EU 2017 – muddling through to the 2018/19 wake-up call

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The EU has just finished its second Saturn Return a week  ago, which is generally a get-real time – face facts and adjust forward plans accordingly. The EU Saturn is 3rd house, so discussions over restrictions on travel have loomed large, though in typical EU fashion haven’t produced much agreement or movement away from unworkable schemes. Tr Saturn will continue moving through the EU 3rd house till December 2017 when it moves into the EU 4th, adding to pressure for internal and domestic change, with more tensions erupting.

There’s not much on direct planetary transits in 2017 – some tough, undermining midpoint transits and a couple of upbeat ones. The Progressed Mars moving through the 4th does get tr Pluto conjunct at 18 Capricorn in 2017/18, so again internal aggro, frustrations and high risk.

By 2018 tr Saturn is starting its three year stint in the EU 4th, joining tr Pluto and Prog Mars there – so there’s a build-up of resentful, mutinous, enfuriated energy flying around the EU population. Into 2018 as well, tr Uranus moves into the EU 8th house of business and international finances for seven years which will be roller coaster, up and down.

The real challenges start late 2018 into and through 2019/2020 when a whole series of influences congregate. Tr Saturn will conjunct the EU Capricorn Sun. Solar Arc Pluto will conjunct the 2nd house Neptune; and the Solar Arc MC will conjunct the EU Pluto – that looks discouraging, a financial meltdown, and blocked with secret scandals emerging. But the real whammies will come from tr Uranus in 2019 and on in hard aspect the EU Fixed Grand Cross – first in opposition to Neptune, then square Uranus, conjunct the 8th house Moon and finally square Venus. That will de-stabilise the EU’s financial stability and provide a running series of shocks over several years.

What will be ‘interesting’ to observe is that Germany’s relationship chart with the EU is under severe strain at that point with tr Saturn opposition the Pluto and conjunct the composite Sun in 2019; with tr Uranus rattling the cage quite profoundly as it moves in hard aspect round the composite Fixed T Square of Venus Mars Uranus Moon, starting in 2019 and running on till 2020. Germany is very embedded in the EU and gains a good deal from an under-valued euro (from their point of view). But there will be enormous pressure on that relationship.

Germany, 1 Jan 1871 12 am Berlin, has the same axis of the UK and the EU, so like them has tr Uranus moving through the 7th which can indicate separation from partnerships. The Solar Arc Moon will conjunct Mars, exact in three months’ time, which suggests a shocked population. And there will be a sharp change of direction this year from late April into May as tr Uranus squares the 10th house Germany Uranus, repeating in November and early 2018. Tr Pluto will square the 7th house Neptune from early 2017 through 2018 which will raise major questions about commitment to close partners with a good deal of swirling confusion and a sense of devastation around.   In 2019, tr Saturn will move into the Germany 4th house crossing the Capricorn Sun which is likely to be discouraging internally.    And in 2019 as well, tr Uranus will conjunct the Germany 8th house Taurus Moon which will be a partnership split with financial consequences. The Bundesbank (Central Bank) chart, 26 July 1957 is also showing 2018/19 as high-stress years.

France, 21 Sept 1792 3.30pm Paris, looks less likely to change direction. There will be the final tr Uranus sextile/trine the France Pluto opposition Uranus this coming February 2017, which will attempt to instil new reforms. But thereafter there’s not much of note till late 2017 when tr Saturn squares the Virgo Sun. 2018 will show move movement with a jolting tr Uranus conjunct Saturn and opposition Neptune Jupiter, so it’ll be edgy but not a radical. The EU/France relationship chart isn’t showing anything like the ructions that there are on the Germany/EU relationship chart. There’s an unsettled tr Uranus opposition the composite Neptune Jupiter in 2018, but nothing too dramatic, really until 2023/24. The Banque de France (central bank) is having a sagging few years from 2017 to late 2019 with tr Neptune square Venus Mars; and a totally stuck Solar Arc Sun opposition Pluto in 2018/19, so struggling financially with a bubble-bursting Solar Arc Neptune conjunct Jupiter in 2010/21.

Thomas Coville – a stunning triumph with a dream he made happen



“I want to tell people that dreams are possible. Perhaps my dream will unleash other dreams.”

“Great dreams never come off first time. I tried, I failed, I fell, I picked myself up again, I rebuilt myself.”

