Natural and man-made disasters often have an eerie significance and are a synchronous forerunner to key changes in a country’s and individual’s destiny.
“Synchronicity is a phenomenon in which people interpret two separate—and seemingly unrelated—experiences as being meaningfully intertwined, even though there is no evidence that one led to the other or that the two events are linked in any other causal way.”
It may sound like peasant superstition but it does appear to be a pattern and is worth watching for.
The Washington plane and helicopter crash at 8.48 pm last night occurred when the Midheaven was at 20 degrees Gemini exactly conjunct Trump’s North Node and Sun and opposition his Moon, with tr Uranus close to his Midheaven and the Aquarius Sun exactly opposition his Pluto. So it was certainly impacting Trump’s chart.
It was also marked up in the USA’s chart with the Solar Arc Saturn around the same degree Gemini as the plane crash MC conjunct the Mars and moving to square the Neptune over the next eight months to a year – which is accident-prone, destructive and worrisome. With tr Saturn now direct in Pisces heading to square the USA Mars and oppose the USA Neptune in March.
The London military horses accident of 24 April 2024 8.40 am where a black and a white horse covered in blood galloped through heavy traffic also had a resonance beyond a simple mishap. When it happened there was a Nodal Return of transiting Node conjunct the 7th house (difficulty in relationship) UK North Node; and tr Pluto was trine the UK Uranus for an upheaval. The Starmer government came in several months later in July which has not been a resounding success and won’t end well.
A previous run of UK horror disasters in the late 1980s included the Kings Cross Fire on 18 November 1987 when tr Pluto in Scorpio was opposition the 8th house Mars; and the transiting South Node was conjunct the UK Uranus with an undermining tr Neptune heading to conjunct the UK Sun the following year. Margaret Thatcher hung on till 1990 but was failing badly in her later No 10 years.
The Chernobyl nuclear disaster of 26 April 1986 happened just before the USSR headed for break up. Tr Pluto in early Scorpio was heading to square the Russia 1917 Neptune and conjunct the Scorpio Sun and square the Russia Saturn by 1989. That does seem prescient.
I also vaguely remember connecting the Bhopal chemical factory accident to later events in India. It happened on 3 December 1984 when there was a transiting Nodal Return. Since the India 15 August 1947 12am Delhi chart has the North Node conjunct the Ascendant one might surmise that India’s image and identity were being spotlighted. Tr Neptune moving into the India financial 8th pointed to a lost decade economically with a major revival in the 1990s. So Bhopal accompanied the dip before the economic rebirth some years later.
This is a stretch so any comments welcome.
It was said that there was an experienced pilot to take over the controls, if it should have been needed. So it seems strange that he didn’t. But I do think blaming the trainee before a full investigation has taken place is crass beyond belief.
I’ve always found it interesting to listen to what is said after an event because it highlights the most important themes of the astrology.
Trump went into the press room and discussed this soon after the event. The comments about a moment of silence and thanking the first responders are not unusual.
The Virgo Ascendant was conjunt the Virgo south node. Consuming Piscean chaos and restoring Virgoan order. Trump spent much of the next minutes talking about grief of America and also other countries. Then he named a veteran to head the FAA. He spoke about DEI hiring.
These are some of his words with my astrological paraphrasing behind the statement.
“The FAA is actively recruiting workers who suffer severe intellectual disabilities, psychiatric problems, and other mental and physical conditions under a diversity and inclusion hiring initiative spelled out on the agency’s website. “that the program allowed for the hiring of people with hearing and vision issues as well as paralysis, epilepsy and “dwarfism.”
We had Pisces 6h
“They have to be talented, naturally talented geniuses, You can’t have regular people doing their job. We will restore faith in American air travel.”
We need Uranus in the 9h. Geniuses in the faith house. I would point out that I would expect restore to be Virgo but Uranus is in Taurus so I would expect build to be a better word. Gemini Jupiter on the Midheaven restoring faith in “American” air travel. I use Gemini to refer to places locally which seems to be the meaning of American here. Highlights local travel versus foreign travel which would normally be the focus of Jupiter.
“We have a high standard. We have had a much higher standard than anybody else.”
This is Taurus. Taurus has high standards.
“And there are things that you have to go by brain power, you have to go by psychological quality, and psychological quality is a very important element of it. These are various very powerful tests that we put to use, and they were terminated by Biden, and Biden went by a standard that is the exact opposite.”
Test is Saturn. Pisces Saturn in the 6h. We had tests but they dissolved/wrecked. Biden is also identified as the Pisces Saturn.
