Today’s Solar Eclipse at 2 degrees Scorpio is in a Saros Series hinting at forceful even manic activity intent on taking power – and huge efforts in group activity. The following Lunar Eclipse at 16 Taurus is likely to be even more powerful with the Eclipsed Full Moon in close aspect to Uranus square Saturn.
Looking back over previous occurrences of similar 6 South Saros Series Eclipse there were events of considerable magnitude, none falling on the day itself though shortly before or after. Eclipses are thought to have around six months of influence. To be remembered in all examples there are always other influences in play as well which can make a significant difference.
Solar Eclipse – October 14 2004:
On September 1 – the Beslan school siege and botched hostage rescue with 333 dead in Russia
November 22 – the Orange Revolution in Ukraine erupts after corrupt elections.
26 December – Indian Ocean earthquake/tsunami leaves quarter of a million dead.
Solar Eclipse – October 3 1986:
November – the Iran-Contra leak
Solar Eclipse – 22 September 1968:
August 20 – invasion of Czechoslovakia
September – Arthur Ashe wins US Open and Tet Offensive in Vietnam ends.
October 5 – Irish Troubles start after Derry civil rights march.
Solar Eclipse – 12 September 1950
June 25 – Korean War starts.
Solar Eclipse – 31 August 1932
July – Dow Jones hits lowest level of the Depression
July 31 – Nazis become largest party in Reichstag.
September – Soviet famine starts with 5 to 8 million dead, Stalin blamed.
November – hurricane kills 2500 in Cuba.
Solar Eclipse – 21 August 1914
June – Archduke Ferdinand assassinated
July – World War 1 starts.
Before panic sets it it should be pointed out that in 1914 Pluto was just into Cancer with Saturn rapidly approaching a conjunction. Saturn Pluto is usually around for major wars and isn’t at the moment.
Our company announced a forced leave period for the rest of the year today with the hope (but no guarantee) that there will be more work for us in January to avoid redundancies. Fascinating timing.
Warning, I’m going to be an anorak! Among my treasures I have some writings by Lilley on a ‘Table on the Manfions of the Moon’ (that’s how it was written). The moon at 2 degrees Scorpio is described as being ‘Unfortunate for anything’.
Thanks Marjorie. Eclipses are always so fascinating. This morning, precisely on the peak of this eclipse today, some jolly builders working in my neighbourhood cut a major electricity cable. By mistake. Power cut to the whole street here, followed by hours of fun when my wifi refused to work. I have just got back online…..Weird timing eh?! I have nothing at the eclipse degree natally, but should probably check midpoints just in case.
And meant to add this:
Edgar: “How now, brother Edmund? What serious contemplation are you in?”
Edmund: “I am thinking, brother, of a prediction I read this other day, what should follow these eclipses.”
Edgar: “Do you busy yourself with that?”
Edmund: “I promise you, the effects he writes of succeed unhappily: as of unnaturalness between the child and the parents; death, dearth, dissolutions of ancient amities; divisions in state, menaces and maledictions against king and nobles; needless diffidences, banishment of friends, dissipation of cohorts, nuptial breaches, and I know not what.”
Edgar: “How long have you been a sectary astronomical?””
William Shakespeare King Lear Act 1, Scene 2. (1605)
And finally, just checked and see that progressed Mercury has just moved to 0 Scorpio. Solar Arc Mercury is sitting at 4 Scorpio. So simple, really. The neighbourhood, my neighbours, everyone’s communications messed up for most of the day….Mercury can be so easy to ignore, but there it is.
I have my Sum/Moon midpoint at 1.59 of Scorpio, squaring my North/ South nodes exactly, which means the midpoint is exactly on the eclipse. Also my Venus/Mars midpoint in Leo. The only thing that happened to me today out of the ordinary, was that I ate half a packet of chocolate ginger coated biscuits! I enjoyed every morsel.
Hello Marjorie,
That last line Saturn-Pluto was a relief! Thank you.
New PM of UK reminds of 2008 -President Obama- in terms of how green they both were at the moment of taking charge of their countries.
Astrologically are there are any similarities between 2008 planetary position and today’s planets?
For Hindus , eg Rishi Sunak it’s Kartik their auspicious month of the year
This is great, Marjorie, thank you for putting this together and also for giving people a bit of hope that this time around isn’t likely to produce WWIII. I do think important events cluster around eclipses and we have not just Rishi Sunak taking power but Giorgia Meloni and Xi Jinping getting a historic 3rd term, and probably some others I’m missing. Definitely an important moment in history.
Interesting…Rishi Sunak became the PM on the day of the solar eclipse – 6 South Saros Series Eclipse
The 1968 Saros 124 Eclipse was at 29 Virgo. It fell in Richard Nixons rising sign and was exactly square his 10th House Pluto in Gemini. He went onto win the US Presidency on 5 November 1968.
In fact that 1968 was square his Pluto Mars opposition. The Tet offensive helped Nixon get into power but the Vietnam War dragged on until 1975 with the US only finally getting out in 1973. The ruthless and breathtakingly cynical way that Nixon and Kissinger managed the exit of the USA from Vietnam for maximum domestic electoral advantage sacrificing many American and Vietnamese lives in the process very much echoes that planetary set up.