So said Frenchman Thomas Coville who has just smashed the round-the-world unassisted solo sailing record, at his sixth attempt, by an extraordinary eight days. It was evidently a highly risky venture given the huge size of his Sodebo Ultim trimaran – a 31-metre long and 21-metre wide craft equipped with a 35-metre high mast carrying up to 680 square metres of sail area.

“Nothing else in the world resembles this exercise. It requires total focus. It’s severe and extremely violent and that’s what’s so magnificent about it,” said another sailor. “With a multi-hull, if you get it wrong, you’re dead.”

Surviving winds of up to 45 knots, he described his boat as like “a dragonfly” skating on the water. The risk of capsizing meant he could sleep for no more than 30 minutes at a stretch during the 49 day voyage.

Born 10 May 1968 7.35am Rennes, France, he’s a stalwart and practical Sun Taurus which is opposition Neptune square Jupiter opposition his Midheaven – a Fixed Grand Cross, giving him formidable stamina and obstinacy. His Mars in early Gemini is also tied into that Grand Cross.

His Sun is also trine the breaking-barriers Uranus Pluto in Virgo. His Saturn in self-reliant Aries conjunct the go-solo North Node in Aries opposes his Libra Moon in the 5th.

Unsurprisingly his ‘obsessive dream’ 11th Harmonic is marked; as is his incredible-endurance 16H; and his strength and stubbornness in the face of difficulties 8H. His get-it-together 5H has an entrepreneurial Fire Grand Trine, focussed in a Kite by a ruthlessly determined Pluto opposition Mars.

An inspiration in a world obsessed either with flim flam or inflicting carnage.

Egypt and Israel – the alliance under strain

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Relations between Israel and Egypt by all accounts have become closer since Al-Sisi took over as Egyptian president. The two countries have a shared determination to stamp on Hamas and other jihadist groups operating in the Sinai, bordering both countries, with increasing military, intelligence and diplomatic co-operation. Sisi is determined to keep the Muslim Brotherhood and allies firmly at bay; while Israel is keen to divide and if not conquer then distract the Middle East by allying with ‘moderate’ or at least anti-Iran Arab states.

Which makes it all the stranger that Sisi led the UN resolution to condemn Israeli settlements, only to withdraw it under pressure from the new Trump administration, which includes amongst the new intake some who are pro-settlers, including Jared Kushner. It may be that it was a faux gesture on Sisi’s part to appease Egyptian public opinion which is hostile to Israel and pro-Palestine. And his Presidency chart, 8 June 2014 11.18am Cairo, is certainly moving into its most unstable few months as the Solar Arc Pluto moves to square the Uranus, exact in 3 months’ time.

The relationship chart between Egypt, 14 March 1922 10.43pm GMT Cairo, and Israel certainly looks very fraught and under extreme pressure through 2017. In February tr Pluto will square the composite Mercury, moving on in March to square the composite Mars – so heated arguments of a toxic variety. Tr Uranus will conjunct the composite Sun in March which is a separating influence, moving on to square the composite Pluto from late April which will turn all former diplomatic relations volte face. At an outside stretch, they could together be facing a situation of extreme danger together. But a shouting match and hostile moves by one side or the other seem more likely.

It was thought that Al-Sisi and Netanyahu had forged a special bond, both being strong, not to say dictatorial, rulers, with avowed aims for stability. But tr Pluto is opposition the composite Uranus on their relationship chart this month turning everything on its head; with more bumps and jolts through 2017.

USA 2017 – on tenterhooks




The US goes into 2017 edgy with anticipation about what the Trump Presidency will bring. From this Thursday Dec 29th tr Saturn will oppose the USA Mars, followed in early January by tr Saturn square the USA Neptune until the 15th. That will be bad-tempered and feel like an aggravating setback with uncertainty and confusion swirling. Those influences return through July to early October 2017. The Secondary Progressed Moon is also (on 11am start) opposition the USA Uranus across the Inauguration, hinting at a divided population. Trump has only 48% favourability ratings at present compared to Obama’s 75% in Dec 2008.

The other significant influence this year and next will be tr Uranus square the USA Mercury in Cancer, then Mercury/Pluto, then Pluto in 2018. I’ve covered it in detail before and will append below. That will lead to heated debates with intransigence on both sides, outbursts and a fairly unstable feel, especially in 2018, as radical changes are afoot.

