ExxonMobil – a weather-vane for the future

Another milestone has been passed in the decline of the oil and gas industry with Exxon Mobil now removed from the Dow Jones Industrial Average.  Historically the Dow consisted of heavy industries, manufacturing, and transportation, then oil and gas rose up, but they’ve now been replaced by global technology firms. Energy fossil fuel stocks have been declining since 2015, with a 35% dip last year as the broader market rose by nearly 20% (along with shares in major renewable energy firms).

ExxonMobil came together in a merger on 30 November 1999. Tr Saturn is exactly in an enthusiasm-denting square to the Jupiter now and next month – and although tr Pluto will move into overdrive in 2021/22 as it squares the EXXM Jupiter for a hefty push, there are other less favourable indicators. The tr Uranus in Taurus square tr Saturn in Aquarius in 2021 usually associated with an economic downturn will hit the ExxM Saturn in Taurus square Uranus in Aquarius throughout the year.  2024 to 2027 will be even more discouraging with the Solar Arc Saturn opposition first the Sun and then Pluto.

Chevron, 9 September 1879, the only oil company to remain on the Dow for the time being, while not doing well, with 28% drop in stock price over the past year, is in marginally better shape than others in the industry.  It’s slogging through an exceptionally tough four years with tr Pluto trine its Mars Pluto in Taurus since 2019. And will be just as rattled if not more so than ExxonMobil by the tr Uranus square tr Saturn in 2021 as it impacts on their Neptune in Taurus. 2022 will see tr Saturn in Aquarius square the Mars Pluto for mishaps and significant setbacks. And 2023 to 2025 will be exceptionally insecure as tr Uranus is conjunct the Mars Pluto conjunction.

The Trumps – out mob-handed ++ Tiffany

The Trump tribe were out in force for the Republican Party convention with Don Trump Jnr in the lead issuing a firebrand speech in support of his father and a denunciation of Joe Biden.

Don Jnr: Born 31 December 1977 (no time) he’s an ambitious Sun Venus in Capricorn in a controlled/controlling square to Pluto, trine a hard-working Saturn in Virgo and inconjunct Mars in flashy Leo with his Mars in a volatile, uncompromising square to Uranus and an over-promising Mercury in Sagittarius opposition Jupiter.

He’s not remotely hopeful, feels as if he’s standing on swampy ground and is stuck at the same time running into the election and across the New Year with various Neptune midpoints being triggered as well as a blocked, depressed Solar Arc Pluto square his Saturn around now and in effect for several months.  2021 will be uncertain and panicky; with better luck in 2022.

His relationship with his father is moving into nervy, disappointed and turbulent times through 2021 and beyond.

Eric: Born 6 January 1984, he’s another Sun Capricorn sextile Saturn in Scorpio with a frustrated/trapped Mars Pluto conjunction.  Not the sharpest tool in the box evidently, he’s wanted by the New York attorney general for a probe into the Trump Organization, with talk of improperly inflated assets and “protracted criminal conduct”.

He’s disappointed, facing losses this September and is seriously on edge over the election, set back on his heels until late November and again in spring next year. 2021 will see high hopes dashed but 2022 is his nadir with a disruptive Solar Arc Pluto conjunct his Uranus and tr Pluto in a scary, high-risk, trapped square to his Pluto through 2023 as well.

With his father he’s on a serious downhill slide now and right through into 2021 and beyond with hints of devastation and major concerns.

Ivanka: 30 October 1981 is a Sun Scorpio sextile Mars in Virgo with a pushily-confident Jupiter Pluto in Libra and an ethereal Neptune Venus in Sagittarius. She’s in a mixed patch with tr Pluto square her Jupiter Pluto for an almighty and enthusiastic push in place over the New Year to late January 2021, and again later in the year. But she’s also got a car-crash halt from Solar Arc Mars conjunct her Saturn round about now and in effect for several months. October to late November will be a time of great mental strain and arguments; and 2021/22 from March onwards has discouraging influences as well as bullish ones.

Unlike the other two she will have upbeat moments with her father. Not everything will be sweetness and light with a disaster or two lurking in September. But they look in good spirits when together from late next January with a few dips but more ups into 2022.  What’s intriguing is that she has a Sagittarius Moon, given the Woody Harrelson conversation recently about those who see glaringly inadequate parents through rose-coloured glasses.

 Jared Kushner: Born 10 Jan 1981, another materialistic and ambitious Sun Mercury in Capricorn in a controlled/controlling square to Pluto, as befits a man with a criminal father and a father-in-law cut from much the same cloth. He’s on tenterhooks, edgy and insecure at the moment, expecting mishaps and he’ll get them from now right through to late November as tr Uranus squares his North Node, then his Sun/Mars midpoint in September and his Mars in Aquarius from late October across the election – all of which repeat in spring next year. 2022/23/24 look to be his worst years – panicked, blocked, scary.

