The Inauguration chart (and therefore First Term chart) for whoever gets into the White House, assuming 12 noon or thereabouts, looks less aggressive than either GW Bush’s first term or indeed Richard Nixon’s. There is a risk-taking Uranus opposition Jupiter squaring onto a 9th house Pluto – so it will be control freaky where international affairs are concerned, arousing hostility. That emphasised Pluto could also point to bitter legal battles. There is a military Saturn square Mars, but it is not particularly highlighted. Saturn in the 8th suggests economic woes which would match the US Federal Reserve Bank chart which is showing major strain in late 2017 and through 2018. The Aquarius Sun is not well integrated into the chart being only widely square a Scorpio Moon and inconjunct the North Node – so maybe a characterless term, perhaps bedevilled by toxic clashes of opinion (gridlocked by Congress maybe or by legal actions?)
Hillary looks in good spirits from Dec 2nd till early January with tr Pluto sextile her Sun/Jupiter midpoint and her Venus (returning at points throughout 2017), though also surrounded by a fair amount of chaos. If she does get in, she’ll be straight into a violent series of situations from March onwards, on and off till late 2018, with tr Pluto opposition her Mars/Uranus. Which does coincide with challenges on her relationship chart with ISIS. Though that can also mean operations but it will certainly be high stress.
If her birth time of 8 am is sound then she’s got tr Saturn moving through her 1st quadrant, heading into the lowest profile phase, which generally means a less successful time for leaders, so if she is in, it may not be a memorable term of great achievements (viz David Cameron who had the same). And her Solar Arc Saturn will conjunct her Sun, exact late 2017 into 2018 which will be a real downer. On this birth time tr Pluto will move early in 2017 into her 3rd for a hugely pressured everyday schedule; and tr Uranus into her 6th from mid 2017 which could be health issues.
Her astrocartography isn’t worth much without an accurate birth time. Her greatest problems come in the USA and Canada.
Donald Trump does have tr Uranus trine his Sun/Jupiter midpoint from late November to late January and then tr Pluto square his Jupiter right through January 2017 – so lots of good luck, success and confidence. His chutzpah won’t be dented even if he loses. Plus his Solar Arc Pluto will conjunct his 2nd house Jupiter, exact in 3 months’ time, which will give him a gigantic financial boost or involve him in a stratospheric scheme. Though there’s always a risk with Pluto Jupiter of getting over confident and pushing across the line and it backfiring as it did in his campaign.
Tr Saturn will be hauling him back down to earth, opposing his Uranus and Sun and conjunct his Moon from late November till mid January and again later in 2017 – maybe family problems as well as other things.
Right through 2017 he’s got the continuing run from this year of bad tempered, insecure and over-reactive transits to midpoints. And a volcanic eruption and shock when his Solar Arc Uranus is conjunct his Mars in 2018.
His astrocartography certainly indicates Russia as a positive zone for him with his Jupiter MC there. His Mars hot-spots would be Libya, Eastern Europe, China and Indonesia.
If the polls are right (and when have they been recently?) and Hillary gets in, she’ll be enjoying herself a good less than he is.