Conran & Hibbert – famous for having talent

Two genuinely creative influencers have died. Terence Conran, the pioneering designer who founded Habitat and ushered in a revolution in home design, shopping and eating out. And Toots Hibbert, the Jamaican singer who helped to make reggae one of the great global musical forces.

  Conran born 4 October 1931 (no birth time) was from the tough Great Depression generation with Saturn in Capricorn opposition Pluto squaring an innovative, mould-breaking Uranus opposition Venus in Libra. His Sun in Libra opposed the North Node in Aries perhaps (likely) square a Cancer Moon. Cancer is a sign of designers and is home-oriented, certainly has a nose for public taste and with the Moon on the focal point of a Cardinal T Square he’d have initiative aplenty as well as an inclination to work with the public. He also had an adventurous, risk-taking Jupiter in Leo trine Uranus and square an ultra-determined Mars in Scorpio.

 Not surprisingly with an afflicted Venus and a Moon yearning for more than the admiration of just one person, he married and divorced several times and produced a handful of children, all of whom have become successful in design or cooking.

  Toots Hibbert, born 8 December 1942, who has died suffering from Covid-19, was recognised as the father of Reggae and in a long career sang all over the world. “With a voice like a Caribbean Otis Redding, and a phenomenal stage presence, Hibbert was also a multi-instrumentalist.” He had more chart toppers even than Bob Marley.

  He had the inspirational Neptune trine Uranus which produced so many notable musicians of that period – and in his case emphasised by having Saturn conjunct Uranus and Pluto sextile. His colourful, widely travelled Sagittarius Sun was conjunct Mercury, Venus and maybe Moon; with like Conran he had an ultra-determined Mars in Scorpio in an adventurous trine to Jupiter in Cancer.

  Both had global superstars 22nd Harmonics stronly aspected and breakthrough-genius 13H, as well as creative 5H.  Hibbert in addition had his strongest harmonic as the musically creative 7th harmonic and leaving-a-legacy-for-history 17H.

  They were famous for having talent.

Sushant Rajput – a frenzied diversion

The suicide of a Bollywood actor, Sushant Singh Rajput, in June has dominated headlines for months, sparking off a curiously Indian media storm, with sensationalist coverage, unverified conspiracy theories and allegations given air time on nationwide newscasts. The coronavirus outbreak, the second-largest in the world, has been pushed to one side.

  He apparently had been struggling with depression but mental health and suicide are still taboo subjects in India, despite suicide being the most common cause of death in the age groups of 15–29 years and 15–39 years – and India having the highest suicide rate in the South-East Asian region. But the problem is largely ignored and in this instance blame for his death has been levelled at the cut-throat Bollywood system. And more recently at his girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty, who as the furore intensified and his father pointed accusing fingers, has been arrested on drug charges with a suggestion that she had abetted his suicide. It was alleged she had bought cannabis for him, though no drugs were evidently found in her apartment. She had lived with Sushant though a few days before his death, she moved to her own Mumbai residence.

  He was born 21 January 1986 (no birth time) and had a charming Sun Venus in Aquarius in a controlled square to Pluto; with a Gemini Moon maybe opposition Saturn; and an adventurous Jupiter in Aquarius square Mars in Scorpio.

  There’s nothing too specific showing on his chart around his death – apart from a downbeat tr Saturn conjunct his Sun Venus which would damp his spirits; a highly-strung tr Neptune square his Uranus – and his Progressed Mars is conjunct his Solar Arc Pluto which is more indicative of extreme frustration

 He’d also had several Neptune transits to midpoints on the run up but nothing pass remarkable.

  His girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty, 1 July 1992, is an equally charming Sun Venus in Cancer though her Venus and perhaps Moon oppose the zany, high-wire Uranus Neptune in Capricorn. She’s also got an exceptionally tough Pluto opposition Mars in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius so she didn’t have it easy growing up for sure – and it may well have given her a tendency to walk on the wild side.

  It wasn’t that great a match though the relationship chart does have an affectionate composite Sun Venus conjunction; but there was also a power-struggling composite Mars square Pluto so one partner would be the one dominant one, calling all the shots with underlying resentment.

  The synastry reflects this with her Pluto in Scorpio conjunct his Mars and her Mars opposition his Pluto. So there would be a masochistic edge to their interface.  

