Willie MacRae and Hilda Murrell – conspiracy theories linger


The mysterious death of Willie MacRae in 1985, a Scots lawyer, SNP activist and anti-nuclear campaigner, has spawned a multitude of conspiracy theories involving the security services. The reasons suggested are that he was targeted for his successful effort to stop nuclear waste dumping and because he had uncovered evidence of an alleged paedophile ring in Westminster during the 1980s. His car crashed in a remote part of the Scottish Highlands and he was found shot in the head with a revolver with a briefcase of documents missing.

His death came a year after the murder of Hilda Murrell, another anti-nuclear campaigner. Although subsequently a local labourer was charged with her abduction, rape and murder on DNA evidence, some remain suspicious that there’s more to the story than that.

Both deaths occurred oddly enough on an Aries Sun and Scorpio Moon; with an exact scandal-prone Pluto sextile Neptune; and more pointedly around the time of Mars being in hard aspect to the Saturn/Pluto midpoint which is brutal.

Willie MacRae was born 18 May 1923 in Falkirk, served in WW11, was in the Royal Indian navy, and ADC to Mountbatten at one point. He was a Taurus with an excitable Mars in outspoken Gemini square Uranus; and an idealistic Jupiter square Neptune. When he died on 7 April 1985, tr Saturn was in a downbeat opposition to his Sun and his Solar Arc Neptune was in a high anxiety conjunction to his Saturn and there were several ‘accident-prone’ hard aspects to his Mars/Saturn, Mars/Uranus and Mars/Node midpoints – so it would be an exceptionally fraught time for him.

There were certain similar aspects on Hilda Murrell’s chart, 3 February 1906, when she was killed on 21 March 1984. This was just before she was due to give evidence on radioactive waste disposal at the Sizewell Inquiry. She was a triple Aquarius with Jupiter in Taurus and a courageous Mars in Pisces square Pluto – a determined lady. Tr Saturn was hovering around the square to her Sun; and both tr Saturn and tr Uranus were in aspect to her Mars/Saturn midpoint when she died.

In both cases death wasn’t instantaneous – Hilda Murrell died of hypothermia having been brutally attacked and stabbed. Willie MacRae survived after his car crashed and was declared brain dead in hospital a day later.

Astrology won’t prove or disprove murder/suicide theories. But they were oddly similar circumstances and astro-events in both cases.

Pluto in Aquarius – rebellions and inventions


This is a reprise of an old post about Pluto in Aquarius which is up and coming in three years’ time.

Pluto has been grinding its way inexorably through Capricorn since 2008, pulling down old structures – in the Capricorn-ruled arenas of finance and government – razing the old status quo to ashes, with the hope of rebuilding better on the far side. Pluto only gets back round to the same sign every 230 to 240 years so it is significant. Pluto moves into Aquarius in 2023 staying till 2044. Past experience associates this phase with an upsurge of more significant rebellions than usual and a flowering of inventions.

Previous Pluto in Aquarius phases:

1778 -1797: The USA had declared independence in 1776 so the Brits were in retreat, though elsewhere were fighting the French, Spanish, Dutch and Indians in different spats. The French Revolution of 1793 had a dramatic effect and not just in France, though this was partially due to Pluto being opposition Uranus. The Industrial Revolution was in full swing having got under way during Pluto in Capricorn. James Watts’ improved steam engine revolutionised production.

Aquarius is scientific, so no surprises there were major advances in chemistry. And, with blissful syncronicity, William Herschel discovered the planet Uranus, which rules Aquarius. Explorers, another Aquarian strength, were also out and about with Captains James Cook and William Bligh leading the way to ‘new’ lands.

It was a productive period for philosophical and social thinkers – Emmanuel Kant and Thomas Paine (Rights of Man); with cultural highpoints from Mozart and Scottish poet Robert Burns, who later established a global footprint.

1532 – 1552: Henry V111 declared himself head of the Church in 1531 and was excommunicated in 1533 by the Pope. The RC versus Protestant schism got under way in earnest, which led to centuries of conflict.

1287 – 1307: Welsh Rebellion against the English. Edward 1 of England put John Balliol on Scottish throne with William Wallace rebellion following.

1041 – 1061: Macbeth succeeds to throne of Scotland. Great schism between the Western RC church and Eastern Orthodox churches.

