Elizabeth Warren, one of the moderate progressives in the Democratic Party is rattling up CEOs in her campaign to hold the corporate world to account. She lost the fight to be Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidency and says she’ll run again for her Massachusetts Senate seat come 2024, supporting Joe Biden in his stated aim of a second term.
She was born 22 June 1949 and is an innovative Sun Uranus in Cancer with a combative and determined mini-Grand Trine of Mars Mercury in Gemini trine Neptune, sextile Pluto. She also has Jupiter in Aquarius which is interesting since it catches the super-successful tr Pluto conjunction from April 2023 right through till late 2024. Over the election she has a raft of helpful and uplifting though minor Jupiter transits to various midpoints as well as one discontented one. Whatever happens she looks as if she is on a roll and more than upbeat about the result.
Good to hear this, since I liked what I saw during her campaign. I’d also say that she isn’t “moderate progressive”, in that many of the reforms she has suggested are radical even in Global context. She is just incredibly good – she has a lifetime of teaching experience, after all – at illustrating them in a way they make perfect sense to most people. I think this is exactly why Corporate leaders are so afraid of her. They know progressives coming across as “combative” such as Bernie Sanders and AOC have a limited reach, because they antagonize people. Liz Warren, on the other hand, was able to basically destroy Mike Bloomberg’s campaign in 2 minutes with a radical message.
Oh goody, someone with guts and commonsense on the up. Thanks Marjorie.
The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction back in December happened exactly on her natal Jupiter. To me that felt like she got an engraved invitation to participate in a new era. Pluto will accordingly also be crossing her natal Jupiter in 2023-2024. I can envision a role for her rather like those folks who have businesses where they go in and clean up murders and other crime scenes after the investigation closes.
Well 2024 seems to be blue skies and green lights from all angles for Democrats. But next year is the murky water, so how is she looking for the latter part of 2022?
@ Troy, I was hoping that the Democrats would have had a nice majority in the Senate after the November elections that that Warren would have replaced Schumer as Majority leader, but maybe she will take her rightful place as leader of the Democrats after the 2024 elections.