The revolving door at No 10 spins even faster with a fifth aide out and several ministers hinting they will voluntarily walk the plank. It’s 50/50 whether Boris will resign though he’s temperamentally unsuited to facing reality and tends to double down when facing impossible odds which offer a platform for a good going rant and rave.
There’s not much to add to what has been said before (below various posts) except that what is becoming obvious is how central and complicit Carrie is to the various scandals that have threatened to bring him down. From wallpaper, to the celebratory death-to-Cummings drinks and other parties, the holiday in Mustique or the evacuation of animals from Afghanistan, her influence is clear. Not that he has to take her advice or jump to her commands but he does appear to be part of a duo for whom a sense of entitlement that no rules apply is paramount.
An insider said, “Her interventions are symptomatic of the fact that the government doesn’t know where it’s going; she only has influence because there’s a vacuum.” She is the first prime ministerial spouse who has had a career in politics but appears not to be calculating according to those close, more emotionally reactive and she cultivates cliques where you are In or Out. “She’s slowly cut out the people who were close to him and surrounded him by people who are Carrie-approved. The whole thing is so toxic.”
All of which could sound like sexism or spite. BUT – look at the relationship charts between Carrie and several top level departures.
The most surprising recently was Munira Murza, 7 May 1978, for 14 years a stalwart Boris aide. She objected to his Jimmy Savile smear against Keir Starmer but that was clearly the elastic-snapper of tensions which had been mounting for some time. Her relationship chart with Boris is mainly positive and supportive – with Carrie it is poisonous and unfixable with a composite Saturn, Pluto, Mars conjunction which (again!) is in a Yod sextile Neptune inconjunct Venus Algol. Tr Pluto is just starting to square one leg of that Yod this month.
Carrie famously did not get on with Dominic Cummings, for which she could be forgiven since he is a weirdo – their relationship chart has a bitter Pluto Mercury Mars tie up.
With David Frost, recently unexpectedly gone supposedly for Brexity and other reasons, there’s a composite Sun, Mars, Neptune, Pluto connection with Carrie which is equally less than rapturous.
And Rishi Sunak, the Chancellor, also fails in the Carrie popularity contest – and vice versa – with an aggravated-dislike composite Saturn Mars with Mars conjunct Pluto.
Liz Truss doesn’t fare well either with her (another Yod, onto Saturn), or Priti Patel. In almost all cases Boris’s relationships with the above are, while not perfect, not riven by dislike.
What was always going to be problematic was Carrie’s chaotic and highly strung triple conjunction of Uranus, Saturn, Neptune in Capricorn with Mars added in for extra zest. Her Uranus Saturn oppose Boris’s Sun Venus so it isn’t a comfortable match; and her indulgent and acquisitive Pluto opposition Venus in Taurus fall across his financial houses and her Pluto trines his Midheaven – so she will want to control his spending/earning as well as his career direction.
Their relationship chart has a Yod of Neptune sextile Pluto inconjunct Sun – which is overweeningly self-important as a couple and will be where the sense of entitlement and joint ambition comes from. It’ll be upended by tr Uranus conjunct the composite Sun from mid March till early April, and mightily challenged by the Taurus Solar Eclipse in late April.
Her own chart catches both tr Uranus and the Eclipse at the same times since her Venus opposition Pluto is at the same degree – for emotional upsets and crises. She’ll be rattled across the May elections and is heading for a swampy 2023 with tr Neptune conjunct her Pisces Sun.
Another sideline to the present furore.
See previous posts 25 January and 30th January 2022.
ADD ON: Australian Lynton Crosby who was reportedly coming in as chief Boris adviser, appears – at the moment – to have declined. Born 23 August 1956, he has his Mars in Pisces which would clash with Carrie’s Sun which also would not appreciate the quincunx from his controlling Sun Pluto in Leo.
But one of his cronies, David Canzini, 17 March 1964, has moved in as a senior aide – he also has his Mars and Sun in Pisces; and in his relationship chart with Carrie is ratchety, with hostile undertones and tussles about who holds the power.
Lord Ashcroft has added his voice to the anti-Carrie lobby in a new book First Lady to be published March 29th. What he says echoes other critics about a lonely, beleaguered Boris surrounded by Team Carrie. Ashcroft, 4 January 1948, has his Capricorn Sun conjunct Carrie’s Mars and Neptune so a competitive interface. Again the relationship chart is heavily aggravated.
She is a lady who arouses strong feelings.
Add On2: Skipping back through last year Boris and Carrie’s wedding chart came to light, see May 30th. It certainly echoes most of the above given that it has a hair-raising Mars opposition Pluto Moon tied into Neptune. Which hardly suggests marital harmony and bliss to follow.
Latest inmates to the No 10 – in brief.
