawing immediate conclusions about groundless affirmations . Some people made their business of playing victim of racism. I would say it is not only their bread, much more their butter if i may say so
I was just watching an interview of Driss Ghali on SudRadio by journalist Andre Bercoff.
It is online and very interesting.
Driss Ghali is franco marrocan a real scholar and gives lot of cultural information on arab and sub saharian cultures.
If you speak french, i would certainly recomand to watch it, that is if you are interested. Might be possible to get english sub tittel through youtube studio
this is the link
Being a know-it-all Virgo and inclined to be snippy when irritated I have learned a few lessons over the years when running into disagreements.
1. Never get embroiled in toxic ping pong matches. A certain temperament is incapable/disinclined to let go and will bat back endlessly. Let it go.
2. Do not make personal insults – known as ad hominem attacks – nor use derogatory language when describing views you disagree with. Tricky I know but think of Michelle Obama’s ‘go high when they go low’. Make an effort to dismantle the alternative viewpoint in a calm, logical manner – having vented your outrage into thin air and discarded what you would really like to say before putting finger to keyboard, since it won’t be productive.
3. Most/many people are incapable of changing their opinion and no amount of self-righteous battering or even incontrovertible evidence will shift them. Back away and leave it to fate to fall on their heads at some point – usually too many decades ahead but still. On this website conspiracy nonsense and repeating skewed reporting will be jumped on – and if too egregious the sender will be blocked.
When I lived in Paris in the ’70s (so long ago!), everyone in my little, predominantly white and carefully law-abiding ex-pat community knew to give the police a wide birth. The riot police, called the CRS I believe at the time, were renowned for their brawn and brutality. They would show up in massive force in dozens of buses at a time, lining the streets, for no apparent reason. I once got caught near one of their mass actions on my way home, again, no obvious reason. It was terrifying. (I’ve also got caught amidst a phalanx of thousands of Los Angeles PD stormtroopers surrounding a peaceful demonstration during the 2000 LA National Democratic Convention. It was only through the kindness of a young cop from a neighboring jurisdiction who saw my husband and I were trying to get away from potential trouble that we were able to escape from the crowd of cops.)
There’s a real danger in investing cops with too much power and protecting them from prosecution for use of excessive force.
I’ve seen it happen too often — but also seen extreme professionalism, genuine commitment to problem-solving and deep investment in community solutions among thoughtful, empathetic police who joined the force for the right reasons.
@ nicole
i also saw the Dutch riot mounted police in amsterdam during student riots.
Frenzy of violence, hitting people at random, also innocent passers by and tourists. Blood everywhere as well as teargas
You better not get caught in this sort situation. The true rioters are usually fast runners.
‘…. Give the police a wide birth …’
Sounds painful.
My American flatmate In Paris was cooking for the Prefet of Paris (chief of police — we attended cooking school in Paris) and she concurred. Once, in all innocence and naivete, we got too close to the riot police (I had my camera; they didn’t like that) and we ducked into the prefet’s compound to escape. His housekeeper hid us until they left.
I can’t imagine how dangerous and frightening it would be for young boys or men of color in those circumstances. We were well-connected stupid American 20-somethings playing with fire we didn’t then understand, but sure do now.
That’s why many friends who always “support the police” don’t understand why my views are more nuanced. I’ve seen and experienced too much in too many cities — and rural areas — to believe the police are always right.
@Jonathan, “berth,” not “birth.” Wretched autocorrect!
Much of the rioting seems to originate in the brutalist “Grand Assembles” housing projects that were so popular in the post war period. In the U.K. their equivalent were involved in most of the early 1980s riots. Anyone who can recall the Hulme Estate in Manchester of that period will instantly recognise the similarity of parts of Grigny when viewed from aerial photographs. Visiting Hulme in the 1980s I remember thinking that the surprise was not that the residents rioted but the fact they did it so seldom. Most of those U.K. estates were simply demolished in the late 1980s and 1990s to be replaced by more conventional housing. The French government might want to consider something similar. The irony is that most of these housing projects were designed by mainly left wing utopian architects though needless to say few actually bothered to live in their own designs.
