Inexperienced, centrist Emmanuel Macron and right-wing Marine Le Pen are through to the second round of the French election on May 7th. By all accounts, polls and bookies, Macron is a shoe-in.
Apart from a waning Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct his Mars which has given him the impetus to rise out of obscurity to get this far, there’s not much else of note in his chart. What made me think he’d lose his mojo is tr Neptune opposition his Mars/Pluto which is running through into mid May. That can be cunning and deceitful but can also be fairly catastrophe-prone, which hasn’t been obvious so far. He’s also picking up tr Saturn square his Mars/Uranus which is accident prone. Some of this may well be outright panic at an unexpected win. Winning doesn’t always show up as resounding glee, since the reality of what lies ahead looms ominously scary. And with no party behind him, he could find himself in power but not in control of the French parliament.
The Neptune Mars/Pluto might also be a hint of the dirty tricks going on behind the scenes, targeting Fillon and airbrushing Macron. [See short URL: goo.gl/8shIyd.]
Macron’s Solar Arc Pluto is approaching a conjunction to his Midheaven; and is exactly conjunct the France MC and focal point Mars; with his Solar Arc Neptune conjunct the France Ascendant – gaining influence (with reservations) in a country undergoing an identity crisis.
His natal Taurus Moon is exactly conjunct the France Solar Arc Sun; although his Uranus also opposes the France Solar Arc Sun, so a fit, but potentially a disruptive one for this stage in France’s development.
His relationship chart with France has an affectionate Sun Venus conjunction though Neptune lurking close by could turn good feelings to disappointment; and a ratchety, volatile Mars Uranus square Saturn, so he will meet with resistance.
Marine Le Pen’s Jupiter in Virgo falls conjunct the France Solar Arc Ascendant which is why she’s been able to get this far this time round. And her Cancer MC is conjunct the France Solar Arc Moon in the 10th. Her Solar Arc Sun Mercury are conjunct the France Sun; with her Solar Arc Moon conjunct the France Pluto and opposition Uranus. The result may be closer than the 80-20 suggested at the moment.
Macron is married to a drama teacher, Brigitte, 13 April 1953 3pm Amiens, France. She’s a Sun Venus in Aries which chimes with his Sun Venus in Sagittarius; and her Aries Moon is opposition his Pluto for a close link; with his Taurus Moon conjunct her exuberant Mars Jupiter.
One thing is certain – Macron seriously dislikes the UK. His relationship chart with the UK has a fearsome-dislike Mars Moon opposition Pluto Mercury, trine Uranus, sextile Saturn. So he won’t go easy in Brexit negotiations.