796 – 816: Charlemagne becomes Holy Roman Emperor in 800. He unites most of Western Europe, laying the foundations for modern France and Germany. He dies just as Pluto is about to exit Aquarius.

551 – 572: Mohammed is born.

So world-changing events during Pluto in Aquarius.

This next time round tr Pluto in Aquarius will march in time to Neptune in Aries (2025 to 2038) and initially to Uranus in Gemini (2025 to 2033) – so early on there’ll be a Uranus trine Pluto sextile Neptune after the mid 2020s – innovative and creative. Of the earlier historical happenings which might repeat, we can expect more advances in science and exploration (outer space/bottom of the sea/under Arctic ice?). For the rest – the US and France will have come full circle back to their first Pluto Return or the immediate aftermath, so significant shifts/adjustments, epochal events in both countries. Sometimes empires that rise on one Pluto cycle, fall on the next.

Hugh Fowler comments;

At the risk of becoming an ephemeris bore I have checked the 11th century to see what was happening in the run up to the Norman Conquest. The record shows Pluto ingresses into Aquarius in 1041 which was the year Edward the Confessor returned from exile in Normandy to become the heir to his half brother Harthacnut. The latter died in April 1042 and Edward became king almost precisely at the point of the Neptune ingresses into Aries in May 1042. Edward’s accession to the throne, his Norman upbringing and his failure to produce an heir set in train the series of events that would lead to the fall of the Anglo Saxon royal house of Wessex and its replacement by the Dukes of Normandy. Again the transition seems to fall at a deeply significant moment where a seemingly mundane event in the historical process kicks off changes that run very deep and last centuries. One final point it should be noted that however big the change Britain seems to always reset to old patterns. So while all the Norman and Angevin dynasties ruled for centuries by the end of the 13th century the kings of England were being titled Edward again.

As a quick addendum I have checked the ephemeris to see what was happening at the time the Roman province of Britain was created. It essentially began in 43 CE when Claudius army invaded. At that time Pluto was in Capricorn and Neptune was in Pisces. Rather spookily the conquest was essentially completed and made permanent for the next four centuries when the Boudiccan revolt was crushed between 60 and 61 CE. That was precisely the time that Pluto ingressed into Aquarius and Neptune into Aries. This transition does seem to echo down the centuries for the inhabitants of Britain.

Scots are looking through the wrong end of the telescope at the astrology here. If the past is anything to go by Pluto moving into Aquarius and Neptune into Aries in the 2020 signals some sort of transformation of English identity and its relation to the world if the 1530s is anything to go by since that is the last time it happened. Moreover it all be generated internally (ie the English nation will do it to themselves for good or ill). I can’t even guess what is going to happen but as in the 1530s what triggers the change (Henry VIII lack of a male heir from his Spanish wife) won’t necessarily be as significant as the changes it brings.

Julia and Nadia – a sisterly feud


A celebrity spat between two showbiz sisters has the red tops riveted. Julia Sawalha, best known as Saffy in AbFab has taken exception to her older sister Nadia talking about their volatile relationship on the chat show Loose Women. Julia accused Nadia of crying fake tears for attention. Though they do appear to have had longish periods of not talking in the past.

Julia, 9 September 1968, appears to have been the father’s favourite and after she was born the older two sisters were sent off to live with the grandmother for a while which would sow the seeds of jealousy.

Nadia was born 18 November 1964 and is a Sun Scorpio in an expansive opposition to Jupiter in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius with a Taurus Moon – intense, stubborn for sure and not good at sharing the driving seat with a focal point Saturn. She also has a tempestuous Mars, Uranus and Pluto in Virgo square Mercury in outspoken Sagittarius so will voice her opinions with force.

Julia has an expansive Sun Jupiter in Virgo conjunct Pluto with Pluto conjunct Uranus – so a stellium in meticulous Virgo. She’ll be confident, at times too much so, and controlling. There’s a flashy Mars in Leo in a showbizzy square Neptune. And she’s also got a difficult Yod of Neptune sextile Pluto (Uranus) inconjunct Saturn in forced-to-be-self-reliant Aries; and an Aries Moon.

So both have an emphasised/afflicted Saturn as well as a prominent Jupiter making for highs and lows in their approach – at times overly rigid, at others taking too much for granted. Both also have Venus in Libra, although Nadia’s is opposed by Julia’s Saturn which won’t help to bring a heartfelt connection.

