This is in no way definitive but a thought to ponder. Solar Arc Directions give a chart which indicates the stage of life an individual or country is at. Sometimes I’ve seen relationships where one person’s Solar Arcs had powerful cross overs with the other’s natal chart, which suggests a link which is significant for that phase of life but may not necessarily hang around for ever.
I wondered if it would helpful in the chawsome business of political prediction. Taking Tony Blair as an example since he has an accurate birth time as has the UK.
When he was elected in a landslide in May 1997 his Solar Arc MC was trine the UK natal MC; with his Solar Arc Jupiter Mars also conjunct the UK’s natal MC in the UK 10th; and his Solar Arc Pluto was conjunct the UK natal Libra Ascendant during his three terms in office, transforming the UK’s image (and not for the better; sorry about that partisan thought.)
Looking at the UK Solar Arc chart for 1997, his natal MC was conjunct the UK Solar Arc MC; with his natal Moon conjunct the UK Solar Arc Jupiter and his North Node conjunct the UK Solar Arc Moon. His natal Saturn Neptune were conjunct the UK’s Solar Arc Descendant. So both he and the country were at a stage where he was, if not the perfect fit, what suited that time.
It seems to work better as Solar Arc to natal; than Solar Arc to Solar Arc for some reason.
At the moment, UK PM Theresa May’s natal Libra Sun is trine the UK’s Solar Arc MC; with her natal Uranus conjunct the UK Solar Arc IC and Sun, as she steers the country through a potentially massive upheaval. The UK’s Fixed Grand Cross has moved by Solar Arc into Mutable signs, which her gung-ho natal Jupiter in Virgo opposition Mars in Pisces chimes into. And her Solar Arc chart now has that Jupiter opposition Mars in Fixed signs, hitting on the UK’s natal Grand Cross.
Donald Trump’s Solar Arc MC is now conjunct the USA’s North Node in Leo; with his Solar Arc Moon in late Aquarius which sits close to the USA natal Aquarius Moon. If a start time for 11am for the USA is sound, then his Solar Arc Jupiter is conjunct the USA natal IC; and his Solar Arc Saturn Venus are conjunct the USA natal Ascendant – so he’s both a comforting and a dampening force.
On USA 11m again, his natal Taurus MC is conjunct the USA Solar Arc Ascendant and Solar Arc Neptune, so his ambitions and the USA’s image of 2017 mesh. His Pluto is also opposition the USA’s Solar Arc Uranus, hinting at the revolution/disruption his presidency will bring. And his bullishly flamboyant Mars in Leo is conjunct the USA Solar Arc IC, pointing to the aggravation felt in certain quarters.
I could do all the French candidates but that can wait till after Sunday when there’ll be two not four candidates, heading to a run off.