Kim Kardashian was tied up by gunmen dressed as police, in a luxury Paris apartment in the early hours of this morning and robbed of around 8 million euros worth of jewellery. She was in town for the fashion shows and has since left France. Horrible experience and her security will no doubt be getting a sharp boot.
What’s showing most clearly on her chart is her Secondary Progressed Mars almost exactly square her Saturn (within 10 minutes which is a sixth of a degree). That is accident-prone, can be life-threatening and is certainly a huge setback. Tr Saturn has been conjunct her Mars in Sagittarius earlier this year, which can also attract destructive energies; and is heading for her Ascendant by mid this month. Tr Pluto is sextile her Mars/Pluto exactly now which is minor but high-risk. Her Solar Arc Venus is also conjunct her trapped Sun/Pluto midpoint so emotionally intense.
Given that mishaps/disasters tend to come in cycles – or one cataclysm is a harbinger of a run of bad luck, she does have trying times over the next few years. Tr Saturn into her lower-profile 1st quadrant from this April for several years may gradually persuade her to be less visible. Her Solar Arc Sun is conjunct her Mars in 2018 which is a collision of sorts; at the same time as she has an undermining Solar Arc Neptune square her Sun; followed in 2019 by a jolting, high-tension Solar Arc Uranus square her Saturn.
I would marginally worry about her finances. I can’t think she’ll be short of a dollar or two but tr Pluto is now moving through her 2nd to be joined by tr Saturn from 2018. So there could be some major shift in her money situation.
PS. Other thought. This month does have what are euphemistically described as challenging influences. First Sun Pluto Uranus; then as tr Mars in Capricorn draws to exact in the second half of the month a conjunction to Pluto and square Uranus. These usually trigger early and are dangerous for some, and thoroughly frustrating and bad-tempered in general. So out in the world there’s likely to be more mayhem, murder and disruptions or upsetting incidents. A time to take greater care all round. [See Heavenly Headlines]