There are similarities between them and Nadia’s Pluto and Uranus are conjunct Julia’s Sun Jupiter which will make Julia feel controlled but also unsettled by Nadia’s unpredictability. Nadia’s Scorpio Sun opposition Jupiter square Saturn collides with Julia’s Mars square Neptune – so it will get heated.

Their relationship chart does have an up and down, tension-erupting composite Uranus Pluto opposition Saturn, but also an affectionate Sun Venus in an amiable square to Jupiter. So it will lurch from good to bad every so often.

Two strong, independent-minded, stubborn women in the public eye, craving attention, plus all the undercurrents of early jealousies – not a good mix. Families – nearly always a minefield.

The Mountbattens – eye-curling Royal scandals


Royal scandals and tragedies are drawing an unwelcome spotlight with the louche lifestyle of Louis and Edwina Mountbatten now being exposed as the fortieth anniversary of his death at the hands of the IRA comes round. And that’s all on top of Prince Andrew’s Epstein sinkhole.

A new book – The Mountbattens: Their Lives and Loves lays bare bedhopping, gay affairs and dangerous liaisons. She had multiple affairs, including with Douglas Fairbanks, pianist Leslie Hutchinson, actor Paul Robeson and probably Indian PM Nehru, and was named as a co-respondent in a society divorce. He was bisexual having affairs with women, including maybe Shirley MacLaine. But there are also tales of him procuring boys from aged 8 to 12 years old, and some from the infamous Kincora Children’s Home in Belfast in the mid 1970s, as well as trawling the Life Guards Barracks in London for young soldiers.

What’s intriguing astrologically about Louis and Edwina is that both had see-saw charts, indicating a constant search for ANother opposite to make themselves feel whole.

Louis, born 25 June 1900 6am, Windsor, England was the Duke of Edinburgh’s uncle and the Queen’s second cousin. His Cancer Sun in the hidden 12th conjunct Neptune opposed a downbeat Saturn in Capricorn; and his sensual Mars in Taurus opposed Jupiter with his Gemini Moon and Pluto opposing Uranus. He also had Venus Mercury in Cancer in his 12th. Not much love going around or stability in his aristocratic childhood. He would like to party with Jupiter Uranus in his 5th and would definitely be unconcerned about transgressing norms of behaviour with such a strong Uranus.

Edwina born 28 November 1901 7am Romsey, England was the granddaughter and heiress to a millionaire magnate with her mother dying when she was 11. She had a 1st house Sun Sagittarius so would be a live-wire personality; with an intense 8th house Moon Neptune in Cancer opposition Mars, Jupiter, Saturn in Capricorn, and Uranus opposition Pluto. Not too much of an even keel in her childhood either despite lashings of money.

Their relationship chart was chaotic and constantly changing but very tied together. There was a composite Sun Mercury in an argumentative opposition to Mars square an adventurous Uranus and Jupiter opposition a possessive Pluto Moon. There would be a constant fight for control and the upper hand with aggravation and anger spilling out. Yet with Moon Neptune straddling the composite Midheaven trine Venus they would manage to maintain an ethereal aura in public.

They did have some positive astro-crossovers since his Cancer Sun and her Cancer Moon were conjunct and his Jupiter was conjunct her Sun. But his Saturn on her Mars and opposition her Neptune was never going to make for harmony and bliss.

Another astrological curiosity was the Solar Eclipse which occurred five days before he was blown up in late August 1979 while on holiday in Ireland along with his grandson. This particular eclipse in the 18 North Saros cycle came back round 18 years later for the death of Princess Diana, Princess of Wales, one day before that eclipse. 18 North is usually interpreted as illness or accident-prone and given to obsessive worry. And going back to 1961, the August solar eclipse was the closest to the birth of Lady Diana Spencer in July.

David and Charles Koch – buying change to suit their whim ++

Billionaire and Republican donor David Koch has died, having suffered from prostate cancer for many years. He was born 3 May 1940 and along with his older brother Charles, 1 November 1935, is credited with funding the rise of the right in the Republican Party. They disliked Trump but others in the present administration – Mike Pence, Betty DeVos, Mike Pompeo, Scott Pruitt – are either friends or owe their careers to the Koch Bros. They were/are for small government, a free economy and against environmental protection.

Their father was a self-made oil man and tough.