There will be phases of great confidence as tr Pluto squares the Jupiter/Pluto midpoint – Dec 2016, Sept/Oct 2017 – though it can also bring over-confidence, a tendency to cross the line and can lead to conflict with government or authority figures.

The February Pisces Eclipse will square the USA Uranus in Gemini, which I always associate with freedom of speech, so there may be a crisis of sorts with the libertarians at war with the suppressors.

The August Leo Eclipse whose path crosses the USA will oppose the USA Aquarius Moon, which will be highly emotional, putting stress on relationships. [See earlier post this Eclipse below as well.]

So it will be a significant though not easy year ahead.

Where it starts to get even stickier will be in 2018 with the volatile Mars/Uranus midpoint labouring under a conjunction from Solar Arc Saturn early on and a transiting square from Neptune running in 2018/19. Solar Arcs moving to aspect midpoints can have a considerable effect. Mars Uranus is argumentative, violent, revolutionary-prone, certainly a test of nerves. Saturn on Mars Uranus is destructive, injury-prone, lacking adaptability and can point to a separation of sorts. Neptune on Mars Uranus is cunning, deceitful, sneaky, feelings getting out of control leading to madness, disadvantages – at least it will be panicky. In 2018 tr Saturn will start to oppose the USA Venus, Jupiter and in 2019 the USA Sun which suggests a discouraging phase. By 2019 Solar Arc Sun is square Mars/Uranus – injury, accident, sudden change in circumstances.

Just as an additional side note: The USA Progressed Mars went retrograde in October 2006 when the housing bubble and sub- prime mortgage crisis, fuelled by credit default swaps led to the banking emergency and into the recession of 2007 to 2009. [Read Michael Lewis: The Big Short or even better watch the movie – explains all very entertainingly.] A retrograde Mars tends to sap vitality and energy, brings uncertainty about ambitions and what is wanted, and can lead to internal rather than external conflicts and arguments. It will stay retrograde for many decades to come.


USA: MERCURY OPPOSITION PLUTO;  from previous post.

The USA 1776 chart has only one opposition of Mercury in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn – and tr Uranus started to pick up the square to Mercury mid 2016 and continues on till early 2018. Mercury Pluto is overly intense and tr Uranus throws an excitable firecracker into the mix.

Looking back on previous tr Uranus hard aspects to that opposition, it is really interesting. Oct 1973 to Oct 1974 – VP Spiro Agnew resigns faced with tax evasion charges. Watergate is raging, escalating and ends with Nixon’s resignation to avoid impeachment charges, as tr Uranus squares the US Mercury for the final time in August 1974, tugging on the US Pluto.

During tr Uranus in Cancer conjunct the US Mercury and opposition the US Pluto in 1953/54, the McCarthy sniff-out-a-commie hearings were in full swing, along with increasingly vociferous criticism of his bullying and witch-hunting tactics which led Ed Murrow to ask “Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last?”

On a previous occasion – April 1933 to April 1933 – President Franklin D Roosevelt declares a national emergency to come off the Gold Standard; and the Business Plot was uncovered which was an attempted coup d’etat against the government and Roosevelt’s progressive policies, by a group of fascist veterans and wealthy businessmen, wanting to ally themselves to Hitler’s Germany and Italy. At the time it was written off as a hoax but there did seem to be some wild scheme in place.

So this influence definitely attacks both the government and US democracy, either by dragging scandals into the open or letting loose hard right-wing fanatics.

Another thought entirely. On the USA 4 July 1776 chart (I use 11am), the Progressed Mercury went retrograde in December 1994 – the rough interpretation of this is going mentally off track, not thinking straight, not speaking out. In Dec 1994 the Senate started an investigation into the Whitewater scandal – questions arising about real estate investments by Bill (then President) and Hillary Clinton and associates. One conviction resulted but the Clintons were deemed to have no criminal evidence against them.

That Progressed Mercury goes direct in late November this year. Whether this means more of the same will come out into the open to be spoken about more clearly. Or it ties the matter up securely I’ve no idea. But good to keep an eye on. What’s for sure, if the past repeats itself, is that 2017 won’t be one in which the US ruling elite (or pretenders thereto) will cover themselves in glory.