“we want the brightest, the smartest, the sharpest, we want somebody that is psychologically superior, and that’s what we are going to have.”
Brightest I think leads us to Uranus’ ruled Aquarius in the 5h. Smart (Aquarius) bright (5h) people including Pluto (psychological). Aquarius Pluto, Mercury, Sun, Moon, Ceres all in the 5h.
This is a chart that is ultimately about the nodes of the Moon highlighted by them being on the Ascendant-Descendant. Trump identifies that the air crash starts with Pisces but for air travel chaos to move to order it will go through Aquarius and Uranus.
Here’s the chart for the Philadelphia air crash. Uranus, plane, explosion at
the MH along with Lavoisier, medical oxygen tank which may have exploded.
Child, who was being transported at the Descendant.
Thanks. The Ascendant is conjunct Trump’s Mars in Leo
And here we are again: another plane crash tonight; this time in Philadelphia. Not an airliner this time but a med-evac Lear jet carrying a pediatric patient who needed a life saving medical procedure. This is just cruel and if it portends to what lies ahead: frightening.
Watching “American Manhunt. O.J. Simpson” now, and the amazing thing I discovered this took place June 17th, 1994, the same say of FIFA World Cup opening in Chicago with Oprah and Diana Ross. The amazing thing is that living in a household without cable in a small town, I only became aware of the “Man and a Naked Gun” actor (because American football wasn’t a big deal where I lived) being wanted for a murder a couple of days later. My husband, living one of the largest towns in the country ans cable household, followed this through CNBC using the NBC news feed.
FWIW Marjorie did a thread after OJ’s death last year … https://star4cast.com/oj-simpson-emotional-overload/
The trial was something which fascinated me back in the day and I rewatched the “OJ: Made in America” series from 2016 a few years back. Not sure how it compares to the new Netflix series.
Any thoughts on the Fukashima accident? The Indonesian earthquake tidal wave
(I had a personal synchronicity with that disaster-students read about that exact earthquake fault before we went on winter break. The earthquake happened & when we returned to school in the new year we collected money to help the victims.)
There are disasters happening all the time.
Re: 9/11 and now the LA fires—the health implications from the toxins released into the air is related to extra heart attacks, strokes, lung disease & an assortment of cancers. This affects political decisions—some “synchronicities” may actually be cause & effect.
@KG, 2004 tsunami and 2010 Chilean Earthquake remain the most powerful personal experience of synchronicity I have. I had people closely escaping the 2004 event I knew, and in 2010, I was at Phi Phi Islands hit by a wave from two sizes when a tsunami warning was given. My “baby cousin” was in Chile, but 900 km from the epicenter, at the time. I also got proposed just hours before the Chilean earthquake and the tsunami warning.
And oh, why this should happen to my husband and I: We both have Cardinal charts with a strong Pluto influence. I remember jokingly doing a Cafe Astrology “Are You Plutonian?” test for my husband when we first started dating, and he scored higher than their most Plutonian celebrity Matt Damon.
I’d just commented yesterday on a political site about how the wholesale takedown of the US government by the new administration will come back to bite them when a disaster (natural or man-made) strikes (and one is certain, if only due to global warming) either as a direct result of the downsizing or because the relief resources needed will no longer be available. It didn’t take long for one to strike, and sadly deadly.
Astrograph wrote hopefully about the visionary new moon in Aquarius, due to the many planets in a Grand Air Trine, noting the Mercury-Pluto conjunction “adds a depth of thought and also potential transformation for the way that we mentally take in our current situation”. Let’s hope that this horrific disaster will start leading some of my fellow citizens to question their blind support for Trump and getting rid of their so-called “deep state”.
(personal note: my progressed Jupiter, ruler of my relocated ASC, is conjunct both).
Politically, Trump had just scrapped an aviation safety committee a few days earlier, and there was no longer a head of the FAA (forced out by Musk, who I believe to be more dangerous, in many ways, than Trump), but he was quick to blame the previous administration(s) – what is true is that there have already been numerous near misses in the US in recent years, and it was only a matter of time before something like this happened – thanks in large part to understaffed, overworked air controllers, going all the way back to Reagan, who fired all the striking air controllers demanding better pay and conditions (tho we don’t know what happened in this accident). But true to form, Americans tend to put off what they don’t need to face until the worst happens.
