The Tories are in a dying-days-of-the-Roman-Empire phase with a pile up of bullying complaints against Deputy PM Dominic Raab; and now Michael Gove dragged into the PPE scandal. Denials are flying in all directions but the VIP fast-track for mega-million pound contracts during covid has come under condemnation with Baroness Michelle Mone (a David Cameron 2015 surprise elevation to the House of Lords), in the spotlight for supporting Medpro secure contracts worth more than £200 million. She is under investigation by the House of Lords Commissioners for Standards for allegedly failing to declare an interest in PPE Medpro. Michael Gove, then a Cabinet Minister, allegedly was involved in facilitating her involvement.
Labour’s Angela Rayner said in the House that during the pandemic ministers had been “handing out billions of pounds of taxpayers’ cash”, even though much of the PPE secured was “unfit for use, unusable, overpriced or undelivered”. And why was the government wasting £700,000 a day on storing unusable PPE? She said it was yet another case of taxpayers’ money being wasted, “with a total failure of due diligence and a conflict of interest at the heart of government procurement”.
PPE Medpro has itself come under investigation by the National Crime Agency (NCA). According to the Times charities linked to Baroness Mone and her husband are distancing themselves from the couple after they were accused of secretly receiving £29 million by lobbying for Medpro.
Mone, 8 October 1971 4.55pm Glasgow who started in lingerie and married a financier, has a money-oriented 8th house Sun, Uranus, Mercury and Venus in Libra as well as Pluto – and that is one power-packed chart. She’s another of the head-in-the-clouds and can-be-scandal-attracting Jupiter Neptune opposition Saturn brigade with an ultra-determined, risk-taking Mars in Aquarius on her Ascendant. She was on a high during the pandemic with her Solar Arc Sun Uranus crossing her Jupiter but that stroke of luck has now passed in influence and she has a self-esteem jarring tr Uranus square her Mars at the moment and early next year and is generally moving into a low-profile less successful time ahead with tr Saturn into her First Quadrant and tr Pluto into her restrictive 12th.
Michael Gove, 26 August 1967, a Sun, Mercury, Venus in Virgo with Uranus Pluto also in Virgo is sagging under the tr Saturn oppositions over the next two years – 2023 in particular – and nerve wracked with tr Neptune opposition his Uranus in 2023. In general he looks undermined, panicky and doing badly in 2023, with jolts and jangles especially from mid year onwards and heading for cataclysmic setbacks in 2024/25.
His relationship with Sunak is heading downhill through this December, chilled to the marrow in January/February and worse through mid 2023 and on. They are not naturally compatible but chained together by circumstance and resenting each other. It won’t part easily or amicably.
Good luck with the move, Marjorie. Just been there and done that as well!
Wishing you much happiness.
” Mone … who started in lingerie ….”
Now, it appears that in true Gypsy Rose Lee style she is ready for the full denouement, but only in this case it won’t be pretty.
Hats off to you Marjorie for maintaining such prolific output in the middle of a move. And thank you!
World wide Politics has to change for the good of hard working people…….. money is all everyone seems to think of!
and it is not answer. Ministers need to hand their ill gotten gains back. Pluto in Aquarius bring it on!!
Will have a look at Labour and Lib Dems tomorrow. Somewhat blitzed with house move – too many loose ends