Stephen Barclay MP in as Chief of Staff which is an odd combination of roles. A Taurus with a ramped up Venus Mars in Gemini, which latter is being seriously deflated from mid April by a panicky-failure tr Neptune square Mars and then Venus. April could be the month to upset his applecart with tr Uranus also conjunct his Sun – or May if he clings on. And is facing a catastrophic summer thereafter.
Guto Harri, fresh in from GB News, now Communications chief, is a Sun Cancer with Uranus Pluto opposition Saturn square Jupiter, is facing disruptions ahead but marginally later than April.
More pictures in today’s online Daily Mirror.
She gets no sympathy from me. The very generous refurbishment allowance for Downing Street was clearly not enough for her extravagant tastes. £840 a roll of wallpaper is obscene in a country with the level of poverty there is .
Metro UK: May 2021
“Boris Johnson has faced fresh embarrassment over his ‘£840-a-roll’ wallpaper as it emerged it keeps falling down.
The prime minister has had to call in specialist decorators to rehang parts of the ‘hand-crafted’ gold wallpaper, according to No 10 sources.
The PM is facing an investigation into the controversial makeover of his flat in Downing Street and how it was paid for.
Reports suggest the lavish update cost as much as £200,000 and was inspired by Carrie Symond’s desire to get rid of the ‘John Lewis furniture nightmare’ left over by Theresa May.
The newspaper has revealed more details of the expensive makeover, including a £19,950 sofa upholstered with ruby and emerald material called Damascus Stripe. Miss Lytle says it is ‘based on a 19th century Syrian original pattern woven from cotton and silk’.
Prime ministers are allocated a budget of up to £30,000 per year to renovate their Downing Street residency, but newspaper reports have suggested Mr Johnson has spent up to £200,000 on the changes.”
To be fair, Damascus Stripe is brilliant at hiding wine stains
Had to google that. The image reminds me of an old color TV test pattern. All those colors…
Haha! Test card chic, makes more sense. The old BBC test card did have a picture of a girl and a clown, it’s uncanny.
Both Johnson and Carrie are chancers. Johnson saw the chance of becoming PM by jumping on to Brexit bandwagon. Carrie saw a chance to get to power through Johnson. They both know what they are doing. Neither is a victim. I remember reading loads of articles fawning over Carrie in Tatler magazine and DailyMail last year about how she runs a court of advisors and ministers close to her. Also how she got Johnson’s advisors replaced with the ones who were loyal to her….. That she is the real power behind the throne. Funny that nobody raised an eyebrow then! Is it only when she is criticized that she becomes a victim? She is playing a good game with misogyny card when it suits her.
Women like her give bad name to the ones who have suffered real misogyny and sexism at workplace. I think we should not be fearful to call out when someone manipulates it to meet their own selfish interests.
But, but, but… a) Carrie knew that this wasn’t their permanent home, surely? Or did she think they’d be living at Number 10 for the next 10 years? As opposed to having to move out by March, was it Marjorie? b) How is it fair that the next occupant of 10 Downing Street will have to live with Boris and Carrie’s Lulu Lytle nightmare? c) OR will Carrie be peeling down those slippery sheets of gilt wallpaper to take as souvenirs of glorious times past?
Who do you think is going to wreck it the most? The toddler, the dog or Boris?
People like Boris or Carrie don’t think beyond now. They are constantly changing the wallpaper of their lives. The moment they feel unhappy, they look at the wallpaper in disgust and change it no matter the cost.
What an enjoyable series of comments on wallpapergate! I think the choices must be Carrie’s own, since my memory of photos of Boris’ car interior do strongly suggest he has little interest in his visual surroundings. Ditto his choice of hairdresser/barber, and crumpled casual “outfits”…..I’d guess they would take much of the new furniture with them. And possibly unpeel the peeling wallpaper too. You could hardly paint over it.
I’d hoped to find a date for the house or houses themselves. Nearest is 1682-1684. The building was completed in 1684 when Saturn in Leo opposed Neptune in Aquarius (10-12 degrees).
Jane, I doubt that Johnson has ever chosen a barber in his life. I suspect he has an occasional go at his shambolic thatch with a pair of rusty nail scissors when the mood takes him.
But yes, wonderful piece in the Metro about the wallpaper. The symbolism couldn’t be more fitting.
They say a man is judged by his car shoes and the woman by his side. Having worked as an astrologer for 40 years, I have noticed strong Pisces energy in a chart are very often attracted to married men or women, good at spinning mystical webs. Their victims suffer the chaos they bring into their life. A lot of the people said to me, they thought they were soulmates. Maybe Pisces energy works like Scorpio energy to bring chaos into your life and break down the structure.
