Disney – playing merry-go-rounds with CEOs

 A surprise ouster of Disney’s recent CEO in favour of the much-loved and respected former top honcho Bob Iger took Hollywood and Mouse House staffers by surprise. Bon Chapek, despite being a long-time Disney executive had a stormy passage in the top job from 2020 with losses mounting due to exclusive streaming releases and was summarily let go. During Iger’s stewardship of Disney from 2005 to 2020, the company grew its animation studio, acquired core brands such as Star Wars and Marvel, and launched Disney+ to a massive subscriber base.

  Disney, 16 October 1923, is in a stalled phase with the Solar Arc Pluto conjunct the Sun Saturn in Libra now – and that is deprived and blocked. There should be an improvement in morale when tr Uranus opposes the Jupiter come May 2023 onwards though there will still be swamps ahead even with Iger’s steady hand on the tiller. Tr Neptune opposing the Disney Mars in 2024/25 suggests there’ll be no quick fixes.

  Iger, 10 February 1951, is a Sun Aquarius opposition Pluto which is being rattled by the tr Saturn square tr Uranus at the moment and through 2023 – so he’s not exactly at ease and with his Solar Arc Saturn approaching the square to his Jupiter over coming months he may wonder what he’s let himself in for.

  His relationship chart with Disney does have a helpful and lucky composite Earth Grand Trine though it will be under considerable pressure through 2023/24.

  Bob Chapek, 21 August 1960, a New Moon, Mercury, Uranus in Leo had been with Disney for 26 years rising up the ladder. Though his relationship chart with Disney was never good with a hostile composite Mars Pluto conjunction and an evasive Sun Neptune – and an up and down Saturn opposition Uranus. Surprising he made it to the top however briefly.  

5 thoughts on “Disney – playing merry-go-rounds with CEOs

  1. I see you’ve used a neutral time for the chart of the Disney company. I have to assume that Walt was likely excited to begin work on that day (OC 16 1923). He was known for 7 AM to 10 PM days during early Disney, for what ever that’s worth. So not to hijack your observations on more recent DIS events but I think the original events of the Co are really worth looking at…

    If we assume a 6:00 time on OC 16 1923, it makes an interesting comment. Think about how Walt’s late Virgo Asc and libra Moon interacts with Disney Co – think about the fact the company’s namesake reflected his identity, ideal, ambitions, vision. But secondly, in the 12th we see mars in late virgo which would have directly aspected his ascendant, next to mercury. One could theorize this was Walt behind the scenes, who was notoriously more abrupt, than the seemingly delightful, eloquant, clear spoken persona portrayed in the media. Succinctly, the ascendant of Disney Co would have been inside of his own 1st house, being a self he portrayed, while the self he really was aspected hypothetical 6 AM Disney Co’s 12th placements.

    Plus if we follow the rulers (in modern astrology) backwards from the 2nd house (containing jupiter – abundance, expansion in assets), and 10th (holding, most fittingly, a Neptune in Leo) we always come back to those two planets in the 12th.

    I’ve built a mountain of theory here on a 6 AM chart so if anyone curious about this Co’s astrology with a hefty knowledge of Disney can tell me what a more likely time was work began on OC 16 1923 I’m all ears.

    IMO the founding of what is basically the largest entertainment media company in the world is under analyzed so thanks for posting this analysis and possibly I could have added some food for thought here.

  2. Marjorie,

    Different theme: Which country is going to win the world cup, whose stars are aligned? The good news is it’s not going to be Qatar so that’s something I guess.

    I like the young USA and young Spanish men, maybe with all the global disruption it will be someone new/unexpected?

  3. Interesting natal chart for Disney with its Libra Sun-Saturn square Cap Moon and wider t-squaring with Cancer Pluto.

    Strangely something earlier got me to thinking about its astrology for when EuroDisney struggled because the Americans were intent on pushing their idea through regardless of the location, alcohol and so on. There’s something puritanical about that t-square. But also with the Libra/Cap – very important to be seen to be doing the acceptable and righteous thing.

    Also noting the Scorpio Venus is potentially unaspected. Not sure what that would indicate in a company.

  4. I read that Disney has got into Gender ideology with some of their favourite characters, such as in Toy Story, being transed. This led to a row with deSantis who removed some of their grant funding in California. Has this, perhaps, led to a loss in popularity with parents.

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