It’s interesting that, for all of Trump’s Teflon-like ability to escape punishment, some of the worst crises do seem to appear on his watch. COVID before, and now this. It would seem that while he attains what he thinks he wants – power, position, playing a role – he is then forced to assume the responsibility that comes with authority, which is the last thing he actually wants. That may be his real “punishment”: beware what you ask for. Synchronicity indeed.
@Newbie, looks like that quote from Cheri Jacobus is from a post she made today on her LinkedIn account, FYI.
Looking at Elon Musk’s chart, the DC plane crash Sun at 10 degrees Aquarius opposes Musk’s Moon at 8 degrees Virgo in the 2nd, house of finances, and is conjunct Elon’s North Node at 15 degrees Aquarius in house 8. The event’s Moon at 17 degrees Aquarius also conjuncts Elon’s N Node as well as his Mars at 20 degrees Aquarius, both in the 8th, the house of death and other peoples’ money.
I watch her YouTube channel, and follow her on Blue Sky. Worth the follow. Not sure how this will all play out. Not pretty. Elon has gotten into OPM protected Government systems including those with pay scales.
That would be a inconjunct, not an opposition between Sun and Moon.
One of the more obvious synchronicities in recent times was the Queen dying literally a day or two after Truss became PM, with the implosion of her premiership following soon after.
I didn’t know until now about the military horses incident but if I was going to read anything political into that the fact that one was white and the other black would suggest implying the end of the two party system in British politics.
Does the time of the crash at 8:47 change anything majorly as opposed to 9:00?
Here’s a link from Utube for movie “The Dark Crysal”.
Use full screen to see the planeturius which showed synchronous events
from the movie….astological signs are also shown at the base of the planeturium. British directof of the movie must have studied astrology.
Anyone remember the 1982 movie “The Dark Crystal” which used a model
planetium to show how events in the movie coincided with events in the movie. Find the trailer of the movie and it shows the planet planeturium
This terrible accident feels like a warning to Americans about the direction in which the US is heading.
Kinda like the Columbia disaster happened before the U.S. invaded Iraq.
Another horrible tragedy on—2/15/1961- there was a plane crash in Czech Republic. No survivors including the entire US Olympic skating team. Any Astro similarities? Thank you.
@Amelia Pettyfor, apparently, also happened within few hours from an Aquarius New Moon, visible as a total Solar Eclipse in Central Europe. It also had Aquarius Mercury inconjunct Virgo Pluto.
This is syncronicity in my mind: I”ve long had my own theory about Aquarius ruling sports that require gliding over ice. Skating, figure skating, curling, ice-hockey, even ice rally. I really can’t give any explanation except that when I was a child, we had the skating season at school late January-early February, followed by the skiing season mid February-mid March. But in a way that fits with the cool water theme of Uranus.
Interesting. Does anyone know if these skaters competed against the Russian team in Kansas? Not sure if Kansas competition was international. I’m off the news for now. Thanks everyone.
@Amelia Pettyfour. It was a National Competition followed by a development camp for young skaters. Shishkova and Naumov were among countless ex-Soviet skaters who immigrated to the West to do show tours and to coach after the collapse of the Union. Their son Maxim who wasn’t on the flight is an US citizen competing in Nationals.
Jung was big on synchronicity and astrology. In fact, when you come down to it, astrology is a prime example of synchronicity – transits play out all the time in real life in ways which are shown in our charts. Not sure whether Jung coined the term or not. Seem to recall he gave an example of a patient who was describing a dream about a scarab and then he saw one tapping on his window.
I am thinking that 9/11 fits neatly into this category.
Synchronicity is all about unexpected events. For example, you think of a friend who you haven’t seen in years and then two minutes later you receive a phone call from them.
How are you perceiving 9/11 as a synchronicity?
Not so much synchronicity more as portent of what develop afterwards: “the war on terror” and the upheavals in the Middle East , Libya , Somali, the list is long. It put the USA on the defensive but I am not sure.
Air crashes are often accidents that have been waiting to happen. It may have been written in the stars but it was more likely just waiting for the holes in the Swiss cheese of US air traffic procedures to align. Washington Ronald Reagan airport is poorly located and is made more dangerous by the number of military and other aircraft flying around it. There have been three recorded near misses there in the last two years so this is not something that started when Trump became President. The USA also has some very dubious ATC practices including the allowing of Visual Separation for night landings and the use Land And Short Hold Operations on intersecting runways. Both of these practices are deprecated in most other countries. If you check out some of the flight forums there are plenty of horror stories from European pilots about the dangers they have encountered at airports like JFK in New York. Much of the problem is caused by trying to ram too many flights through overloaded airports. If one wants to blame someone for creating this situation one should probably look back to the Reagan era which is when the ATC standards started going downhill. The truth is that the Washington DC airport should be relocated but as that would inconvenience a lot of the politicians and government officials who work there so it is unlikely to happen.