With Trump – jumpy, neurotic and concerned this September and more so through a good deal of 2021 with losses littering their path; but also upbeat from March 2021 onwards in patches through to 2022.

 Melania: 26 April 1970 a Sun, Saturn and Mercury in Taurus with a showbizzy Mars opposition Neptune, she’s been in a downbeat mood recently, which returns from late November. Exactly now till late November as a tell-all book by a former adviser is due out (September 1) she’s stressed, blocked and not feeling in control; with worse in 2021 as her Solar Arc Sun squares her Pluto and the tr Uranus square tr Saturn elbows her Saturn. But she’s not much of a guide since she would not regard another four years in the White House with undiluted joy.

Her relationships with all the main Trump offspring are inherently bad with active dislike from Don Jnr, much the same from Ivanka, Jared and Eric  – all of the relationship charts have afflicted Mars, either in hard aspect to Saturn or Pluto or both and Neptune.

Melania’s relationship with Donald is facing a tussle for the upper hand late November through December; and into 2021 there’s a mix of grim-slog, disappointing, hostile arguments and jolting upheavals from the spring onwards.

Younger daughter Tiffany, only offspring of the Marla Maples marriage, educated in sociology and law though better known for her fashion interests and million plus Instagram followers, spoke on the second day to praise her father and criticise the media for being one sided.

Born 13 October 1993 12.50pm West Palm Beach, Florida, she’s an enthusiastic Sun Jupiter in Libra square a highly strung Uranus Neptune conjunction; plus an uber-determined Mercury Mars in Scorpio and Pluto also in Scorpio in a stubborn square to Saturn in cool Aquarius and in a seductively charming sextile to Venus Moon in Virgo. She’s a good deal tougher than her air-head barbie-doll looks would imply.

She’s the most upbeat of the kids with tr Pluto square her Sun/Jupiter now till late November; a lucky-break tr Uranus opposition her Jupiter/Pluto midpoint in September; and an even more go-ahead tr Pluto square her Jupiter (same as Ivanka) over New Year to late January. Though she’s also got unsettled and upsetting Uranus transits to two Saturn midpoints late December to early February, which she’ll tackle with positive bravado. Late March 2021 onwards will be confidence-sapping for a year thereafter.

Her relationship chart with her father is pretty scary with a dominating composite Mars Pluto in an unpredictable square to Uranus and an evasive/disappointing Sun square Neptune; plus an emotionally cool, defensive composite Moon opposition Saturn. Those latter two planets will be seriously rattled from late October to late November across the election, so they will be living through disruptive times together.

Dynasty had nothing on this lot.

Brene Brown & Glennon Doyle – peddling hope


Positive-think your way to fulfilment books and podcasts are back in fashion with celebrity influencers punting Glennon Doyle’s “Untamed:  Stop Pleasing, Start Living” and Brene Brown’s “Daring Greatly: The Courage to be Vulnerable” self-help best-sellers.  With the help of Oprah, Adele and the Harry-Meghan duo’s ringing endorsements they show no signs of becoming yesterday’s fad.

Brene Brown, 18 November 1965, 8am San Antonio, Texas, is an academic and author whose staggeringly successful writings focus on courage, vulnerability, shame and empathy. In 2018 she was reputed to be giving two dozen speaking engagements a year at $100,000 a go.

She has a 12th house Sun Neptune in Scorpio which fits a fascination with the unconscious and the psyche. Scorpio is a great researcher, an explorer of the depths. She’s also clearly designed for a leading-edge, public career with the innovative Uranus Pluto conjunction in Virgo at her Midheaven along with Moon in the 10th. She has Mercury in crusading Sagittarius in her 1st in an intense, persuasive and outspoken square to Pluto Uranus. Plus a financially ambitious Mars Venus in Capricorn in her 2nd.

She has a talented Half Grand Sextile from Pluto Uranus MC opposition Saturn, sextile Venus and Neptune – so a strong and individualistic chart.

Prince Harry was evidently inspired by her approach to allowing vulnerabilities to show since it fits with his mental health campaigning. Her Uranus Pluto Moon in Virgo will connect with his Virgo Sun. But its not a combination that will stand the test of time.

