“Do we actually know who told Hillary she could use a private email?” wrote close aide and transition team member Neera Tanden in a July 2015 note recently revealed by WikiLeaks. “And has that person been drawn and quartered? Like [this] whole thing is fucking insane.”
Maybe the difference is nowadays we find out just how hair-raisingly bizarre/ill-judged/incompetent/arrogantly obstinate our erstwhile leaders are, almost immediately. In ye olden days, politicians who were lauded and applauded were only revealed as flakes, frauds and worse thirty years after they fell of their perches.
The FBI has announced they are ‘reviewing’ their conclusions on Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server while Secretary of State, because of emails found on a jointly-used laptop of her aide Huma Abedin and her sexual pervert former husband Anthony Weiner. Defies belief the whole murky mess.
James Comey, 14 Dec 1960, the FBI Director, a long-time Republican, is coming in for flak for what some see a political interference 11 days before the election. His Pluto is conjunct Hillary’s Midheaven (8.01 am birth time) which would certainly suggest he has the capacity to pull her down and wishes to control her. His Uranus is conjunct Hillary’s Saturn and his Sagittarius Sun opposes her Uranus so on very different agendas.
Their relationship chart echoes this with a power-struggling composite Sun square Pluto, exacerbated by a game-playing for the upper-hand Pluto trine Jupiter; with an explosive Sun trine Uranus Mars. There’s nothing instantly obvious transit-wise on this chart (without his birth time) but difficulties between the pair will rumble on with continuing aggravations for the next two years.
He’s in for an uphill struggle in 2017 with tr Pluto conjunct his Saturn in Capricorn and square his Mars/Saturn midpoint on his personal chart; but he’s tough with his Saturn and Jupiter natally opposition Mars and in a Half Grand Sextile to Pluto and Neptune, so he’s undoubtedly talented and influential.
His Term of Office chart, 4 September 2013, is sagging badly through 2017. In theory he’s in for a fixed 10 year term but I’m not sure if Presidents have the right to summarily remove a director. If Hillary gets in she might just well put pressure on him.
Why Huma Abedin stuck by her serially and unpleasantly unfaithful sex-texting ex-husband, given her politically exposed position, is another head-scratcher. And indeed why Hillary didn’t distance herself from Huma, whom she regards almost as a second daughter. Loyalty is one thing but political nous would suggest it was a time bomb waiting to go off. It reminds me slightly of Maggie Thatcher who surrounded herself with some very sleazy people whom she clearly couldn’t see were wrong ‘uns. There was never a whiff of scandal about her personally, it was all just projected out onto some of her circle.
Huma Abedin, 28 July 1976, has a very Fixed chart with a Leo Sun Saturn square Uranus in Scorpio, with Venus Mercury, maybe Moon also, in Leo and Jupiter in Taurus. Change comes no more easily to her than it does to Scorpio/Leo Hillary. The Huma/Hillary relationship chart is showing signs of separation and disappointment through 2016/17 with tr Saturn square the Pluto Sun conjunction and tr Neptune opposing in 2017 and beyond.
As the FBI chucked this hand grenade into the mix, on Hillary’s chart tr Uranus has just moved to oppose her Sun/Neptune midpoint which Ebertin describes as: “sudden upsets, nervousness, convulsions, emotional crisis, mourning.” That sticks around through November.
There’s nothing more of note showing on either of the two candidates’ charts.