The USA Solar Return for July 2016 (ignoring natal chart start time) has a hugely emphasised Uranus – on the point of a T square to Pluto opposition Moon Venus; and on the focal point of a Yod to Jupiter sextile Mars in Scorpio. Such a Uranus covers a spectrum of – erratic, rebellious, innovative, fated changes, disruptive, trail-blazing, socially explosive, reformist, lawless, fringe activism, progressive. Plus the focal point Saturn in self-righteous, rigid-thinking Sagittarius in square to Neptune opposition North Node Jupiter in Virgo – so neurotic, fearful of failure, up and down.



The Great American Total Solar Eclipse on 21 August 2017 will be seen across the USA, falling exactly on the midheaven through Houston, Texas, down through Mexico and due north up through Canada.

Set for Washington, DC, the Leo New Moon is 9th house conjunct Node Mars also in Leo trine Saturn in Sagittarius trine Uranus in Capricorn – so a Fire Grand Trine; formed into a Kite by Uranus opposition Jupiter which is in turn square Venus opposition Pluto – a Cardinal Grand Cross.

The New Moon will be conjunct Trump’s Mars and Ascendant as well as (maybe) opposition the USA 1776 Aquarius Moon (depending on start time).

An eclipse conjunct Mars tends to stoke up anger, so can be argumentative if not violent, accident-prone and overly stressed. At that point Trump has another of his wild confidence tr Pluto square his Jupiter and a feeling-unloved tr Saturn conjunct his Moon – so he’s likely to be over-reacting.

A Fire Grand Trine tends also to be supremely confident, taking risks without much thought of what comes next, inducing selfish and ego-centred impulses. Burnout can be a problem.

On the absolutely best reading, this could be a magnificent entrepreneurial plan to Make America Great Again (sic). Though Mars Saturn Uranus tied into the Eclipse is worrisome, especially with a buccaneering Uranus opposition Jupiter.

Previous Eclipses in this Saros series make interesting if worrying reading with some events happening earlier than August and some the following year, as is customary with Eclipses which tend to cast a shadow in both directions.

1998/9 – Clinton impeachment, Dec 98 to Feb 99.

1981 – Attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan in March.

1963 – Assassination of JFK in November.

1945 –August: Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs dropped. Death of FDR (by natural causes) in April.

1927: The Pineapple Primary (= hand grenades) took place in April 1928 in Illinois, during the administration of the notoriously corrupt Chicago Mayor “Big Bill” Thompson, whose re-election had gained the financial support of mobster Al Capone. In the six months prior to the primary (ie. 1927) there were 62 bombings in Chicago and 2 politicians killed. 500 federal marshals were drafted in by the Attorney General to protect voters on election day. ‘Underlying the violent campaign was the lucrative Prohibition-era bootlegging trade, a corrupt city government, politicians with ties to organized crime, and a deep-seated and bitter political rivalry between several of the Illinois Republican candidates.’ (wiki)Calvin Coolidge, was in the White House, a Republican president since 1923, small-government conservative, supported racial equality, relatively scandal-free after predecessor Warren Harding less than stellar performance.

1927 also saw various natural and man-made disasters of historic proportions – St Louis tornado, Vermont floods, Pittsburgh gas explosion. In 1928 a California dam fails with 400 dead, Florida hurricane kills 2500.

1909: Assassination attempt against President William Howard Taft while on a visit to Mexico. He was Republican anti-African-American, said in his inaugural address he wouldn’t appoint them to federal jobs; anti-conservationist, protectionist; broke with many of his predecessor Theodore Roosevelt’s policies. Democrat Woodrow Wilson won the following election.

So certainly this Eclipse presages violence in one form or another.

George Michael – hitting the heights and depths



Superstar singer George Michael has died aged 53 of heart failure according to early reports. In a glitteringly successful career he sold 100 million records but he seemed to be on an endless self-destruct course with drug and sex scandals dogging his footsteps. He was a heavy marijuana smoker, dabbled in designer drugs and crack cocaine, cruised for sex with strangers and struggled with depression over the death of one lover from HIV, his mother, and the break-up of a long-term relationship in recent years.