Shetland Islands – small but not short of pluck

Mutiny is afoot in the Shetland Islands, the furthest north of UK territories, where the local council has voted decisively to look at declaring independence from Edinburgh and London. The population of just over 20,000 is concerned about local poverty (with costs being 60% higher than the mainland) despite having the Sullom Voe oil and gas terminal, as well as oil fields and lucrative fisheries and salmon production on their patch.

  Shetlanders look enviously at the Faroes, to the north of them, which has a parliament able to raise and spend taxes while at the same time getting generous subsidies from Denmark, to which it is affiliated.

  The Shetlands are 111 miles from the mainland, and geographically closer to Bergen than Edinburgh. Culturally there are still strong ties to their Nordic roots. They came under Scottish rule on 20 February 1472 JC. This gives a Pisces Sun in a controlling opposition to Pluto. There’s a good deal of unrest in particular around 2023 –although they’ve been in situ for centuries and there’s nothing too definitive on the chart that would suggest a complete rupture.  

  It will give Nicola Sturgeon a headache since their arguments are much the same as the SNP’s about splitting from London. The relationship charts between the Shetlands and Scotland 842 AD and Scotland 1005 AD have tr Neptune undermining the composite Suns and other planets till almost mid decade; and the 1034 AD chart also looks highly pressured.

  The Shetland/UK 1801 relationship chart is at daggers-drawn at the best of time with palpable dislike – and its stress-to-breaking-point looks more likely after mid decade up to 2029, building up a head of steam after Pluto moves into Aquarius, being conjunct the composite Mercury, Venus and then the Sun.

Shere Hite – a trailblazer unloved at home

The pioneering feminist Shere Hite, known for her best-selling The Hite Report: A Nationwide Study of Female Sexuality, which reportedly kickstarted the real sexual revolution for women in the 1970s, has died in London aged 77. Her book, which has sold 50 million copies since, encouraged women to take control of their sex lives and was dismissed as “anti-male”, dubbed the Hate Report, by Playboy. Sustained criticism of her in the US, much of it highly personalised, led her to renounce her US citizenship in 1995.

Born 2 November 1942 (no time sadly) in the socially conservative US state of Missouri, to her 16-year-old mother, she was raised by her grandparents.

  What’s intriguing is the similarities between her chart and that of Barbara Amiel (see post below) – though in Hite’s case the interest in sexuality would be further heightened with the already passionate Venus Mars in highly sexed Scorpio conjunct her Sun and all square an intense Pluto. I’d hazard a guess that her Pluto is on the point of a T Square connected into the chart axis. Though it is already on the focal point of a mini Grand Trine of Saturn Uranus in Gemini trine Neptune. An emphasised Pluto is often a researcher, delving into unknown territory, coming up with ideas often before their time and running into hostile resistance.

Her Moon is either late Leo or early Virgo, almost certainly conjunct her North Node.

  Her enduring 11th harmonic is strong and her global influence 212H even stronger; as is her ‘breakthrough 13H and both her creative 5th and 7th harmonics.

Diana Rigg – a powerhouse personality and talent

Dame Diana Rigg, who has died aged 82, was a superlatively gifted classical stage actress yet she’s best known to most as the sexy secret agent Emma Peel in 1960s television series The Avengers and more recently as Lady Olenna Tyrrell in Game of Thrones. She could play it seductive, zany, funny or straight with a penchant for strong women characters and had a wonderful range.

  Born 20 July 1938 2am Doncaster, England, she grew up partly in India, but was sent home to boarding school at eight where she was unhappy. A teacher persuaded her to take up acting and she trained at RADA.

  She had a striking chart with a formidably determined Sun, Mars, Pluto in Cancer in her 3rd house of communication with Moon Saturn in forced-to-be-self-reliant Aries; and Uranus in Taurus in an inspired trine to Neptune in Virgo. She had an unaspected Jupiter in Pisces in her 10th, which would tend to make her a loner or fairly detached as well as lucky in her career and increasingly respected the older she got. Not an easy personality but she harnessed all that volcanic power and anger to forge a memorable career.

  Her personal life was erratic with one longish affair, followed by a brief marriage to a painter and a decade-long second marriage to a theatrical producer.

Kardashians – the end of a flim flam era

  ‘Keeping up with the Kardashians’ is coming to an end after 14 years, sending shock waves through their tens of millions of Insta and social media fans. Unfortunately their massed ranks were not translated into viewing figures for the television show which have been dropping in recent times. The show catapulted the Kardashian-Jenner family into international superstars with a multimedia empire replete with clothing lines, cosmetics companies, apps and never-ending tabloid interest in their every move.