Apologies that should be Grand Ensembles
@ hugh
Those ” grands ensembles” were built in the first place to replace the huges slums around Paris. Slums built of cardboard boxes and corrugated sheets. Many died of cold in the harsh winters of the 1950. The younger have no knowledge of it.
France was carpet bombed at the end of the war by the allied forces. So most infrastructures such as railways , roads and bridges had to be rebuilt as well as houses. There was also huge shortage of housing untill those grands ensembles were built.
The poorest being the inhabitants of the slums, were the last served in the housing market.
It was for it time very modern and well equiped housing and a cheap way to house many. But times have changed and degraded the buildings. Time to demolish and rebuild as Danmark is doing at the moment would be best.
Demolishing and rehousing, spreading and mixing populations from different origins.
Hulme in Manchester was built as part of the post war slum clearances in the U.K. Unfortunately no one bothered to ask the slum dwellers what sort of replacement housing they wanted. The result was a huge amount of money was spent building estates that were unpopular with tenants, fell into disrepair quickly, became focuses of crime and social deprivation, and ultimately were demolished after less than 20-30 years of use.
Much the same in Glasgow. They build huge overspill estates on the edge of the city which ultimately the police refused to go into because they were so dangerous. They had no soul and completely wrecked the old community spirit of places like the Gorbals. Belatedly they discovered that converting the old inner city Victorian tenements was a much better solution.
But there is one exception to this : this is the ” citée radieuse” also called la citée du fada ( fada=mad) in marseille and built by Le Corbusier. Cheaply built whith concrete ( as Le Havre that was totally destroyed)
Well kept and preserved, built shortly after the war and the appartments are still very much in want
The risk is that when there is a rush to build housing, any housing, it creates “vertical slums” as it was so vividly described to me when I was in an Asian city.
Which is why, while I am in favour of much more housing, I am not in favour of just build something, anything now, as it will lead to housing that nobody actually wants to live in.
hello marjorie,
so you are also an early riser too.
Yes of course there are racists among the police as in any profession in society. But that does not make necesseraly what happened a racistic motivated manslaughter
Wat the woman reports in the guardian is her own perception of events from of her own community . And she chose some references to support her writing. I would do the same.
As what is going on , it has very much to do with communities living along each other with a growing animosity towards each other. And as far as i know, not only in france
As a coin has two sides, there are also many random victims murdered, even babies and children not so long ago, by cut-throats ( literaly) from the same community who refuses often to comply to the rule of law, but play victim and invoke racism when the police acts
But then no one goes rioting , burning down and attacking and calling vengeance and murder as it is happening now. But tensions are rising, that is certain.
There is something as law and order for the good of any community, as we all want to live in peace.
The police saved me and my children, once i was by accident in the wrong place. Perhaps this explain.
But it would be interesting to see the chart of the police officer and the boy.
Both as i understand were at the age of ( about) a moon node return. I noticed that then very important changes in life occurs. That is around 18, 36, 53 and 72 years.
Perhaps sometime have look at it ?
I mentioned in a previous comment that I don’t condone rioting and civil unrest. However, what’s happening in France is mild compared to what’s happening in Ukraine, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Uganda, or Manipur in India – where people are being killed in ruthless attacks and constant shellings.
Normally, I don’t like to engage in “whataboutism” because I see that as a form of deflection and a dismissal of the crisis at hand. However, I’m just relieved that the civil unrest in France isn’t nearly as violent as it COULD be. Plus, not everyone is rioting; there are French citizens who are peacefully protesting…and I welcome that.
I’m just surprised (well, perhaps “surprised” isn’t the right word) that right-wing social media has capitalized on the situation in France and are posting information from off-the-wall sources that are exaggerating reports of certain events (which fact-checkers have since debunked).