Pls don;t flick about with such “scorpio energy” comments. It isn;t warranted. We’re always getting a bad rap about being destructive and vengeful.
Pls, be more kind from a Sun Saturn Scorp. You should know better.
Much is being made of the Carrie criticism being an unmerited witch hunt and sexist. I wouldn’t have gone near it were it not for the totally horrendous relationship charts she has with virtually all the top politicos.
So the astrology shows that Carrie Symonds does not gel with:Munira Murza, David Frost, Dominic Cummings, Rishi Sunak, Liz Truss, Pritti Patel, Lynton Crosby, David Canzini or Lord Ashcroft! I would think she is not alone in the country in that. Irrespective of other factors that sounds like a definite plus to me!
Fascinating reveals of chemistry. Thanks to Marjorie for the portraits.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” – Old Turkish proverb
Boris and Carrie got what they wanted, and lost what they had. Their eventual self-destruction is very imminent.
Convincing quote. Hahn’t heard that before.
Hmm, when she first emerged and had some daft nickname which I forget, I felt she was similar to many (not all!) people I had worked with in comms/PR, false and slippery yet persuasive. That said the press coverage is in danger of becoming a witch hunt and the Pisces archetype encompasses martyrdom/the victim. In the end it takes two to tango and surely as PM he should be a man not a mouse, albeit one so clearly led by his southern compass. Making Carrie a victim could play into B’s hands in the end.
I just noticed something about Boris and Carrie’s charts, and wonder what anyone thinks about it?
Her Uranus 0 Capricorn conjunct Saturn 2 Capricorn is conjunct Boris South Node at 2 Capricorn, plus his Ceres at 0 Capricorn. Beneath everything else that’s going on, this seems like a ‘fateful’ connection and one that might, initially, make them both feel at home in some way. The early Capricorn degrees sextile her Mercury in Pisces, and inconjunct his Mars in Gemini, also sextiling his Moon in Scorpio. It might not be comfortable, but both of them could have felt a sense of recognition at a level they could not necessarily explain or articulate.
Carries Venus in Taurus is strong exactly opp Pluto also strong in Scorpio, so arouses “strong feelings” for sure and very controlling in close relationships. Jupiter nearby Venus in Taurus is sybaritic, greedy, blingy – 800 quid a roll wallpaper anyone? My sense is UK hasn’t reached rock bottom yet, and when BJ goes, depending on which dreadful b*lend gets the job, things inexorably may continue to slide.
I think Johnson has stayed on long past what he initially wanted and this is due to Carrie’s influence and ambition. Like Lady MacBeth she keeps getting him to over reach himself and underestimate their enemies. No doubt she sees herself as the kingmaker. She’s likely to see herself and Boris as victims. Because the Pisces energy is very capable of that. Her Pisces compassion is for animals and dolphins, not for the millions of households suffering from their incompetence and callousness. I suspect that smear of Keir was her not so bright idea.
You were right @Anita F, the victim narrative is now being touted first from Carrie and now a Minister is repeating it. (BBC News website)
Boris has always been extremely stupid about women! He has never realised the jewel that was his last wife, Marina Wheeler. What kind of idiot decides to regularly humiliate a top notch lawyer, for someone who cuts up rough over being referred to as Nut-Nut. I mean, how stupid does he have to be?
But then he decided to to humiliate his core voters. We deserve better!
I am really surprised at all that Pisces energy, when she first came on the scene i suspected she was sly as most in PR are, but i also pegged her as abit of a benign lightweight who was just along for the ride with Boris so thats the Pisces i suppose. I never appreciated the absolute steel of her as it becomes clear he is in thrall to her ( at least for now)
This level of control she has over him does seem to be about the Venus Pluto connection, surely there is something else though? She is the only one not to be taken for a ride by him. I am interested in her relationship with her father, she has picked such a bounder and politically gelded him in quick time whilst popping out another couple of additions to the child army. Partners of the PM are never front and centre like this, it’s very American.
The MC North Node conjunct does seem drive her to succeed in the public eye.
From what I understand, she was raised by a very proud single mother, possibly one who was also raised by a single mother. Does anyone remember when the neighbours called the police to their flat – before Downing Street – because of an argument when red wine was thrown? Alarm bells went off for me and I knew she wss no shrinking wallflower and that their’s wasn’t going to be the most peaceful household.
Carrie’s father is journalist Matthew Symonds (one of the founders of The Independent newspaper) and her mother was a lawyer at the newspaper. Both were married to other people so all rather complicated. There’s a suggestion her father was an erratic presence during her childhood and that as a child she thought he lived in a car because she never visited his own home.
Matthew Symonds was himself conceived during an extra marital affair.
Boris was still married to his second wife Marina Wheeler when he started his relationship with Carrie.
