Not lauded for his negotiating skills in Brussels where he was nicknamed The Turnip when discussing terms for Exiting the EU, Dominic Rabb, now Justice Minister, has faced over the years concerns about the way he has treated officials in the departments he headed. All hotly denied and he is litigious.
But following on from Gavin Williamson’s departure there is an upsurge of significant criticism of his behaviour. The Guardian says: “Many sources in the MoJ told The Guardian Raab created a “culture of fear” in the department. Sources maintain Raab was “demeaning rather than demanding”, was “very rude and aggressive” and “wasn’t just unprofessional, he was a bully”.
Born 25 February 1974 he is a Sun Pisces inconjunct Pluto and square Neptune – the Sun Pluto will give him problems with wielding authority and a strong Pluto tends to go in for contempt. He also has a heavyweight Mars in Taurus in a volatile inconjunct to Uranus. With his Uranus in an emotionally cool, ideologically-dogmatic Air Grand Trine to Saturn in Gemini trine Jupiter. His Mars is also square Jupiter and trine Venus in Capricorn – with his Venus inconjunct Saturn. He will be full-on and uneasy within himself at the same time with so many quincunxes.
He was buoyed up by his Jupiter/North Node midpoint over his new appointment but that runs out in early December to be followed immediately by a job-loss Jupiter/Saturn and considerable disruption through most of December/January; setbacks in February and uncertainty after that.
His relationship chart with Rishi Sunak at the best of times is immensely strained with a composite Sun, Venus opposition Pluto square Mars and trine Neptune and trine Saturn. And is sagging badly at the moment, blowing up in December into January – which will give Sunak a problem since it calls his judgement seriously into question.
In Oscar Wilde’s sardonic phrase: ‘To lose one may be regarded as a misfortune, to lose two looks like carelessness.’
Looking at their Composite Chart. I get the feeling that they may stand against each other for a leadership contest in 2025, after losing the GE which will, at its latest, be called January 2025. Pluto will then by opposing their Part of Fortune in the first house. With all that Aries flying around it looks like they are wary bedfellows.
Sunak is another third rater imo, and placating the frothing right wingers of the Tory party. Why does a billionaire go into politics? Does he honestly give a damn about our lives and well being, or is he networking for and on behalf of his dark money types behind the scenes? His wife took an £11m dividend recently from her company still operating in sanctioned Russia. Imagine if that was a Non Tory politician. My own cynicism is depressing even me but how else can you view these dreadful creatures? Let’s hope Pluto in Aquarius gives the majority population a fair crack of the whip and as a bonus puts some of these crooks and shills behind bars.
Gambling. Sunak needs the top job as he will be known for that for his lifetime and his children will also be able to milk it. Chequers has always been a main draw too. Re his wife and India, it seems to me that England is not his main country and he has no love for it or the UK.
Money is truly the only God and as a poor person, I absolutely despair, because they have made me poorer and that is obscene.
On another note, I read that the 1950s Women pensions have been ruled as mal administration by the parliamentary ombudsman against the DWP. The report is public at end of November, and who in the Tory party gives a flying sh1t about us who were robbed, plain and simple. Why bother having an ombudsman, a total waste of public money, like most stuff in government. It’s all about them, not us the people. Pluto in Aquarius will have It’s work cut out against big money is all I can say. I particularly dislike Taurus, smug Sunak. He’s a crook and should be in prison.
This should say to Gamal. My phone just wouldn’t have it.
Thanks Marjorie. I had no idea he was referred to as The Turnip in Brussels! And now he’s alleged to have thrown tomatoes in his office. A vegetable theme emerges. The Piscean politician throwing things story reminded me of another Piscean, Gordon Brown – 20 February, 1951.
“The strain shows, say current and former Brown aides: among other things, it has inflamed a temper that has always been the subject of gallows humour among those who work with him.
The prime minister, 58, has hurled pens and even a stapler at aides, according to one; he also says he once saw the leader of Britain’s 61 million people shove a laser printer off a desk in a rage.
Another aide was warned to watch out for “flying Nokias” when he joined Brown’s team.” Guardian, 24th April, 2009.
Gordon Brown has Sun, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Nodes in Pisces. His Sun is inconjunct Saturn, which I think shows in his general demeanour. Mars is inconjunct Neptune and Pluto. Mercury in Aquarius opposes Pluto. There are more challenging, or awkward, aspects in his natal chart. But, as they say, it’s the grit in the oyster that makes the pearl. People throwing things in the workplace is very unprofessional, but not unusual in my experience.
And if we turned our attention to the hotel and catering industry, there’d be endless horror stories involving temper tantrums, flying objects, and worse. Volatile chef Gordon Ramsay, a Scorpio, has a Virgo stellium of Moon, Mars, Uranus, Pluto in Virgo. Saturn, Chiron, and Black Moon Lillith oppose these from Pisces.
Has the Pisces/Virgo axis got off lightly in the temper tantrum stakes?
Two fish moving in opposite directions. I have a close friend with sun, mars, venus in pisces and boy she has a temper. Spiteful too by her own admission. I haven’t observed a temper in pisces moon people though.
First Williamson, then Raab. Funny how no-one’s talking about Braverman anymore….
Braverman is getting stuff done.
She’s just signed a deal with France to pay them £63 million a year to arrest people traffickers.
She’s also changed the rules to allow people without degrees to join the police. It was always ridiculous to demand degrees for police, it’s more important they have people skills and physical strength.
No-one is talking about her because her department has stopped briefing against her – it’s a sign they’re warming to her.
Thank you, Marjorie.
Looks like Sunak is making dire choices regarding ministerial appointments to somehow keep the Parliamentary party together. Today he has urged the civil servants with grievances to come forward and make formal complaints.
Achieving 100% integrity in politics is impossible. Wonder why Sunak promised it.