George Conway, Kellyanne’s lawyer husband, is according to the WPost, about to run (pending Senate approval) the Justice Department’s civil division, which is tasked with guarding the president and his policies from legal challenges. Of which there is no shortage – federal funding for sanctuary cities and the travel ban, never mind the Russia investigation.
In the 1990s, he was a hotshot young attorney working to undermine President Bill Clinton by offering secret legal aid to his accusers and reportedly funneling salacious details to the Drudge Report. “This one disgruntled New York lawyer almost single-handedly brought down the president,” David Brock, the conservative provocateur-turned-Clinton acolyte, later wrote. He has worked at the same law firm for almost 30 years, focused on the needs of tobacco companies and other corporations. [See WPost:]
Born 2 September 1963, he has a Virgo Sun conjunct Uranus Venus Pluto, which makes him reasonably similar to the disgraced Anthony Weiner, Huma Abedin’s husband, born the year before with his Virgo Sun Uranus Pluto Mercury. Comnway also has Jupiter in Aries opposition Mars, so not above taking flyers and risks.
Both he and Kellyanne have Mars almost in the same degree in Libra, so both will be seriously corralled in 2019/20 when tr Pluto squares their respective Mars. Before then he looks pushily confident with tr Pluto square his Jupiter in 2017/18; and tr Pluto conjunct his Mars/Jupiter in 2018/19. But he may over reach himself since that Mars Jupiter is impulsive and can go several steps too far.
He describes himself as contrarian, which in one way fits with maverick Trump, but holding firm to the boss-is-always-right may prove tricky.