The other New York Times best-selling guru – “Pain isn’t tragic, it’s magic” – Glennon Doyle, was born 20 March 1976, no birth time, and is a last degree Sun Pisces/or Aries Sun. With a healing and creative Water Grand Trine of Uranus in Scorpio trine Mars in Cancer trine Venus in Pisces; and an up and down Jupiter in Aries square Saturn in Cancer.

She was a troubled adolescent with bulimia, drug and alcohol problems who spent time in a mental hospital, got pregnant by accident, had three children, wrote a successful mummy-blog and espoused a rock-solid Christian faith. Her initial financially-lucrative writings about overcoming her demons were thrown into disarray when she discovered her husband had been unfaithful from the start. She foreswore her earlier protestations that self-sacrifice makes for a perfect wife and mother and embarked on a voyage of self-discovery which included a divorce after a coup de foudre with a female football player whom she subsequently married.

Singer Adele, herself just out of an unhappy marriage said Doyle’s latest book would “shake your brain and make your soul scream.”

Both of Brown and Doyle have strong 12th Harmonics which is associated with healing and also victimhood.

What astonishes me is how so much of what sound like clichés appear to come as a revelation to the hungry masses. Women as free creatures –  a revolutionary concept.

Kellyanne & Maryanne – Trump’s women baling out

Kellyanne Conway has resigned from the White House to spend more time with her teenage family. Her husband George has also withdrawn from his anti-Trump lobbying. It was always an extremely odd set up with his regular, pungent attacks on her boss.

She was never that easy a fit with Trump since her Saturn in Pisces opposition Uranus Pluto squares his Sun and Moon and her Mars squares his Saturn. Their relationship chart shows considerable strain and aggravation over the New Year to late January 2021.

Her relationship with her husband George is stressed exactly now; and she’s not looking that happy on her own chart from late this month till late November, feeling trapped and frustrated. Her Solar Arc Sun is opposing her Uranus now which would indicate a sudden change and she should have a lucky break in 2021 with her Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct her Uranus; though she’s into a run of swampy Neptunian transits for two or three years ahead which are generally not supportive of ego-directed ambitions.

Trump has also been having problems with his elder sister Maryanne Trump Barry, whose secretly recorded comments about her brother being an unprincipled phoney, a liar, cruel and a cheat who had someone else sit his exams for him have hit the headlines. She didn’t attend their brother Robert’s White House funeral.

Born 5 April 1937, she’s a Sun Mercury in Aries square Jupiter in Capricorn opposition Pluto so not short of chutzpah or pushy confidence. Her Saturn in Pisces square Donald’s Sun and Moon so she will always have been critical with her Pluto conjunct his Saturn Venus; and her Uranus in Taurus square his Pluto – so despite her earlier protestations of being a supporter she is a disruptive force in his life.

Gawd the man is a bore. He’s drilled his way into people’s skulls as an ongoing obsession. It is a talent of sorts I suppose.

Sean Connery – destined for great things ++ in spite of flaws

Sean Connery, recently voted the best James Bond ever, is 90 years old, in retirement but still golfing happily at his home in the Bahamas.  Born 25 August 1930 6.05 pm Edinburgh, Scotland, he has had an astonishing journey from a poor background, his mother a cleaner and his father a factory worker. He joined the navy briefly in his late teens but was invalided out with a duodenal ulcer, took up modelling and body building, tried a variety of menial jobs and eventually ended up working backstage in the theatre. From which all else followed via stage and serious TV drama (Shakespeare, Eugene O’Neill et al) and films, until his breakthrough role in Bond when he turned thirty.

He was always ambivalent about the Bond movies regarding them as his lesser achievements and with a career which includes an Oscar for The Untouchables with highly-acclaimed performances in The Man Who Would Be King, Marnie, The Name of the Rose, Indiana Jones and the Hunt For Red October he has a point.

He has a private, intense 8th house Sun Neptune in Virgo, which is not uncommon amongst mega-film stars who have an innate (and unco9nscious) capacity to project an aura. His 9th house Virgo Moon hints at a love of travel and wish to live abroad. A 9th house Venus points to marriages with foreigners – his first wife Diane Cilento was Australian and his second Micheline Roquebrune is French-Moroccan.

What marks his chart out as different is the abundance of Cardinal signs which provide initiative, restlessness, an inclination to try, try, try again and keep moving. He has a powerfully confident Jupiter Pluto in his 7th squaring onto Venus in Libra opposition a 3rd house Uranus with Saturn in Capricorn on his Ascendant.

His 3rd house Uranus will make him outspoken and his Mercury in critical Virgo squaring onto a short-tempered Saturn opposition Mars even more so. He’s famed for his impatience with timewasters and those he disagrees with; and his focal point Pluto will make him intolerant as well.  Highly talented, complicated and not always an easy temperament.