For example, I saw Twitter posts claiming that rioters burned down the Bibliothèque l’Alcazar which is the largest library in Marseilles. That turned out not to be true. It did sustain some damage but I went to the library’s official website for details. I do read, write, and speak French as a second language (though, not as fluently as I used to) and according to their website, they will be reopening on July 4 after repairs have been made.
I literally had to post this as a response to so many misinformed Twitter people.
There was another claim that the Clichy-sous-Bois City Hall was also burned to the ground. Again, that turned out not to be true either. There was a fire in front of the building, but the structure itself was not burned to the ground. It turned out that social media trolls from India were instrumental in promulgating that rumor.
All in all, I do hope the situation resolves peacefully in France. Perhaps this distressing situation will encourage more police reform and force more French citizens to face some hard truths about systemic racisim in their country.
I know that the George Floyd Riots and protests here in the U.S. certainly forced more Americans to acknowledge that we certainly need police reform and we also need to quit always assuming that all police officers are working in the best interests of the communities they serve. And the days of the juries exonerating every single police officer who has been questioned for committing an egregious crime are over.
By the way, my own city (Jacksonville, Florida) experienced some of the riots as well as the peaceful protests during the nationwide George Floyd demonstrations.
Not to belabor the point but.. there is absolutely no justification for shooting someone for disobeying a law enforcement order by driving off in a stolen car. The police could have shot the tires, alerted other officers, or used alternative means to apprehend the suspect. Now, in this volatile astrological environment, there is an exaggerated response to an unjustifiable murder. Reminds me of George Floyd. No one is “right”. Hopefully lessons will be learned.
I’m too busy to disentangle who is ruder. Don’t go in for personal attacks. Don’t get all snowflakey about what you perceive as criticisms of your country. Whataboutery kickbacks that other countries are as bad if not worse do not address the matter in hand.
The Brit police are racist as are the US ones – but that does not excuse any other police forces from being so.
There are a lot of rude, insulting comments on here which ought to be removed.
“The France chart was always due to have it revolutionary Uranus opposition Pluto square Mars detonated by tr Uranus square Uranus and Pluto exactly now and moving on to oppose the Mars through the first half of 2024”
Regarding formerly colonial French North Africa, and the “elephant in the room” of Algeria I noticed that Algerian independence, 2 July 1962 has Mars 25 Taurus, square Uranus 27 Leo – a challenge for the French national chart and Mars/MC in particular. There’s also Neptune 10 Scorpio square Saturn 10 Aquarius, with Nodes 9 Leo/Aquarius.
For Tunisia, 15th June 1956, Saturn at 27 Scorpio is square Pluto 26 Leo conjunct Jupiter 26 Leo.
Morocco, 28th May 1956 also has the Jupiter 23 Leo conjunct Pluto 26 Leo, square a 28 Scorpio Saturn. They also have the addition of Mars at 26 Aquarius though.
Clearly, these countries have many problems of their own to deal with, and tr Uranus is likely to shake them up. But it looks as if the tense links between them and France are likely to continue manifesting in civil unrest.
thank you jane
This is very ingeresting indeed and would explain the tensions that have been rising
Please, do not support or understand violence. There is absolutely horrific pension crisis looming and nobody wants to solve it, at least not peacefully. I’m frightened.
The North Node is currently transiting over French First Republics 1792 Saturn at 9 Taurus. These are both currently square transiting Pluto. It suggests conflicts and confrontations perhaps running out of control. Pluto square north node also indicates the possibility of creative destruction and rebirth. It looks like a crossing point.
My bad that should read 0 Taurus,
We are also coming up to the Pluto Return of the (first) French Revolution of 1789-1792 in 2037-2040.
It was only about 15 years after the US’s Declaration of Independence in 1776. And we have seen the Pluto Return of that country in effect.
Incidentally the US Constitution, presidency and congress will be celebrating its Pluto Return at the same time as France, in 2037.
The UK’s Pluto Return after its formation on 1st January 1800 is next, in 2048-9.
We will be living in interesting times, if these three countries and economies implode, with the pieces being picked up by the EU and China.
