Renee Zellweger, best known as the bubbly air-head Bridget Jones has taken on a more tortured role as Judy Garland, the haunted and hugely talented American singer, dancer, actress who battled addiction and died of an overdose in her late 40s. The film Judy has been getting standing ovations at the Toronto Film Festival and warm reviews. Renee’s comment about Garland that there was “no room on the schedule for her sanity” is all the more poignant since she herself disappeared at the height of her fame in 2010 for an extended break to find space for herself away from fame.
Renee was born 25 April 1969 2.41 pm Baytown, Texas, and does not have an easy chart with an 8th house Taurus Sun conjunct a forced-to-be-self-reliant Saturn in last degree Aries, with an intense Venus in Aries also in the 8th trine a heated 4th house Mars in Sagittarius and trine her Leo Moon in the hidden 12th. Mars in turn is in an intense, frustrating square to Pluto with Pluto in a confident conjunction to Jupiter. Emotionally and domestically not a recipe for a calm, committed romantic life. She was engaged to Jim Carrey, married very briefly to a musician and had other passing relationships.
Her early fame came with Jerry Maguire, and then Bridget Jones’s Diary attracting a stream of awards and nominations and the much-praised Cold Mountain in 2003.
Judy Garland, born 10 June 1922 6 am Minnesota, was a Sun Gemini opposition Mars in Sagittarius and widely opposition the Moon in Sagittarius which in turn opposed Mercury and squared a downbeat Saturn in her 4th. She had a maverick Uranus in Pisces on her Midheaven square Mars and trine Pluto and Venus in Cancer – so she’d be prone to outbursts, mood fluctuations and nervous tension. She was a child star with the stage mother from hell and was put on prescription drugs early on to keep her weight down, and uppers and downers to cope with an exhausting movie schedule.
Their charts are not that similar though they share Mars in Sagittarius but there are enough emotional hard edges in both to give Renee an understanding of Judy’s anguished and fragile mental state.
Judy’s Sun falls in Renee’s 10th so she’ll be a significant career influence on her with critics talking of possible Oscar nominations. She’s looking fairly agitated in the next few months but fairly upbeat at Oscars time in February, so she might be in with a chance.
In cinemas from late September.