David was a downbeat Sun Saturn in Taurus with his Sun conjunct Uranus as well – tight with money despite being a philanthropist of note; with his Jupiter in pro-active Aries in a pushily confident square to Pluto; and a passionately enthusiastic Mars Venus in Gemini square Neptune; and Saturn in an unyielding square to Pluto. Tough-minded and not exactly a bundle of laughs or sentimental or sensitive.

His brother Charles is equally fixed having a Scorpio Sun opposition Uranus which is sextile/trine Mars in money-minded Capricorn. His Jupiter in money-attracting Scorpio is in a hates-failure square to Saturn.

They wouldn’t always see eye to eye but their relationship chart had an affectionate composite Sun Venus opposition Jupiter square Uranus which would rub off a good many rough edges. Together their determination was unstoppable with a composite Mars Saturn trine Pluto. Together they certainly made a force for change – for good or for ill.

Charles, now 84 years old, looks shaken up at his brother’s death with tr Uranus hitting on his Uranus this year and next year his Sun; and is not too cheerful over the election if he sticks around for it with a disappointed-hopes tr Pluto square his Jupiter/Neptune midpoint.


Pic: Greg Skidmore.

Antonio Banderas & Pedro Almodovar – a dream team


Another creative  duo to hit the screens this year is actor Antonio Banderas in director Pedro Almodóvar’s Pain and Glory. ‘Part biopic, part bizarre personality fusion’, it features Banderas playing a Spanish film-maker looking back on his life. Their famously tempestuous creative partnership has brought them together in eight films over the past three decades.

Banderas, born 10 August 1960 9pm Malaga, Spain, is in the enviable position of having one foot in successful Hollywood movies and the other firmly planted in Spain, doing art house. He was married to Melanie Griffiths but they divorced in 2015.

He has a hard-working 6th house Sun Uranus in entertaining Leo trine a lucky, talented Jupiter in his 10th. Just as significantly he has a Yod onto apex planet filmic Neptune in the 8th house, allowing him to project a powerful aura, from a Moon sextile Mars – he was clearly always destined to be a breakout star. He has an ultra-determined and charming Pluto Venus in Virgo square Mars and trine Saturn, so is highly disciplined and not one to give way easily.

Pedro Almodovar, 25 September 1949, is a maverick, innovative Sun Libra square Uranus, with a hard-working Saturn in Virgo; and a megaton Mars Pluto in Leo square Venus and Moon in Scorpio – passionate, high-energy and a steam roller when it comes to getting what he wants.

His Mars Pluto is conjunct Banderas’ Sun and Uranus so no surprises that sparks fly at times. But their relationship chart is well knit together with a Half Grand Sextile from a composite high-enthusiasm Mars opposition Jupiter which is sextile/trine Saturn as well as Sun Mercury. And there may be a composite T Square of Moon Uranus onto Neptune. Banderas caught Almodovar’s eye when in his early twenties and just starting out and they have worked together on and off since.

Charlie Chaplin & Hitler – more alike than you’d think


Charlie Chaplin was born within days of Adolf Hitler so will have certain similar markers on his chart. What does the loveable little tramp have in common with a murderous monster?

There are different ways of living out a chart’s energy and while it’s not a concept I’m comfortable with it can be partly explained in terms of the evolution of the soul that incarnates into that particular chart – more primitive or more advanced. There is also a mysterious ‘something’ which the astrology doesn’t pinpoint which will raise one individual to prominence and leave another in obscurity. There are likely to be several born with Picasso’s birth chart who may well have been creative but they never became world famous.

But in this particular example there may be more temperamental similarities than the public image suggests, with the caveat that Chaplin’s birth date wasn’t recorded – reckoned to be around April 16 1889. So it’s likely that Chaplin had a late Aries Sun to Hitler’s Taurus Sun, born 20 April 1889, which would make a difference. However they both almost certainly shared the earthy, sexually-driven, insensitive  Venus Mars in Taurus in a cruel/heartless square to Saturn in wannabe-important Leo.

Peter Ackroyd’s biography of Chaplin draws a few parallels – both men had drunken fathers and nervous mothers. There were patterns of madness and illegitimacy in the family tree. They were short and sported an identical moustache. They had marked histrionic skills, each man ‘appealing to millions of people with an almost mesmeric magic’. They were despotic towards underlings.