Only after his retirement from filming did his first wife Diane Cilento open up about a violent episode in their marriage when he punched her and left her unconscious during the filming of The Hill; and related tales of his tight-fistedness with money and generally ‘unreconstructed’ notion of a woman’s place in a marriage.  Given that she was a free-spirited Sun Uranus in Aries square Pluto, it was never going to be an old-fashioned Victorian-style marriage. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-400436/Yes-Connery-em-did-em-beat-unconscious.html

His chart certainly indicates anger issues as well as a strong need to control and be dominant.

But as so often with glaring temperamental flaws goes talent.

His creative 5th, 7th and actor’s 15th harmonics, as well as his leaving-a-legacy-for-history 17H and superstar 22H Harmonics are well aspected.

His astrocartography is also interesting – relocating to Los Angeles puts his super confident Pluto Jupiter on the Midheaven; and New York (and Bahamas) puts his Sun Neptune on the Midheaven. America is his destiny. And now that I think of it his Jupiter is conjunct the USA Sun which makes sense.

Photo: Stuart Crawford.

US Supreme Court – difficult decisions ahead

The USA Supreme Court is moving into testing times with a potentially disputed election result looming as well as Trump tax returns and other related lawsuits likely heading their way.

The SCOTUS  Neptune Mars square is under heavy and devastating pressure from tr Pluto square Neptune now till late October; and then tr Pluto moves to an angry, blocked, challenging opposition to the SCOTUS Mars over New Year till late January 2021. With a dread-filled, uncertain, worrisome tr Neptune conjunct the SCOTUS Saturn from early October to late January 2021. And a few jolts from tr Uranus square the SCOTUS Uranus late October to late November across the election.

The relationship chart between the Supreme Court and Trump is heavily stressed and aggravated exactly now with tr Uranus square the composite Mars till late this September, undermined through September –  and much much worse in 2021 from late April 2021 onwards as tr Uranus returns to square the composite Mars and then squares the composite Sun and is conjunct the composite Pluto. That will be toxic, hostile and seriously nasty.

John Roberts, the Chief Justice, will have his hands full ahead with an extremely busy and complicated chart. Tr Uranus is square his Uranus/Pluto midpoint now till late September which suggests a radical change and excitement; with an emotionally unsettled tr Neptune square Venus until next week. His September will have successes and some concerns. Where he gets into gear will be late November to late January 2021 with tr Pluto opposition his Jupiter and then Jupiter/Uranus midpoint, which will see him making a confident push, knowing his objectives clearly.  December 21st to early February 2021 tr Uranus will square his Aquarius Sun for more excitement and change.

So it may well be that he and SCOTUS are pulled into the election.

PS The chart for SCOTUS, 24 September 1789, is when the act which established it came into force.

Normal People Daisy & Paul – a professional match


Normal People was a highly lauded coming-of-age romance TV drama series based on a book by Irish author Sally Rooney. The two lead actors Daisy Edgar Jones and Paul Mescal were singled out as having remarkable chemistry.

He was born 2 February 1996 and she 24 May 1998.

Both are fairly intense personalities. She is an ultra-determined, controlling and ambitious Sun Mars in Gemini opposition Pluto trine Neptune; with a Taurus Moon and Venus Saturn conjunct in Aries.

He is a contrary and stubborn Sun Mars in Aquarius with a Cancer Moon a Venus Saturn conjunct in Pisces.

On the face of it, there’s a fair amount of friction between them with her Uranus conjunct his Sun, her Neptune conjunct his Uranus and his Mars square her Mercury. Though her Jupiter is conjunct his Venus Saturn so she’d be positive-minded when he was gloomy.

But the relationship chart, while not remotely easy, is a different story. There’s a composite Venus, Sun, Mars, Saturn conjunction trine Pluto, sextile Uranus. Sun Venus is affectionate and Venus Mars is passionate; trine Pluto would bring a strong pull of attraction or control; sextile Uranus would bring a spark. Saturn is the oddity in the mix – good for work but quite perverse added into those affectionate planets, suggesting an edge of almost cruelty. Mars Saturn is unfair, one-sided. Wouldn’t do for a long term commitment, for sure.

Both have Saturn Venus conjunctions in their personal chart which suggests an emotional neediness which can go one of two ways – either shutting off feelings altogether or into sexual acting out. There would be a potent chemistry for the production but not necessarily healthy away from work.