@Hugh Fowler, DJT has a golf course just a couple of miles from Dulles. I wonder how long it will take from him to connect the dots. This is, after all, a man who sees development potential in Gaza.
How does 9/11 relate to this synchronicity?
Isn’t synchronicity the basis of Astrology? “So above, so below.”
Sorry I posted twice by mistake, but at the time 9/11 seemed a definite marker for the 21st century, certainly in the USA, at the time George W Bush was president, somehow an amiable chap like him just did not convey the statesmanship needed to deal with such a catastrophe, curiously I did not hear about it until the next day as I was in the air on the day.
Unmystic Mum: LOL! Very funny….and true. Of course he would change the names of any Waterloo acquisitions to Trumperloo.
How did I not see this tragedy coming.
I worked for the FAA for four years. It is run by Contractors. The new government has sown chaos and now are reaping results.
I put some of this down between the clash of Saturn (following the rules) and Uranus (Disruption).
If you don’t follow the rules, planes will fall out of the sky. Every good engineer knows that.
So sad. Senseless needless tragedy. They call this reaping the whirlwind. Article is worth the read.
Glad I was out of pocket yesterday due to some personal issues. So sad.
I am trying to get to the root cause of this. The whole thing makes me sick. This is a post from a VERY reputable source – Cheri Jacobus – I am trying to find the back up articles and source information. The new administration thinks we don’t need government and the department of transportation. This is what we are in for.
“Donald Trump is responsible for the deaths of 65 dead Americans killed in last night’s plane/Blackhawk collision after firing 400 FAA senior officials, the TSA head, and 3,000 air traffic controllers just 8 days ago.”
@Newbie, targeting air space controllers, those famously woke DEI hires, is a “genius” move from Trump… Yes, I know there’s an Obama era decision that was somehow aimed to make it less white male dominated, but by 2022 only 20 per cent of American air space controllers were women. I just feel this is a profession where you have to have the confidence of mediocre white man to succeed. The number comes from planned budget cuts, I think.
I think, though, that this on DoD. I do get being part of the “End of the World” battalion that’s depicted in countless films carrying the President to safety from WH requires exercising in DC, but there’s something very fishy here.
I just turned off the radio — NPR — because I couldn’t bear to listen to any more of Trump’s ranting and blaming Obama and Biden for this disaster, claiming they had lowered the standards, presumably for air traffic control and everything else in government service, and eliminated the higher standards he claims he instituted. Ha! Just as the entire federal workforce is in total chaos as Musk is trying to whack them down to the “size of a bathtub” that Republicans have long aspired to, by offering illegal, unfunded buy-outs.
This will not end well. (Out of respect for Marjorie and others, I have edited out my description of Musk, the author of this so-called buy-out, similar to the means he used to reduce Twitter’s workforce by 80 percent, and Trump.) They want to destroy government and transfer the few allowable remaining functions to the private sector, where they and their buds can grift and profiteer.
Just seen Trump waffling on in his usual incomprehensible manner, descending into a blaming rant about everyone he hates. At one point he was claiming that only geniuses should and will work in air traffic control, and that the disabled, specifically dwarves, shouldn’t.
Absolutely excruciating.
Hmph. Imagine that.
I also found it excruciating. He started out ok, and should have made the appearance short and sweet. But when the Blaming of the Dwarves began, I shut it off. Hi-de-ho! Saturn in Pisces is coming up to square your major planets, King Donald!
And just imagine, we have 4 more years (at least) left of this nightmare!
Remember: he has always claimed to be a very stable Genius.
I agree 100%
It’s funny to me (but not funny) that the apparent plan (it’s in 2025 Projec) is to remove all the competent people & replace those folk with Trump supporters & fans of Project 2025 saying that these are workers who have merit.
And yet the work product from those new employees—even the writing in the executive orders —are full of errors: typos, grammar mistakes. the the hiring freeze memo not being approved by White House before implementation.
Their idea of meritocracy is hiring young white people who know what the okay sing means.
One of Trump’s Executive Orders has everyone going back to the sex they were after conception.
Doing that makes all US citizens female.
I don’t believe that was the intent of his E.O.