That Chaplin was a monster isn’t in doubt. He was a predatory sex offender, constantly bedding underage girls and had a frighteningly out-of-control temper. The sweetness of his screen image wasn’t borne out in the reality of his life. One assistant director described him as ‘a tyrannical, wounding, authoritative, mean, despotic man.’ His fourth wife Oona, who was nearly thirty six years younger than him, took to drink to escape his rages.

Chaplin did have an unthinkable childhood bouncing between an insane mother, the workhouse and home for destitute children and when his mother was despatched to the lunatic asylum suffering from the effects of untreated syphilis, he was handed over to his alcoholic father who died two years later of cirrhosis. A Dickensian nightmare. Instead of crushing him it seemed to have developed a megalomaniac desire to become famous – which he duly did.

Hitler’s childhood wasn’t as gothic though he did clash with his father. He also followed his dream with astonishing self-belief given his background.


Rainforest fires – uncaring Brazilian government


Brazil’s rainforest is being burnt at an increasingly worrying rate, up 84% on last year, as the new Government under Jair Bolsonaro has made it clear their sympathies are with loggers rather than the indigenous groups who live in the forest. Farmers are clearing land for crop fields and cattle ranches because the new regime is keen to open up the region to economic activity. After an international outcry Bolsonaro ludicrously blamed NGOs for setting the fires.

He took over as President on 1 January 2019 at 4.50pm which puts Sun, Saturn, Pluto in the 8th suggesting dirty-dealings in secret as well as major financial problems. Plus a slippery and ineffectual Neptune in the 10th.

Born 21 March 1955,2.45pm Sao Paulo, Brazil, he’s a former Army officer, infamous for his racist, homophobic and misogynistic remarks and has a brutal and unbudgeable chart with Mars in Taurus opposition Saturn square Pluto opposition Moon Venus in Aquarius. He will be fairly impervious to pressure.   Though financial considerations may pull him back to some degree if international pressure keeps up.

See previous post January 2 2019.

Trump – spinning off into shrinkland

Batshit crazy was one description of Trump after his latest series of unhinged ramblings. The Guardian remarked that his impromptu speech on the White House driveway had “swept away all previous Trumpian benchmarks for incoherence, self-aggrandizement, prevarication and rancor in a presidency that has seemed before to veer loosely along the rails of reason but may never have come quite so close to spectacularly jumping the tracks.”

His Messiah complex reached new heights with the ‘I am the Chosen One’ as he referred to himself as the King of Israel; he insulted the Danish PM, denied starting a trade war with China, praised Putin, blamed everyone in sight for anything that was going wrong and generally flew in the face of rational facts and reality. In a subsequent speech he was also slurring words badly even relatively simple ones.

The 25th Amendment hashtag went viral – Presidents unfit for office. Andrew Johnson, POTUS 1865 to 1869, was cited, whose impeachment related his “intemperate, inflammatory and scandalous harangues.” Though his chart, 29 December 1808, is not remotely similar to Trump’s with a pushily confident Jupiter Pluto in Pisces and a Capricorn Sun in an aggressive square to Mars.

Trump’s Solar Return for this year from June onwards does have Saturn Pluto in the 10th which does point to a complete career roadblock and damage to reputation, especially since it is in an infuriated and trapped opposition to a 4th house Mars and Mercury; plus a head-in-the-clouds Sun opposition Jupiter square a 12th house Neptune. So completely boxed in and retreating off into fantasyland would be one reasonable interpretation.

His Term chart is now swimming around in a sea of unpopularity and confusion with tr Neptune conjunct the Venus until late September, which can have financial implications as well in a mundane chart. From August 25th tr Pluto returns to square the Uranus which will make for more instability until mid November. And the Solar Arc Pluto will square the Uranus exactly in six months’ time. So it’s not beyond the bounds of possibility that he topples off his perch.

His relationship chart with the USA is back at teeth-gritting stage from late January 2020, on and off till late year. But even before then from mid November there’ll be a fair few hiccups running into mid December; and again in February 2020.

The Republican Party who appear incapable of facing up to the problem they foisted on the country will be more exercised about their huge headache in 2020 from early on, their concerns mounting as campaigning goes on. They are pretty locked into him and a separation would not be easy, bar inescapable health issues.

Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State, is looking more than somewhat agitated about him late December into January 2020; and at breaking point come May 2020 onwards.

The next six months will clearly be critical and could be the make or break phase.