As an aside, the UK’s Pluto Return may be the time for Irish reunification, undoing the Act of Union of 1800. Possibly that may impact on Scotland as well.
A hashtag on Twitter (which I will not repeat here) made me realise that we are at the Uranus return of the German invasion of France at the start of WWII (and of the start of WWII in Europe in general. The US will have its Uranus Return of Pearl Harbour and their entry into that war in 2025).
I wonder if we will see another Marshal Petain moment in the next couple of years.
Historically the French state often goes for the “whiff of grapeshot” solution when facing opposition. The crushing of the 1871 Commune was a particularly brutal example where artillery was used basically to blow up areas of Paris. The surprising thing about the various French Republics is that despite their revolutionary origin it can be surprisingly callous to its citizens. One of the things noticeable about the First World War was that prior to the 1917 mutinies French soldiers spent longer in the front line and had far worse pay, leave etc than their British counterparts. Of course one of the irony of the current situation is that the vast majority of the rioters complaining about their treatment by the law enforcement arms of the French state are simultaneously amost completely dependent on the very same government financially.
to hugh
At the time of the commune, France was also at war with Prussia.
And Prussia helped the French establishment to crush it
“We’re marching peacefully against police racism,” said Radia, a student in her 20s, who had travelled from Versailles. “We’re constantly seeing Black and Arab people targeted by police. This is one death too many.”
After 14 deaths at police traffic stops in the past 18 months – most of Black and Arab men – the case of Nahel had particular resonance because it was filmed. Police initially reported that one officer had shot at the teenager because he was driving at him. But the video footage instead showed two police officers standing by a stationary car, with one pointing a weapon at the driver. A voice is heard saying: “You are going to get a bullet in the head.”
Marjorie – I wonder what you think about the astrology for the riots that were sparked off because of events at Clichy-sous-Bois in October-November 2005? They were triggered by the death of two teenage boys who were hiding from police in a power substation, they were electrocuted. This horrible accident happened on 27th October, 2005 and led to three weeks of violence and unrest. Here we are, back in the same location.
At a quick look, it is a little chilling to see tr Saturn in Pisces conjunct the Uranus in Pisces for 2005. There was also Mars in Taurus, 18 degrees, square Neptune 14 Aquarius, with Mercury 25 Scorpio. The Chiron 28 Capricorn is conjunct Macron’s 2nd Term Pluto, and his own ascendant – a striking link in view of the way little seems to have improved, after all that was said back in 2005.
I’ve been looking at some other French individuals’ charts, and notice that Robespierre’s Nodes were 28 Cancer/Capricorn, Napoleon’s Moon 28 Capricorn, and Louis XV had Chiron 29 Capricorn square Neptune 25 Aries. So it may be a sensitive degree area, along with the Fixed signs which most certainly are everywhere I look.
Could you pls have a look at forthcoming Olympic Games France will be hosting-highly unlikely this will happen given current situation which is anything but good PR for the Olympics.
Thanks Marjorie. How horribly accurate that chart is for France. Macron’s Second Term Uranus and his natal Taurus Moon opposition Uranus would have been triggered by the May Lunar Eclipse. The Moon is currently travelling through Scorpio now as cities in France erupt. Tr Mars in Leo was square Tr Uranus in Taurus this week, activating the Pluto/Uranus opposition for France.
From what you say, it doesn’t look as if there’s much peace ahead. But this, like the French Revolution itself, has been simmering for many years.
That wasn’t a ‘police shooting’.
It was a cold blooded, deliberate, planned and malicious murder.
“whether it was racially motivated or not”
Probably not Marjory. The youth, 17 years old, was driving without driving licence a merc . And it was not the first of many offences, already at 17 years.
There were today on the radio, suggestions by auditors that the riots were led by drugs dealers in many “disadvantaged neigbourghoods” also in other cities.
Drugs dealing is done by many, but not exclusively, north african from disadvantaged neighbourghood.