  It also made a fortune for the network E! which twittered “We have enjoyed following the intimate moments the family so bravely shared by letting us into their daily lives. While it has been an absolute privilege and we will miss them wholeheartedly, we respect the family’s decision to live their lives without our cameras.”

  Piers Morgan, on the other hand, always ready with an acid quip said: ‘A bunch of very average looking dumbo bimbos have taken us all to the cleaners and made billions out of prancing around and doing this. Not a brain cell between them.’

  The show launched on 14 October 2007 with a Libra Sun trine Neptune sextile Jupiter and Pluto in Sagittarius – so plenty of oomph. With a healing/creative Water Grand Trine of Mercury in Scorpio trine Node in Pisces trine Mars in Cancer, formed into a Kite with Node opposition Venus Saturn in Virgo.  A strong chart for what has undoubtedly been a success no matter how much it trivialised the culture.

   Mama bear Kris Jenner, known as the savviest businesswoman in the industry, 5 November 1955 6.42 am San Diego, CA, is a determined Scorpio in the 12th so good at pulling strings; with a megaton successful and lucky Jupiter Pluto in Leo on her Midheaven in an unyielding square to Saturn Venus in Scorpio in her 1st – no pushover, for sure. Her family-oriented Cancer Moon square Neptune Mercury is under a Saturnine wet blanket now till November – and more so in 2021/22 with tr Pluto opposition her Moon and in the following year square Neptune. Not all her children are happy about her decision to pull the plug. She’ll no doubt bounce back with another ambitious project but perhaps not before 2025 when tr Uranus squares her Jupiter Pluto after which her Solar Arc Jupiter Pluto is in a hugely successful conjunction to her Sun by 2026.

  Kim Kardashian, 21 October 1980 10.46am Los Angeles, is struggling with husband Kanye West’s bi polar meltdowns and I suspect the PTSD aftermath of a seriously frightening robbery in Paris four years ago. That last occurred when tr Saturn in Sagittarius was about to disappear below her Ascendant into her low profile first quadrant where it stays till mid decade so her ambitious drive won’t be what it used to be – despite her 180 million Insta followers.  Her chart has lucky Jupiter conjunct her Midheaven opposition a Pisces Moon square a daydreamy and impractical Neptune in her 1st; balanced by a well-organised Saturn in her 10th; with a controlled Sun Pluto in Libra. And Mercury, Uranus, Mars all tucked into her 12th so finding space for herself will be important. She has ups and downs ahead with a buoyant tr Pluto trine her Jupiter in 2022/23 but a challenging tr Pluto square her Sun at the same time; followed by two car-crash Solar Arcs in 20224/25 – so her attempt to revision her life will run into a few obstacles.

Barbara Amiel – sticking in the stiletto

Another revenge memoir is out, though not political. This one is by Barbara Amiel, wife of former media tycoon Conrad Black who ended up in prison. ‘Friends and Enemies’ lambasts the socialite luminaries, once her BFFs during her years of obscene wealth and ostentatious display, who dumped her like a hot brick when he went into convict gear. It is described by one reviewer as “608 gloriously indiscreet pages of elegant vitriol. It could equally well be called Sex and Spite in High Society, a cautionary tale of lavish lifestyles, failed marriages, half-hearted suicide attempts and oral sex with an aristocratic pensioner.”

   All too unlikeable but interesting from an astrological point of view. Amiel said in an interview ‘I love sex. Opera and sex are my two great passions.’ And a commentator wrote at the time of the Black duo’s showiest phase: “She has an operatic sense of her own tragedy. There is something of the ancient Greek about the couple’s disdain for ordinary people and their belief in the entitlement of the elite.”

  And all this from mundane beginnings on 4 December 1940 at 8am just outside of London. Her parents split when she was 8, and she moved with her mother to Canada when she remarried, only to find herself out on the street at 14 with her mother saying she couldn’t cope with her anymore.  She slept in cellars, lived in dodgy boarding houses, worked nights in factories and studied to get into Toronto University. She married her first husband when she was a student which lasted a year; the next one lasted five years; and the third also collapsed.  Aged nearly 50 she met media mogul Kerry Packer, who funded her into a new flat. The publisher George Weidenfeld followed, then onto Conrad Black and a glittering life of in-your-face opulence with multiple houses, private jets, couture clothes by the roomful.