Brexit – grinding towards a gridlock

The Brexit negotiations are following the standard EU script of doom, disaster, never-going-to-agree. So it’s tempting to see this week’s impasse ‘as the usual diplomatic dancing in the darkness before dawn breaks on a deal’, in the words of Tim Shipman of The Times. Yet the Tory true-believer insiders appear to be sanguine about the prospect of a no-deal, with Michael Gove evidently spending the bulk of his time preparing for just such.

Michel Barnier, the EU negotiator, 9 January 1951 4.40 pm La Tronche, France, looks a touch overwrought now through to late September with tr Uranus opposition his Venus/Pluto midpoint; and if birth time is exactly accurate, then has a disappointing/failure tr Neptune conjunct his Midheaven from early October to late January 2021.

But he’s not remotely in as bad a shape as David Frost, the UK negotiator, who has a catastrophic tr Neptune opposition his Mars/Pluto midpoint from late August to early October, followed by tr Neptune opposition his Mars/Uranus midpoint from early October to late January 2021 which Ebertin with his usual dramatic exaggeration describes as: ‘A fainting fit when overtaxing one’s strength, raving madness, rage, cunning and deceitful.’ Even toning that down to moderate levels it won’t be progressive whether he wants a no-deal or some-deal Brexit.  He’s also got a failed-plans tr Pluto square his Mars/Neptune midpoint from now to late November. He looks frustrated and irritated over the exit at the New Year with tr Pluto trine his Mars – and somewhere along the way of 2020 or 2021 he has a panicky-failure Solar Arc Mars conjunct his Neptune.

His relationship chart with Barnier, who has an unbudgeable 8th house Mars Moon in Aquarius opposition Pluto is into plate-throwing territory with tr Uranus square the composite Sun and Uranus until late September.

Frost’s relationship with Gove is extremely fraught as well with a frustrated, trapped, impatient tr Pluto square the composite Mars from now till late November; and downbeat across the New Year. None of which sounds like a resounding joint success whichever outcome they were aiming.

Gove’s personal chart is similarly afflicted with tr Pluto square his Mars/Uranus and Uranus/Neptune midpoints now to late November this year, suggesting acute stress, losses and catastrophes; and his troubles won’t lift in 2021 with a nasty sinking feeling from tr Neptune square his Sun/Saturn and Mercury/Saturn midpoints picking up in April and running on and off till late 2022. As he no doubt surveys the proof of the pudding with the Brexit consequences becoming clear.

This would fit with the Boris Government chart indicators – see previous post August 3 2020 – which has a panicky dip from this October onwards. And many pointers on Boris, the Government and Cummings’ charts that suggest 2021 is not going to be a celebratory feste to the joys of UK freedom.

Sorry if that all sounds gloomy but they don’t look like happy campers any of them.

Nick Faldo – addicted to the walk up the golden staircase


Nick Faldo, the former No 1 pro golfer now a television sports presenter, with a chequered romantic life including three marriages, none of them long-lived, is about to embark on his fourth sprint up the aisle. His bride-to-be Lindsay DeMarco is a former topless dancer, a veteran of the marital stakes with six weddings behind her (one husband twice).

Faldo was born 18 July 1957 3pm Welwyn Garden City, England, and has a much-travelled 9th house Cancer Sun square an elusive Neptune in the 12th – Neptune being surprisingly common amongst sportspersons. His Sun is in a lucky sextile to Jupiter in Virgo in the friendly 11th house. More significantly he has a passionately enthusiastic Venus Mars conjunction in his case in Leo which is a recurring theme of Epstein buddies. Not that there’s any suggestion of under-age, more a revved-up interest in pleasure. His Venus is also conjunct Pluto which is seductive. His Pluto conjunct his Midheaven will make him influential though also controlling.

And last but not least his go-getting Aries Moon in the performing 5th is in an unpredictable, emotionally changeable trine to Uranus and Saturn, forming an entrepreneurial and attention-demanding Grand Trine.

His fiancée Lindsay DeMarco may – but to be treated with caution since it was only one net source – be born 31 August 1962. This would make her a controlling and chaotic Sun, Pluto and Uranus in Virgo in a confident opposition to Jupiter. According to one ex-husband she is like Trump – ‘everything revolves around her.’  That should be fun with his Pluto on the Midheaven and Leo planets.

Her Venus in Libra is conjunct his Neptune and square his Sun which will brew up a beautiful smokescreen.  The relationship chart has an adventurous (seemed like a great idea at the time) Uranus trine Jupiter though with the composite Uranus close to the Sun they won’t sit comfortably together in a 24/7 box. Both will need space. There’s a superficially sugary-sweet composite Venus trine Jupiter; and a spark of attraction from composite Venus sextile Mars.

Difficult in this day and age to see what the point of walking up the aisle is. Those who don’t learn from the past and all that …….