It was suggested that the riots were a show and a warning of sort that police should not approach some areas where drugs are dealt. And there are in those area also fire arms such as kalashnikovs
This is a known problem in France. But as long as you have buyers, you also need dealers. And many are nowdays cocaine users in the whole of europe, even it seems among politicians.
As for Macron, he would have been wise to stay silent. As the saying goes : la parole est d argent, mais le silence est d or….
If “la parole est d argent, mais le silence est d or….” Aline, then you should have just shut your mouth, trying to justify a murder with racist comments on the victim.
The one thing that is being ignored is Law and Order. I know that this is seen as being right wing and so forth. I am not – I am a centralist. However, videos posted online can be edited. The car was a stolen car with a Polish number plate. The policeman gave orders not to drive off and he did. I am not condoning the policeman’s actions. I am attempting to point out that a person representing the law gave an order. Therefore, what is the point of Law and Order? If a person ignores the Law and then everyone riots, shouting Racism, whilst looting? I am not naive. I have travelled across a few country’s with an Asian man sat next to me on a coach. When the French police got on to check our passports they did indeed give me and the Asian chap, who happened to have the seat next to me, a very long hard look. It was uncomfortable. As they had guns by their side. I am only asking what is the point of any Law, if everyone put theirs opinions online and takes sides. Another argument is his age, surely by 17 all teenagers know right from wrong? I was mugged by a man with a knife in his pocket I could see it – people will react differently – I froze, this lad appeared to take flight. The Police were efficient without any thought of my feelings, they were dealing with a situation and needed to know the facts. This is what this policeman was more than likely doing – dealing with facts. Stolen car not registered to this young lad etc.
What we saw was an execution, even worse – a cold blooded pre meditated murder.
Are you really, seriously telling us that a boy, a youth, ‘deserves’ to die for something as trivial as a motoring offence?
The stinking irony and hypocrisy is that the French government is one of the loudest and most vociferous opponents of the death penalty, and never cease to be pompous and pontificating to sovereign nations which retain capital punishment for bloody murderers.
to jonathan
I dont know why the policeman had a gun in his hand. It usually does not happens by ” motoring offence”. So there must have been a reason
May be to understand why this happened, you should know that deathly shooting among drugsdealing youth occurs regularly in france. Some of them are as young as 14. Many arms are bought on the black ( criminal) market and have as provenance the former yougoslavian war. So many drugs dealers carry fire arms.
And arms of war. Even if they are under age. And being under age make them even more dangerous when feeling cornered by police. This is one aspect of what is happening
No one deserves to get a bullet like ths, i agree.
But when drugs and violence are involved and no respect of the law, what do you expect ?
As for the death penalty for criminals .
Don t get things mixed up. This is a political issue decided by the parliament. And what was constitutionally once abolished might be reinstated
i am not justifying a murder. I am like everybody who is commenting : i don t know. Just reporting what i heard on the radio.
I don t know the background of what happened , neither do you.
There is the video which i have not seen. But we don t know what happened previous to the video
What i can say is that a police officer does not have usually a gun in his hand when stopping a car . And that the youth in question had already a police record.
It shows that the police officer was scared. Why ? There are also many police officers that have died during this sort of action. Look at the statistics, they are public.
When a youth from a ” disadvantage” background drives age 17 a mercedes, beeing from north african or caucasian background, usually we ask ourselve what is the source of income.
Everybody in france knows that in the ” citées” a lucrative drugtraffic is going on. It has nothing to do with racism, but with criminality. And it is easy to blame the police of racism when you show a criminal behaviour. That is often the first defence. Racism .
That said, i don t know if the police officer was motivated by racism or not. Of he acted out of fear
@ aline,
I notice you seem to have a propensity for making asinine and insensitive comments about troubling situation. Only a few months ago, you had the audacity to defend the likes of Vladimir Putin by parroting right-wing talking points and promulgating conspiracy theories that implied Ukraine and the Ukrainian people were somehow to blame for the brutal invasion, occupation, and destruction of their country.
Now, you’re promulgating the stereotype that French citizens of North African origin living in lower-income communities are just a bunch of “drug dealers” and it reads as if you’re almost excusing the police officers’ actions.