 To do her credit she stood by him when he was inside for 42 months in a U.S. prison, convicted of fraud and obstruction of justice; and is still with him.

  She has a hair-curling chart with a 1st house Sagittarius Sun trine Pluto in Leo, sextile North Node in Libra, tying her into the zeitgeist. But what makes her chart extraordinary is a stubborn-to-the-nth degree Fixed T Square of a seductive, passionately enthusiastic Venus Mars in Scorpio opposition Jupiter Saturn in Taurus squaring onto Pluto; with another Fixed T Square of Mars Venus opposition Saturn square an Aquarius Moon. Very little will budge her when she’s on track and that is doubly so with Pluto as the focal planet – which gives her immense staying power and a capacity for ignoring anyone or anything that attempts to get her to change course. Sexuality is often emphasised with a Fixed sign Pluto and in her case with a multiplication factor given that she also has Venus Mars in Scorpio and Venus Saturn. And contempt is usually a weapon of choice for handling people she considers beneath her.

 Her get-it-together 5th Harmonic is well aspected as is her obsessive 11H but her strongest is the 19H which is associated with personal success, happiness and prosperity. However 19 is not a lucky number – being ‘karmic’ in the sense that the person is forced to develop their individuality.

  Her final stand-by-your-man husband, Conrad Black, 25 August 1944 6.15am Montreal, Canada, is built in a different mould from her having a substantially Mutable – ie adaptable – chart, which he’d need to cope with her extreme Fixedness. He has a Sun Jupiter conjunction in Virgo with Venus, Mercury Mars also in Virgo and Uranus in Gemini. His Moon is in Scorpio which will hook into her Venus Mars and his Moon squares Pluto so he will be emotionally intense.

  It’s not that obviously a perfect match since her Saturn falls in his 8th putting up barriers to emotional intimacy; and his Scorpio Moon isn’t a great mix with her Aquarius Moon – but with mellowing years it clearly works.

Jane Fonda – a remarkable survivor

Scared of nothing but close relationships is the soul-baring admission of the undentable Jane Fonda still going strong at 82. “I am very rarely afraid. I’ve been shot at, had bombs dropped on me; but I tend not to be afraid. Maybe emotional intimacy scares me. That’s where my fear lives,” she said in an interview punting her most recent book about climate change – What Can I Do? That’s her current focus and which saw her arrested a few months back on a demonstration against government inertia and imprisoned briefly.

  Born 21 December 1937 9.14am New York to actor Henry Fonda and socialite Francis Ford Seymour, she’s had an extraordinary life. Although written off by many as a shallow, surgically enhanced mannequin who betrayed her country by turning up in North Vietnam as Hanoi Jane, she’s not short of talent and good instincts. She has two Oscars to her credit (Klute and Coming Home) and zoomed into the zeitgeist with her fitness videos which remain the biggest-sellers ever, instigated to raise money for her left-wing second husband Tom Hayden’s activist cause.

  Her taste in men has always been hair-raising, no surprises given her five-times married father. Her first husband French film director Roger Vadim turned her into an almost soft-porn star. Hayden was dismissive of her talents. Her third husband billionaire Ted Turner was diagnosed bi polar. She said she was affected by her father’s obsession with women being thin, and that plus a repressed childhood with her bi polar mother unable to relate to her and suiciding sent her into a 30-year struggle with bulimia.

  To have survived all that and emerged looking as good as she does is no mean feat.

  She’s a Sun Sagittarius on the focal point of a T square to Saturn in regretful Pisces in a creative opposition to a film-star 8th house Neptune. Her Sun is also sextile Mars in determined Aquarius and inconjunct Pluto on her Descendant, which latter would attract her to controlling and intense partners. She’d also be dependent at points in her life with a 7th house Leo Moon though she says she’s past relationships now.  Her Venus in Sagittarius is also square Neptune which won’t help to stick her into committed relationships.

  Her 3rd house activist Uranus is unaspected which can indicate too much or too little reforming zeal – or more likely spurts of high-octane activity and fallow periods in between. She also has an enthusiastic Jupiter on her Ascendant in a pushily-confident opposition to Pluto.  

   Her relationship charts with both her parents have composite Mars Pluto hard aspects suggesting a one-sided relationship, requiring submission from her as a child.  As does her relationship chart with her daughter Vanessa from her first marriage whom she evidently did not bond with due to post-partum depression and then left her as she had been left herself in childhood with professional carers as she went off filming. These aspects tend to roll down generations.