And so it goes on…..
They both seem to lack any common sense and neither have a clue how the world works .
They’re too entitled for ordinary working people and think money just drops out of the sky.
Thanks for your astro take on them both
Sarah Vine did a piece for the Mail with regards to Sir Lynton Crosby coming into no 10 in an enforcer role and stated the fact that this would spell a huge conflict for Boris given the influence that Carrie has – Crosby is not known for his tolerance of people with “causes” who interfere, and effectively Boris would have to choose between family or job. How do the charts square up against that of Crosby’s? Will he be Carrie’s “Waterloo”?
The gruesome twosome must be the grimmest inhabitants that Downing Street has ever seen. Carrie Antoinette hardly has a good record when it comes to financial straightforwardness either. Didn’t she fiddle expenses in a previous job and try to blame it on someone else? They deserve each other.
They certainly do! Carrie was allegedly asked to leave (or else be sacked from) her job as Director of Communications for Tory party in 2018 for poor performance and excessive claiming of expenses.
Yes she apparently used the codes of junior staff to order taxis for nights out and when not working.
Maybe he has met his ‘Waterloo’* as another contributor suggested after a lifetime of infidelity towards women and bad behaviour?
*Abba music allegedly played at the party in the Downing Street flat Carrie organised in lockdown to celebrate the demise of Dominic Cummings..
Marjorie. Don’t the awful duo also have Moon Chiron conjunction in their 6th house everyday life. 18 Pisces? Where Neptune was 2020 and her IC of 22 Capricorn also 2020. She is a hard one anyway with that Venus/Pluto opposition in money. He will not get away from her until she says so and that will be never.
I almost feel sorry for the buffoon.
The most surprising recently was Munira Murza, 7 May 1978, for 14 years a stalwart Boris aide
Thanks Marjorie for this latest wearisome set of aspects – I have found, time and again, a quite sudden change/departure at 14/15 years, it being half a Saturn return, and mostly indicated a change of job, or relationship crisis – Munira was affected by both.
Boris is holding on, astrologically, as the much longer term cycles are still playing out, one of them being the double Pluto return which began to build at the time of Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth I (the start of the Bitish Empire) and is now culminating with Queen Elizabeth II – the outcome being the end of the monarchy as we know it and a change in leadership (along with Saturn in Aq. ) indicating a taking back of power by the devolvement of power from Westminster to the people and the UK, as it is now called, returning to a similar trajectory as Italy (the Roman Empire) also Greece, although only united for 13 years under Alexander the Great, but which began in pre-history and still continues in an historical sense,to this day.
As one contributor alluded to previously there is something Shakespearean and delightfully piquant in the idea of a deeply unpleasant user of women over the years being undone by one however unwittingly. His SA Saturn opp his natal Moon in Scorpio now suggests powerful female antipathy or influential women gripping his karmic nuts, so to speak. Gray, Dick, and even Carrie Antoinette herself and her rules don’t apply to me brood. Meanwhile the nation sinks further into the abyss. His time must be soon no?
Thank you Marjorie. Very interesting read. What surprises me more is why the conservative party is allowing this to happen. They are normally very quick to remove a leader. What is holding them back? Is there no consensus in the party regrading Johnson’s fate? Is the majority too big to topple him? Apart from few letters of no confidence, it seems Johnson’s position is rock solid for now. What is going on? Why are Conservatives deliberately sinking the party?
The reason BJ has not yet been ‘defenestrated’ could be the council elections in May and nobody new wants to be in charge until that happens? Alternatively it could be ‘death by a thousand cuts’ a leak a day and a drip feed of letters into the 1922 committee
Nicely said, Gamal, can almost feel it – ouch!
Sounds like Carrie is Boris’ Karma
Thanks Marjorie, very interesting to see these composites. The chaos is now quite extreme, and awful in the way it’s distracting from hugely important things such as the cost of living crisis, not to mention the fragile situation in Ukraine. The obvious historical relationships that spring to mind are Marie Antoinette and King Louis XVI, or possibly Henry VIII and Ann Boleyn. Are we seeing a folie a deux kind of thing now?
You highlight April with tr Uranus and the Eclipse for Carrie’s chart. I’m curious, too, about the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Pisces that month. It falls on Carrie’s North Node, and squares her Chiron at 23 Gemini. It’s also Boris and Carrie’s composite Mars degree. She’s got BML at 23 Leo too, so the Saturn and Mars conjunction in Aquarius are opposing that. The Jupiter/Neptune conjunction symbolises many things I know, but I wondered whether a natal Sun Pisces person, like Carrie, might feel it more strongly anyway? It does suggest potential delusions about the path ahead, and I’m sorry to say also more confusion and chaos, if that’s possible.