Athena joins the Royal merry-go-round

Athena Mozzi, Princess Beatrice’s second daughter was born prematurely on 22 January 2025 at 12.57pm by caesarean section. This gives her a 9th house (much travelled and opinionated) Sun Pluto conjunction in Aquarius with a 5th house intensely emotional Scorpio Moon. Her career 10th house is full with a well-organised Saturn conjunct a creative Venus in Pisces and a helpful/healing Neptune which is in a publicity-attracting trine to Mars in Cancer, sextile Uranus. Her intense 8th house Mercury is in an argumentative opposition to Mars.

 She’ll be quite a character and make an impact, in her mature years having executive abilities.

 Her grandfather Prince Andrew has a Scorpio Moon and her grandmother, mother Beatrice and aunt Princess Eugenie all have 5th house Moons as well = a tendency to look to children for mothering, rather than the other way round. Her father Edoardo Mozzi, 19 November 1983, has his Saturn in Scorpio conjunct her Moon.  

 Sienna, her older sister, 18 September 2021 11.42pm London has a 4th house Virgo Sun conjunct Mars with Neptune across the zodiac in her 10th – argumentative at home and helpful in her career. Her intense 7th house Pluto is trine her Sun and square Mercury and she has a 5th house Venus in Scorpio square an 8th house Saturn and trine her 9th house Pisces Moon. The grandparental legacy will weigh heavily on her.

 Edoardo is highly Scorpionic and comes across as a dampening influence whereas Princess Beatrice is the opposite with an excitable, impulsive, noisy Mars in Aries square Moon and trine her Leo Sun. They are quite an odd pair. A touch similar to Andrew (watery, Scorpio Moon) and Sarah (outspoken Libra Sun Mars and an Aries Moon).

Princess Eugenie, 23 March 1990 6.58pm has a hard-working 6th house Aries Sun with a sociable Venus Moon in Aquarius in her 5th square Pluto – and a troublesome Uranus Neptune conjunct her IC plus Saturn and Mars in her domestic/family 4th. She took the brunt of her parents’ failing marriage evidently, hence the unsettled 4th house.

 Her husband Jack Brooksbank, 3 May 1986 12.15 am London has a home-loving, steady 4th house Taurus Sun with a Pisces Moon trine an influential and controlling 10th house Pluto and square Venus.

 Their two children are independent-minded and career-oriented. August Brooksbank, 9 February 2021 8.55 am London, has a full 11th house with Sun Jupiter Venus, Saturn in Aquarius square a volatile Uranus Mars in Taurus. His Capricorn Moon is conjunct Pluto, sextile Neptune and trine Mars – so complicated emotional responses.

 Ernest Brooksbank, 30 May 2023 8.49 am London has a super-strong, lucky, confident successful Jupiter in Taurus in his 10th conjunct the North Node square Mars in Leo in his 1st opposition Pluto in Aquarius on his Descendant. His friendly 11th house Gemini Sun is trine a 4th house Libra Moon and squares an 8th house Saturn.  

  Quite a mix.

One thought on “Athena joins the Royal merry-go-round

  1. I noticed she has her moon square her IC-MC axis. Does anyone know how this might play out IRL as an adult? I have a beloved niece who has this same dynamic in her chart so just wondering what to expect for her.

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