Gary & Danielle – apart yet together



Former footballer and now sports broadcaster, Gary Lineker, divorced his wife, Danielle, after six years together because she wanted children and he didn’t want any more, having four already from a former marriage. She found a new beau, an LA lawyer, got pregnant, and has now moved back in with her ex to the former marital home when she’s in the UK. Couldn’t be more amicable.

Gary, 30 Nov 1960, is a Sun Sagittarius square Pluto; with Pluto trine Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn; and Saturn Venus opposition Mars – controlling, confident, hard-edged, short-tempered, not always sensitive with Venus opposition Mars. Danielle, 15 June 1979, is a Sun Gemini opposition Neptune, with a volatile and determined Mars in Taurus opposition Uranus.

Her Venus opposes his Sun; and his Venus is trine her Mars – so there would be a sparkle. But her Saturn is conjunct his Pluto; her Pluto square his Mars and Venus Saturn, which is a load of difficulty. It’s one of these can’t live with them, can’t live without them, lots of pluses and lots of minuses kind of relationship.

Their relationship chart is powerfully connected with a composite Venus opposition Pluto Sun square Mars – that’s a lot of passion, mixed up with anger and control issues. Venus is in an ethereal trine to Neptune; and the composite Mars is in a supportive trine to Jupiter. So much the same pattern of positive and negative.

They’ll drift further apart later this year and more so in 2018 on with tr Saturn square the composite Venus and Pluto and then tr Neptune opposes the composite Sun.

Some relationships are better as friendships. Getting into intimate personal space brings up a whole slew of different problems.

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