I don’t condone rioting and civil unrest – I hope the situation in France gets under control soon. However, I also don’t believe law enforcement should be allowed to abuse their power. Police officers have a responsibility to defend communities and the people of those communities should be able to trust their police officers (not fear them).
Honestly, if you were an American, I think you would get along with the MAGA Trump supporters very well. I see many parallels between the awful things you’ve written and the terrible things MAGA Trump supporters say.
One last comment on this very dangerous situation is: political thought immediately rears its ugly head. There is no balance in conversations anymore. The logical rule of “either or or” is taken to extremes. You are also assuming those who live in poor areas cannot get out of those areas. It is often peer pressure from gangs and families that stops people moving on, not the authorities or police. Working in education you learn a lot about how people function; the way their minds work.Various ethnic or religious groups tend to form enclaves in cities. Look at Jerusalem – the same segregated quarters still exist today. There is no easy answer to life.
Oh come on now that is a very privileged Maggie Thatcher kind of remark. It is difficult to move onwards and upwards if there is discrimination in employment and elsewhere. The elephant in the room in France is always Algeria where a brutal colonial struggle took place and not that long ago. And French police are not your cosy English bobby type (as was). I lived in the south of France which is Le Pen country and racism was alive, well and kicking. The banlieues around Paris are breeding grounds for violence and drug dealing because there are no real legitimate avenues for advancement for the unemployed youth. There are no easy answers
yes marjorie, the elephant is the room is Algeria.
The brutal colonisation was ended by ” les accords d’ Evian” march 18th, 1962.
That is 60 years ago. Nevertheless, Algerians keep coming to the “oppressor ” france, while Algeria itself is a rich country. Rich agricultural soil, gas an oil. So many assets
And Algeria still and always complaining about France and the french.
Not all of them though.
Some french from algerian descent are very happy to live in france. And there is no difference between them and french with previous roots in italy, spain, russia, poland etc as france always had a lot of immigrees.
But only goodvscholing provides work and respect.
It is of course much more difficult for those living school at 16 without any qualifications.
i always have “the audacity” ( imagine) of defending my own point of vue. And i don t attack people with underhand arguments as i would not like beeing seen as obnoxious and pompous
I pretend to know more about france as i am fluent in the language and don t have to rely on and parrot what some very biased media report. I also consider to be better informed than you are
As for racism, france and french people are no ” competitor” compared what is happening in your home country
I will add that your comments on Ukraine are not worth an answer. Only contempt
to chris romero
the above answer
@ Aline,
Personally, I don’t think you are “better informed” than me or anyone else here on this forum. Much of what you’ve written in your original comment isn’t based on any findings from reputable sources.
As for my comments about Ukraine, I didn’t embellish or exaggerate when I pointed out how you defended Vladimir Putin and his brutal invasion.
You also disclosed something in one of your response comments I thought was very telling: “very biased media report.” I hear comments like this from Trump and DeSantis supporters here in Florida all the time – they’ll be presented with information from sources that are progressive, conservative, or nonpartisan….but if what’s being reported isn’t conducive with what they want to hear, they immediately shout “media bias” or even worse “fake news.”
@ chris romero
I have the most contempt for personnal attacks.
I won t answer your ranting any more
Aline. Unfortunately, drug money was probably behind this. Poverty always breeds this kind of thing. The 17 year old did know what he was doing. Not everything is racially motivated. What are the police to do in any country including ours.? Yours were valid comments.
And where is proper law and order nowadays anyway. The young watch the elite statesmen and women ignoring every problem. Our politicians in UK are terrible in showing that they do not have to abide by law and order. Every problem has come from the top.
thank you.
I am very worried about what is happening at the moment in france. My whole family lives there and everybody is scared. Most of all of a civil war.
The people, mostly youth led by ” social media” ( i would calle it anti-social) are extremely violents. All grown ups are scared at the moment.
Shops are plundered, even in small cities, schools and public buildings and transportations are burnt down