Lauren Powell Jobs – a stalwart Scorpio hitting a bullseye

Finally a tale of Trump indecency that has gained traction. After years of evidence about ‘pussy-grabbing’, infidelity, dubious Russian and other dictator associations, racism, financial malpractice, constant lies all slid off his back, The Atlantic magazine managed to nail the president by relating his comments about the military. He called Americans who died in battle “losers” and “suckers”; and asked for wounded veterans to be kept out of military parades. And for once the public appear to be listening.

  Trump has now attacked Laurene Powell Jobs, the philanthropist billionaire, widow of Steve, who owns a majority stake in The Atlantic. She founded The Emerson Collective, a social change organization focused on education, immigration reform, the environment, media and journalism and health which has owned a majority stake in The Atlantic since 2017.

  She’s a Sun, Mercury, Neptune in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius – idealistic and stubborn; with a high-octane, volatile and courageous Mars in crusading Sagittarius square Uranus Pluto. She’s also got an upfront Jupiter in Aries on the focal point of a Yod onto Sun, Mercury, Neptune sextile Pluto Uranus – which can, if handled with humility, bring about social change and progress.

  Her reforming, rebellious Uranus Pluto fall in Trump’s 1st house giving her a chance to upset his image; with her Sun, Mercury, Neptune square his controlling Pluto and her serious Saturn in Aquarius opposing his Mars/Pluto midpoint.

  Their relationship chart has a power-struggling Sun Pluto conjunction with a cross-purposes composite Neptune square Uranus which tr Saturn is throwing a wet blanket over right now till late October and jangling in November/December – with muddle and devastation from late January 2021 for two years.

  Jeffrey Goldberg, The Atlantic editor 22 September 1965, is an innovative Uranus, Pluto, Mercury, Sun all in communicative Virgo with a determined Venus and Mars Neptune in Scorpio. He’s also jousting with Trump in coming months.

  Neither Laurene Jobs nor Goldberg look too happy over the election and inauguration. Jobs especially looks deeply frustrated and on through 2021, only picking up her enthusiasm again in 2022.

  Goldberg has some upbeat patches across the election itself and next spring but is otherwise moving through tough times. Which could, naturally, be due to many factors unrelated to who gets the White House. But still.

For Trump astro-timeline see previous post August 31 2020.

Another Boris U-turn – running roughshod across trust ++ legal fracas

Breaking a promise made less than a year ago, Boris has chucked a hand grenade into the Brexit impasse saying he will tear up the Northern Ireland section of the Withdrawal Agreement to avoid returning to a hard border. Commentators say that cases of democratic governments seeking to unilaterally overwrite ratified international agreements are rare; and such action will undermine any future moral authority for the UK to criticise, for example, China via vis its actions in Hong Kong – or indeed to be believed about anything in future agreements. Boris further says the talks will finish one way or another by mid-October. By breaking the Withdrawal Agreement he may find the EU – bored, irritated and overloaded with Covid and economic matters – brings the guillotine down sooner.  

  Whether he’s playing a reckless game of hardball or chicken, reckoning the EU will cave in, it’s very high stakes. Where things go badly south for the Boris Government is when Neptune moves to 18 degrees on October 2nd staying there till late January 2021. See previous posts below.

  There was a suggestion that the Barnier/Frost negotiating team would be sidelined allowing the political leaders to step in to negotiate directly though whether that will happen is still in doubt.  Boris’s relationship with Ursula van der Leyen is hostile at the best of times with a composite Mars square Pluto. Their connection is nerve-stretched and high-tension late this month and through October and seriously jolted mid November to mid December.

  Boris’s relationship with the EU is similarly toxic with a power-struggling, implacable-dislike composite Mars opposition Pluto; and a chilly Venus square Saturn. Tr Pluto is in an intensely emotional square to the composite Venus now till late November; paralysed and riddled with confusion in late September and October; and knocked sideways late December to early February 2021 as tr Uranus is trine the composite Pluto – though that could indicate a release from bondage – on both sides.