Thank you Marjorie. I recall that the terrible King’s Cross disaster of 1987 followed the Great Storm of October that year, with gusts up to 100 mph which caused the deaths of 18 people as well as massive devastation to the country. Mars that day made a tight square to Neptune in Capricorn and was conjunct the South Node in Libra at 4 and 1 degrees respectively, so conjunct the UK Uranus – the storm was not unexpected, but the Met Office had failed to predict its movement as it devastated the UK and Northern France. There was a Saturn/Uranus conjunction in Sagittarius at the time and the Saturn was conjunct the UK chart’s Mercury.
The late 80s were a period of increasing disillusionment with the Thatcher government. I was in my 20s, so perhaps I had more youthful, idealistic views back then but one of the things which angered us at the time, and against which we protested was the proposal – known as ‘Section 28’ – to restrict the so-called promotion of homosexuality in schools – the Right at the time was convinced children were being ‘brainwashed’ by Gay propaganda in schools and this entirely unnecessary bill was a populist measure. As the decade drew to it’s end, we saw the fall of the Berlin Wall and the beginnings of the collapse of the former Soviet Union. As the new decade arrived, in March that year London rioted following the Poll Tax demonstration on the 31st. By November, Thatcher was gone. It was a truly tumultuous decade.
Yes, I vividly recall that too VF. Horrendous.
I’m wondering about 29 Virgo/Pisces (and Scheat) now, having looked at it in a US context today. For the 1066 UK chart there’s Moon 29 Pisces square Uranus 28 Sagittarius, which you could read as upheavals and shocks for the public. In 1987 there was a Solar Eclipse, 29 Virgo, in late September. Also a Lunar Eclipse in early October, 13 Aries conjunct the UK 1801 South Node. The September Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo, one day after the Equinox, is worth watching I think. It has Saturn in Pisces opposing it, so may be linked to our history – or indeed the history of the US Civil War.
No wonder the fates are spinners, Jane and what an infinitely complex web they weave? The NN was at 28 degrees of Pisces in August of 1957 which saw the start of the ‘Great Panic of 1857’ in the USA, a financial crisis, caused in part by over-expansion of the domestic economy and which was the first to be reported via the new technology of telegraph. Uranus was in the latter degrees of Taurus and had had a conjunction with Algol a few months earlier. The US didn’t start to recover until the early 60s. Of course The Great Panic had an impact on our own economy in the UK with the closure of banks in Glasgow and Liverpool. But Scheat’s influence on the NN in Pisces also saw the Indian Rebellion of 1857 and violent uprisings against the British East India Company. There was a solar eclipse that year on the 18th September at 25 Virgo. Patterns, patterns….
* in August of 1857
I’ve been thinking about the Fates! They were said to be outside the influence of either the gods, or human beings – spinning and measuring and cutting the threads as they saw fit.
And re 1987 – there’s also the terrible, rapid sinking of the Herald of Free Enterprise in March that year. A Solar Eclipse in Aries was conjunct Jupiter, and square Neptune. 8 Aries. For a thought provoking read, there’s an astrology article by Dennis Elwell about this on Skyscript. He wrote to a couple of shipping companies warning of a disaster at sea before the tragic accident happened. The March Full Moon that year was 24 Virgo square Saturn, 20 Sagittarius, Uranus 26 Sagittarius.
Hope we don’t see another Great Panic…..
Just to add synchronicity for Kings Cross disaster. The Pet Shop Boys 2nd album “Actually” which was released a couple of months before contained a song titled “Kings Cross” which contains the line “dead and wounded on either side, you know it’s only a matter of time” could be seen as prophetic of the disaster although Neil Tennant stated that the line is a reference to AIDS, which was claiming many lives at that time. He has also said that “King’s Cross” is about the victims of Thatcherism and the way society was changing and leaving people out which includes the line. (From Wikipedia)
Thanks GD, that’s really chilling. I think artists of various kinds can fish all manner of things out of our collective pond that synchronise with subsequent events in an unintended manner. Here’s a snippet of Dennis Elwell’s thoughts:
“(Astrology) cannot work at all unless some incredible feat of stage-management is going on, a driving force which is able to enlist intermediaries towards the desired end. Speculate on the mechanics of translating the promise, or threat, of the heavens into actual happenings here on earth, and you are tempted to envisage some power dwelling inside the play of events, and pulling them all together according to the pattern of the planets, which is also the pattern of the whole” (The Cosmic Loom, p161).
Wow, that’s quite a post, Marjorie. Thank you. Many astrologers are predicting that March will be Trump’s Waterloo, in one way or another. One in particular has said that if he survives March, he will serve out the rest of his term as president.