Born 25 June 1963 6am London, England, he had a 12th house Cancer Sun with a chaotic, angry, deeply frustrated Mars Pluto Uranus in Virgo in his 3rd house.  Mental strain would always be a problem. The 3rd house rules mental functions – Pluto digs too deep, gets negative especially close to Mars and Uranus adds an explosive, erratic streak. He had a flamboyant Leo Moon but it was restricted by an emotionally damped-down Saturn in Aquarius in the 8th, which would make it difficult for him to make intimate connections.

His Moon was also square Neptune in Scorpio, which in turn sat on the focal point of a Yod to Venus in social-butterfly Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries. Such an afflicted Neptune would give him a deep sense of loneliness and make him yearn for peace, solitude and escape from the pressures of everyday life. Marlon Brando and Richard Burton also had Yod focal point Neptunes, so drink and drugs would provide one way of fleeing emotional disorganization and feelings of unworthiness. His Cancer North Node was conjunct his Ascendant giving him identity problems – he struggled to know who he really was.

On top of all this sat lucky, talented, successful Jupiter in Aries in his 10th which trined his Moon putting a superficial gloss on a fairly tortured life.

He had a strong and stressed 7th Harmonic (septiles), which can add a spiritual dimension, a seeking soul, though is also associated with drink and drug addictions. His 10th Harmonic – the ‘Wheel of Fortune’ is heavy, dark and highly strung and contains the seed of good and bad, the rise and fall. Like Mel Gibson, his 19th Harmonic is also marked which usually accompanies success and prosperity but isn’t a lucky or happy number.

Tr Neptune in recent years had been opposing his Uranus, Pluto and at the moment Mars which would not improve his mental stability. Tr Saturn is on the cusp of his 6th house of health.

‘You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.’ (Nieztsche.)

UK 2017 – high enthusiasm and intense feelings



The UK has tr Jupiter moving through the 1st house until November 2017 and several Jupiter midpoints being triggered throughout the year so the mood will be surprisingly upbeat. Tr Uranus is opposition the Jupiter/MC now and through January, being joined by tr Pluto trine Jupiter/Pluto in Jan, mid July to early Sept, late Oct to early Dec 2017 which should engender a ‘we can do it’ spirit.

The major transit will be tr Pluto opposition the 10th house Cancer Moon from March 2017, on and off till late 2018. The Moon in mundane charts means the masses of the population, so in general refers to public opinion. There are associations also obviously with women and, in the UK, to parliamentary democracy (rule by the people) since the Moon is in the 10th. The 10th refers to the ruling classes in government and the Royal Family.

Tr Pluto opposition the Moon will give rise to intense feelings, emotional outbursts, fanatical zeal, impulsive and irrational behaviour, with the darker emotions on display – jealousy, obsessions, suspicion, paranoia. Since tr Pluto is moving through the 4th there will be mutinous sentiments forcefully expressed, since there is a grindingly slow pulling-away from the past going on, which will meet with strong resistance from some. Tr Pluto in hard aspect to the Moon can bring loss through death or at least mourning for the passing of an old way of life.

The February Pisces Eclipse will be conjunct the UK Pluto and Solar Arc Jupiter which may not have a dramatic effect. The August Eclipse in late Leo will be conjunct the UK Saturn in Leo in the 11th which rules the legislature, House of Commons and hopes for the future. Saturn + an Eclipse generally lands heavier responsibilities always with the resonance of paying the price for decisions. Not quite ‘you broke it, you own it’ but along those lines. It’s face reality time and get on with it.

The other significant influence will be Solar Arc MC square the 8th house Mars, following on from the Solar Arc Sun square that Mars over the Brexit vote in 2016. It’ll be exact in six months time, though may trigger early, perhaps with a financial shock, or a disaster. The 8th house Mars can be high-risk or bring murk up from the bottom of the barrel (the child abuse inquiry etc).

In about two and a half to three years’ time there are a few interesting influences to contemplate. One is the Solar Arc Pluto conjunct the Ascendant in 2019 which will give rise to the impulse to be in control, perhaps as the EU divorce is finalised. With both the Solar Arc Uranus and tr Uranus in Taurus in 2018/19 moving into the 8th for the years thereafter, which will be erratic as far as business finances are concerned, though not necessarily disastrous. Just up and down and less predictable than before.

In 2019 the Secondary Progressed/Solar Arc Sun will conjunct the Progressed Jupiter which should give rise to a surge of confidence and enthusiasm.