  The new addition to the UK team and Dominic Cummings’ centralised ‘mission control centre’ is Simon Case, Cabinet Secretary and Head of the Civil Service, 27 December 1978. He is a Sun Mars in Capricorn trine Saturn in Virgo with his Mars square Pluto and his Saturn square Mercury Neptune – still Mutable but more practical than most of the Boris acolytes. Although he starts this week with Neptune opposing the Virgo Sun which isn’t too hopeful a sign for what lies ahead.  His relationship with Cummings is jangled and bad-tempered through this month and on a disappointed and confused slide from early October into 2021; with a discouraging few weeks late November to late December.  His relationship with Boris is faring no better with loss-making transits October through January and worse from March 2021 on till late 2022 – if either of them survive politically speaking.

  Case himself has one gung-ho upbeat moment late December to late January but is otherwise unnerved moving ahead with a minefield to cross in 2021.

  It is truly difficult,, even from the most detached viewpoint to see good coming out of this, since most of the true-believer Brexiteer proponents appear to be in a state of nervous collapse and certainly not jubilant.  

Excerpt from previous August 3 post: Brexit – grinding towards a deadlock.

The Boris government chart, 13 December 2019 11 am London, looks devastated, turned into an emotional blancmange by several rolling crises from early this October to late January 2021 – which is the crucial period for pushing the EU up against the deadline in the hope they’ll bend.  This September on the run-up is agitated and coming down to earth with a bump. There’s muddle, lies and scandal from late January 2021 for a few weeks with the real downward slide picking up from late March 2021 running on and off till early 2022 with tr Neptune square the Government Sagittarius Sun – and indeed at the same time is square the catastrophe-attracting Mars/Pluto midpoint on Cummings’ chart. He’s also having an exceptionally stressed September (next month).

   Boris’s personal chart is being rattled by an emotionally upsetting Solar Arc Uranus conjunct his Moon, exact in six months’ time which will be activated over the New Year. Plus the December Solar Eclipse opposing his Mercury, Sun, Venus which usually indicates a crisis or several in the months following. Plus Solar Arc Midheaven conjunct his Uranus, exact now if his birth time of 2pm is exact to the minute, indicating a sharp change of career and life’s direction.  His Solar Return relocated to London also has Uranus in the 10th for a career twist, either voluntary or forced.

His relationship chart with the UK is sagging further from late August till March 2021; and more dips to follow after that.

Excerpt from August 23 2020 post: Brexit – how much fudge is coming?

Uk negotiator David Frost’s relationship with Gove is extremely fraught as well with a frustrated, trapped, impatient tr Pluto square the composite Mars from now till late November; and downbeat across the New Year. None of which sounds like a resounding joint success whichever they were aiming.

Gove’s personal chart is similarly afflicted with tr Pluto square his Mars/Uranus and Uranus/Neptune midpoints now to late November this year, suggesting acute stress, losses and catastrophes; and his troubles won’t lift in 2021 with a nasty sinking feeling from tr Neptune square his Sun/Saturn and Mercury/Saturn midpoints picking up in April and running on and off till late 2022. As he no doubt surveys the proof of the pudding with the Brexit consequences becoming clear.

ADD ON: The SNP has made it clear that reneging on obligations under the Brexit withdrawal agreement and leaving without a deal, causing “lasting damage to Scottish jobs and the economy in the middle of a pandemic” would make the case for breaking up the UK stronger.

 Boris’s relationship with Nicola Sturgeon, never warm at the best of times, is on a discouraging slide from now right through till next spring with tr Neptune opposition Pluto and square Moon and then opposition Uranus. There’ll be major outbursts between them late this month and through October and maximum pressure being exerted into late January next year. No rapprochement there either. The scorched earth policy rolls on.

ADD ON: 8 September 2020: Jonathan Jones, head of the UK government’s legal department, described as “a man of enormous integrity”, has quit over the proposal to renege on parts of the Brexit deal relating to Northern Ireland. He is the sixth senior Whitehall official to resign this year and it evidently followed months of tension over the Brexit negotiations and legal disagreements with Suella Braverman, the attorney-general. She was appointed last February after the previous attorney-general, Geoffrey Cox, was sacked by Boris Johnson for making what one insider described as “uncomfortable noises” about the importance of abiding by international law. 

 So bad faith has been implicit from the get go. What a way to run a country.

 Suella Braverman, 3 April 1980, is a controlling and controlled Aries Sun opposition Pluto with a stubborn and flashy Mars in Leo square Uranus opposition Venus in Taurus. She’s looking no happier than any of Boris’s other cronies in the months up to the New Year and apart from one upbeat few weeks is generally standing on a very long banana skin of hopes dashed through 2021.