I’d be very careful of calling anything Trump’s Waterloo
If Trump is true to form, he might try to buy Waterloo, either the ones in Belgium, or the station or bridge of that name in London.
Ha ha! Brilliant!
At the same the plane crashed, 9pm…I received a confirmation telephone
call re a technician coming to repair my TV receiver crash. Sychronicity
in action. TV ruled by Uranus as is plane.
NEWS FLASH…..disaster air crash in Washington ‘tween plane carrying
USA figure skating champs and a helicopter. 64 dead. Synchronous
with article above mentiioning “disaster”.
Thank you Marjorie – synchronicity does ‘work’ in some mysterious way – even if it does seem a bit “signs and portents”. File with ‘coincidences’ too, which are sometimes quite jaw-dropping.
Last night’s terrible plane and helicopter crash is very hard to comprehend at this moment, multiple failures of some kind seem to be responsible.
I noticed that the Ascendant for the tragedy here is 23 Virgo, Nodes 28 Pisces/Virgo, Neptune 27 Pisces. The March Lunar Eclipse is also 23 Virgo, opposing Saturn at 22 Pisces. Neptune will be exactly aligned with Scheat, 29 Pisces by then. Scheat is often associated with disasters, and over some years I’ve noticed how it can be involved with plane crashes. As winged horse Pegasus soars above, his rider falls to earth – Scheat being in the constellation of Pegasus. A Solar Eclipse in September also aligns with Scheat, by opposition. Saturn is 28 Pisces then. Perhaps some kind of chord is being played?
Possibly worth noting too – the chart for the US Civil War, 12 April, 1861, has 27 Pisces Asc. Mercury – planet of short journeys – is 24 Pisces. Neptune is 29 Pisces. That chart may also be receptive to the eclipses that coincide with, and highlight its Neptune Return. Neptune is the mythological father of Pegasus. His mother was Medusa (Algol).
I’m not sure what this potential synchronicity might mean. However, regarding this September’s 29 Virgo eclipse and Scheat, it’s worth noting that there was a horrendous plane crash just after take-off in Detroit on 16 August, 1987. One person survived. On 23 September 1987 there was a Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo. It was widely square shocking Uranus, 22 Sagittarius, and Chiron 28 Gemini. Uranus was then passing over Donald Trump’s natal Moon, and opposing his Gemini Sun.
On 22nd October, 1987, Donald Trump gave his very first campaign speech. He arrived by helicopter.
“Trump began by telling the people who were there that he wouldn’t run for president in 1988, which disappointed some, especially Dunbar. Then Trump railed, with no notes, and for roughly the next half hour, about Japan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Washington, Wall Street, politicians, economists and “nice people” of whom he had “had enough,” he said. This country was facing “disaster” and was “being kicked around.” Other countries were “laughing at us.”
“It makes me sick,” Trump said.” Politico.com
There’s my bit of personal synchronicity for the week. I just finished reading Liars Poker which discusses the stock market crash of 1987 – Black Monday which happened on Oct 19th. Just after the Great Storm.
As an aside, the nodal return for that period has just gone by – true node at 2Aries.
1987 was a difficult period for travel with transiting Saturn in Sag along with Uranus.
I fully agree with mishaps in countries, they always foretell what lies ahead, it’s like they are linked to individual’s destiny. Back in 18 January 1989, the then President of South Africa PW Botha suffered a stroke, just a few days after his birthday 12 January 1916, he was a hardliner. Had similar characteristics like Donald Trump. A few months later he was forced to step down as president. In 1990 Nelson Mandela was released, that was the beginning of the end of apartheid. Looking at Astrology and Washington including Donald Trump, something is definitely coming, in the coming months. What I am seeing in Donald Trump chart is health issues, conflict with his colleagues that will be his secretaries, senate and congress. As well as Republicans, I won’t be surprised if I see the Republican Party splitting, his staunch supporters and those who are standing up against him. There is going to be more and more unhappiness in GOP, with his leadership style, it’s starting already.
1984 was a hell of a year in India w the assassination of Indira Gandhi in Oct and her launch of operation Blue Star, followed by the killing of Sikhs, anti sikh riots , election of Rajiv Gandhi (later assassinated too)…
Thank you. A horrible tragedy overall, with possible far reaching consequences to Trump Administration due to their mission to gut already struggling transportation agencies. Elon Musk in particular has been hellbent against bureaucrats he sees as hindering the the development of Tesla vehicles and Space X mission to Mars. Secretaries in center of the action – of Transportation and of Defense – have been sworn in literally a few days ago.