Julian Assange – the enemy of my enemy

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Julian Assange has been talking about the US election, slamming Hillary Clinton for being establishment, initiating the Libya intervention and imprisoning Chelsea/Bradley Manning. And trailing the hint that payback might have been one reason for the leaking of emails about her. He said Trump was not a DC insider so might offer the possibility of positive change. And said there was no need for wikileaks about Russia since it already had ‘vibrant publications’ and open debate.

[Dozens of journalists have been killed in Russia in the past two decades, and Freedom House considers the Russian press to be “not free” and notes: “The main national news agenda is firmly controlled by the Kremlin.” URL:]

Wikileaks released emails about Clinton and her campaign in the weeks before the election, which it is thought may have come from Russia. Assange is still in the Ecuador Embassy in London resisting extradition to Sweden where he is being investigated on rape allegations which he denies.

Hillary’s chart certainly clashes badly with Assange’s (3 July 1971 3pm Townsville, AU), since her formidable, controlling Saturn Pluto Mars in Leo are conjunct his midheaven and his Mars is opposition her Saturn – so he’d feel she was suppressing and dominating him, triggering his anger (and maybe his woman issues?).  Their relationship chart has a power-struggling composite Sun Pluto Venus sextile Saturn and Neptune – so hostility and suspicion; with an explosive Mars square Uranus.

Donald Trump on the other hand has his Sun in a friendly conjunction to Assange’s Venus in Gemini with Trump’s Moon in opposition; with Trump’s Mars in Assange’s 10th – furthering his ambitions? That relationship chart has a wide friendly composite Sun Venus trine a ‘false optimism’ Jupiter Neptune; and a business-like Sun Saturn.

Assange’s relationship with Putin is hardly harmonious with Putin’s domineering Pluto in Assange’s 10th and Putin’s Mars square Assange’s Pluto. If Assange ever moved to Russia he’d find it was a whole different ball game to the one he imagines at the moment. But that relationship chart has an intensely emotional Venus Mercury Pluto as well as a pioneering Sun Uranus in an opportunistic opposition to Jupiter.

Just shows how insane the world has got if erstwhile darlings of the liberal tendency support Trump and Putin. The mistake Assange and others of his ilk make is assuming simple-mindedly that ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’. Assange hates Hillary so anyone else who dislikes her must be an ally. Strange bedfellows indeed.

Today – Half Grand Sextile



Today there’s an exact Half Grand Sextile of Jupiter in Libra opposition Uranus sextile/trine Saturn in Sagittarius and Venus in Aquarius – all at 20 degrees. Good for any babies born now since the trines and sextiles give talent and free flow of energy.

Saturn Uranus is innovative but not too revolutionary; Jupiter Uranus is adventurous but its gambling tendencies will be held in check by Saturn. Venus Jupiter is frivolous and indulgent; Venus Saturn is sophisticated and more sensible. Saturn Jupiter instils a good balance between idealism and materialism.

2017 – planetary aspects in play

A quick run-down on the planetary aspects and positions in 2017.

Two out of the outer planets shift sign. Jupiter is in Libra until October, and then in Scorpio for a year thereafter. Saturn finishes its three-year stint in Sagittarius this year, moving into Capricorn on the 21st December to hang around until 2020.

The Solar Eclipses (see previous post) are in early Pisces in February and late Leo in August; the Lunar Eclipses are in Leo in February and Aquarius in August.

Venus is around in Aries longer than usual – Feb, March and May.

There will still be faint ripples from Uranus square Pluto. It is pulling apart but will it hard aspect the Sun, Mars and other planets in fairly quick succession during certain months so will be felt. What will help (some of the time) is Jupiter in Libra also in aspect, which can bring a ray of sunshine, though can also lead to over-confidence, brash behaviour, conflicts etc. In January, April, July and October the Sun picks up Uranus Pluto. Mars does the same in February, July and late November/December.

July looks an especially stressed month with Mars in hard aspect to Pluto and Uranus, as well as the Sun to Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto. Late November and December also look fraught as Mars in Libra picks up Pluto, then Uranus and the Sun around this time meets Saturn for the first time in Capricorn, which will put a damper on festivities.

Saturn does trine Uranus in May which could bring beneficial and constructive changes. And Jupiter will be much in evidence which at a personal level should bring good news, but out in the world maybe the other sort, since it tends to be disaster-prone or induce over-pushy actions.