Robert F Kennedy Jnr’s contentious confirmation hearings for the position of secretary of health today have elicited strong condemnation from two Kennedy family members. Caroline Kennedy, his cousin, JFK’s daughter, formerly ambassador to Australia and Japan, detailed troubling behavior she witnessed over the years, accusing him of having hypocritical views on vaccines and being “addicted to attention and power.” She said “Bobby preys on the desperation of parents of sick children, vaccinating his own kids while building a following hypocritically discouraging other parents from vaccinating theirs,” she said. She also recalled her cousin putting baby chickens and mice in a blender to feed to his pet birds years ago.
Another niece Dr. Kerry Kennedy Meltzer shared an email from him which stated Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine had a “100% injury rate” in Phase 1 trial participants, but the adverse events noted by the researchers were predominantly injection-site pain and fatigue and that, in the real world, the shots from Moderna and Pfizer caused only a handful of severe allergic reactions. Other emails from from him incorrectly linked childhood immunizations to autism.
RFK Jnr 17 January 1954 5.32pm (?) Washington, DC, has a 6th house Sun, Venus and Mercury in Capricorn as well as North Node and Chiron so an interest in health (and pets) is a given. But his Capricorn planets oppose a 12th house Uranus Moon in Cancer square a 5th house Neptune – which is where his whacky, can-be-fanatical beliefs come from. He also has an impacted, hard-edged Saturn Mars in Scorpio in his 4th, no doubt a legacy from an assassinated father and uncle but it has marked his temperament and not in a positive way.
Caroline Kennedy, 27 November 1957 8.15 am New York, has a determined Mars in Scorpio like him and in her case conjunct North Node and Neptune in Scorpio; and her Venus, like his, is in socially-elevated Capricorn. Her Aquarius Moon is opposition Uranus square her Mars North Node which clashes with his Saturn in Scorpio. Her Sagittarius Sun is 12th house. She is half like him but her other half is serious and knowledgeable.
Their relationship chart has an immoveable composite Pluto square Saturn (+ chained together and resenting it) which will be under severe pressure from tr Uranus hard aspects from this April onwards, on and off into 2026. Plus the composite Sun will catch the tr Nep[tune square from May 2025 onwards into 2026 as tr Saturn joins in. Tr Pluto opposes their composite Uranus throughout this year. So the jousting match between them won’t subside.
JFK Jnr’s relationship chart with Trump has a composite Sun at 10 degrees Aries, in line of last October and this coming March’s Solar eclipse which will attract crises. The composite Sun opposes Neptune for a relationship rife with illusion, delusion and ripe for disappointment. If he does get confirmed and it is by no means certain, 2026 looks explosive vis a vis Trump and himself.
His chart this year hints at turbulence from late March onwards, a career setback in April/May – with much worse in 2026/27. The birth time is unverified so MC/Asc and houses are not much use.
Was the content in her son’s Thread favoring boys club mentality?
It was very sad to see her step up and speak out against family. I hope it is taken seriously. The few times I saw her around NYC it was clear she basking in the spotlight was Not her thing. A 12th house Sun makes perfect sense.
@”A”Fan, it was basically the written statement she read aloud. She did mention RFK jr. being charismatic and leading many of her male cousins down to drug abuse at his den where he kept birds of pray he’d feed with mice and chicks he’d put in blender (I think this was a VERY personal and sharp touch here). I did some digging on 28 cousins, he’d be the second oldest male cousin after his big brother Joseph Jr. There’s Bobby Shriver born the same year and Christopher Shriver Caroline is almost certainly references to, since he struggled with addiction for longer than RFK Jr.
And yes, a 12th house Sun would definitely make someone less publicity seeking, but Joe Biden is a 12th house Sun, as is, remarkably, a President from another great political family of the post-WWII George W. Bush.
She made a short attempt to go into politics, trying to get an appointment to Hillary Clinton’s New York Senate seat in 2009. It went to Kirstin Gillibrand. Public speaking is not her strong suit, despite Mercury on her Ascendant. She is a good writer and quite scholarly.
@JAS, didn’t remember that one. But yes, she is definitely a writer. That was quite a statement. I also feel that women are judged on different standards when it comes to public speaking than men. Just listened to RFK Jr’s confirmation hearing and apart of being barely coherent, he has spasmodic dystonia effecting his vocal chords. Senator Wyden, who made some sharp questions, has a speech defect. Not that having vocal issues should affect anyone’s political career, but i women are judged more harshly for how they deliver the message than men.
Quite a crackpot! I saw some clips of the hearing which went poorly he was completely unprepared didn’t even know the difference between Medicare and Medicaid , denied his anti vac statements ect etc
She waited a lifetime to play the blender card.
I don’t know about the USA but in the UK that grisly tale would have been the end of his political hopes.
Hi Marjorie. Nope, not here. Mocking a disabled reporter on TV (as Trump did) probably would have sparked outrage in the UK, but not here. It only sparks outage and ends careers, if it’s a democrat.
I saw the clips Caroline’s son Jack – who people has a strong Bouvier side vibe – posted to Threads. I am forever stunned by the misogyny – also the internalized one – in her family and the US politics. She is clearly the smartest and the most charismatic too of any Kennedy scions, who may not have taken that road just because a BOY was expected to step in.
Hey Solaia – my post to you went into the spot above -if you get a chance, please let us know what CKs son Threads post was like.
Hello again, Solaia~Appreciate the follow up detail.
A memorable statement by Jack’s mom ( that’s my faux nod to the patriarchy ).
Funny to think of Bush and Biden being 12th housers. In Scorpio I could see it feeling Even More Powerful to the native. As for W I wonder what his Sun is, but I suppose all these dudes from Nixon on just hid tons of ‘stuff’. It would have to be true of any effective leader, but it could well be that modern journalistic tools have recorded more evidence of the Hidden Power behind various thrones.