Despite a high vaccination rate in Canada – 90 percent – a “Freedom Convoy” of tens of thousands of truckers in a 45 mile line still disrupted Ottawa and sent Justin Trudeau fleeing for a safe haven. They were demonstrating against Covid-19 vaccine mandates for cross-border truck drivers. Trudeau accused conservative politicians of stoking fears that are exacerbating supply chain disruptions and fueling inflation.
He described the truckers’ views as anti-science, anti-government and anti-society. The Canadian Trucking Alliance, a major industry group, said the vast majority of the country’s truck drivers are vaccinated and it “strongly disapproved” of the gathering in Ottawa. Trump has thrown his support behind the agitators as well as Joe Rogan, Donald Trump Jnr and Russell Brand.
Trudeau’s new Term chart, 26 October 2021, always was going to move into considerable difficulties from this February onwards with tr Pluto square the Mars, giving rise to a trapped, enfuriated and risky mood and that runs on and off until late 2023. There will also be humps and bumps and tensions erupting through this April. It won’t be a happy administration.
Canada is undergoing major changes – with considerable disruption – through this year into next with first tr Saturn square the Saturn opposition Pluto; and then from May onwards tr Uranus is conjunct the Pluto – and that will create an unsettled, at times rebellious mood until May 2023. It’s not clear what form the changes will take though there will be an unpredictable financial phase from 2023 onwards and a revisioning of the long term outlook as well perhaps as changes to the legislature with tr Pluto moving into the Canadian 11th house for two decades from 2024 on.
Trudeau is a divisive figure with his Uranus falling on the Canada Descendant; but also an important one with his Moon in the Ascendant and his Sun close to the Canada Midheaven.
His relationship chart with Canada will move into more troubled times from mid 2023 onwards – so this may be his swansong as prime minister. But he won’t disappear from the public arena. With a talented Grand Sextile in his chart; his Progressed Jupiter moving ever closer to his Capricorn Sun in coming years; and tr Saturn heading upwards in his chart for another nearly two decades he’ll find himself a high profile niche somewhere.
See previous post December 30 2021
Thank you Marjorie, Rather disappointing to learn that Canada will continue to have periods of unrest. Most Canadians do not support these anti-vaxxers. Most truckers are vaccinated as are most Canadians. We have a small group of malcontents who are being manipulated by foreign money and foreign interests (especially alt right Americans) to disrupt our country and our government. Even the Canadian Trucking Alliance says that most of the people at the protest aren’t from the trucking industry. Dancing and urinating on the tomb of the unknown soldier. Assaulting a client at a homeless shelter. Flying the Nazi flag and Confederate flag. These protesters don’t represent my Canada.
They are now planning to block the Hospitals in Toronto
I just got an email from my MP
Years of unrest seem likely, if knee-jerk responses and wilful ignorance are embraced and enflamed.
Sunny, there is certainly far more room for nuance in this matter than you let on.
They clearly state that they are Anti-mandate.
The only arrests so far are of those attacking or threatening the truckers.
Many of the claims you’ve made, have been debunked.
A look at local Ottawa journalist, Rupa Subramanya’s twitter might enlighten you a bit. If you are willing.
watch what they do in Toronto this weekend – blocking hospital entrances and so on – Let them go to Texas please
No. The claims I have made haven’t been debunked. I am well read and follow a variety of sources. And what you say about the only arrests made have been on those attacking truckers is false.
It’s never nice to find out one has been duped, Sunny.
If you are brave, Johnathan Kay’s twitter explores many of the methods that have been used to discredit the protesters. He helpfully provides screenshots of the lurid cons, the journalists and politicians who have been duped as well as the origins.
A variation of the “how it started, how it’s going” memes that many of us are familiar with.
A fascinating look into how quickly these sort of damning misrepresentations spread.
If you’re brave you research how extremists and cults convince people that the experts are wrong (except theirs), the authorities are wrong (except their group leaders), only they have the truth and the majority of the world has got it all wrong. Then you have a group of people who feel very special and can be easily mislead. I’m sticking with world renowned epidemiologists advice on beat practices and what history tells us about past epidemics. My life depends on it. Since September, my uncle and 4 cousins have died of Covid. #notmyCanada #noTrumpersinCanada
as covid fades from memory radical politics are also on the way out. The enforced mental and physical idleness from the lockdowns wiil be replaced by working people active again :growing more wheat and corn ,cutting more sugar cane pumping,more oil as the supply chain is restored which will make Canada a growing society instead of a stagnating one.. JT is a Capricorn and he knows this well.
Erin O’Toole ousted as Conservative leader after caucus revolt-
The conservatives lost to Trudeau – and have been supporting at times anti vaxers and the truck blockade –
It looks like the conservative leader Erin O’Toole will lose in a vote today on his leadership
I thought we were approaching the age of Aquarius! Apart from science and technology the human race doesn’t seemed to have progressed very far…..still inequality, anger, frustration. Looking for someone to lead our tribe. The leaders fearful of power being taken away. Now we don’t behead the ones we fear, we do it through science and technology. Thankyou Marjorie and everyone, I’m still learning from you all, modern technology does still have it’s positive uses!!!
Oh dear.
Truckers are 90% vaccinated. They clearly state that they are not anti-vaxx, just anti mandate. Important distinction.
Variously dismissed by the CBC, Global etc. First as being a protest about poor road conditions. Then as inconsequentially small. Then as a fringe minority with unacceptable opinions. The CBC suggested Russians were behind it. Then white supremacists.
It goes on.
Quite a diverse bunch of Canadians are participating. Many Sikh truckers are on hand.
They are picking up their own garbage, bagging it, and piling it neatly on the curbs.
People lining up to shake hands with the local police.
Honking horns and dancing at -31ºC, are the elements of this revolution.
No arrests or mortalities. No churches burnt to the ground, no stores looted or statues toppled.
Most Canadians aren’t always right , neither are the anti vaxers . Being human we have to probably wait centuries to get to the real truth and it won’t come from any narcissistic politician.
I think most Canadians would deplore this behaviour and are right to do so
“From Reuters re Ottawa protesters.
Protesters threw rocks at an Ottawa ambulance and yelled racial slurs at a paramedic, an operations commander with the paramedic service said.
The incident happened on Saturday when the paramedic was en route to his post. He had exited on Highway 417 when rocks were thrown at the vehicle from the direction of a large truck with a banner on it.
When the paramedic got out to check the damage, the protesters were screaming racial slurs at him”
It’s no bed of roses with Trumpers here in the US. One walks into food stores at risk of being shot by anti-vaxxers. Too much anger fueled by ignorance and “grade school graduates”. Why do so many follow a TV reality-show persona? He’ll be key to triggering something he cannot take back.
Re: “May onwards tr Uranus is conjunct the Pluto – and that will create an unsettled, at times rebellious mood until May 2023”, Ontario’s election will be June 2. All three Ontario Opposition Parties — the New Democrats, Liberals and Greens — have jointly declared that they will NOT prop up a minority Doug Ford Conservative government. Ontarians have suffered under Ford’s Robber Baron/Developers’ Party. Can’t wait for Ford’s downfall!
looking forward to Ford being gone – crossed fingers
Canada has a lot of European ties. The Five Eyes may become more prominent in the future. His Sun/Mercury in the Composite chart may indicate working for his Country as an Ambassador; smoothing the way for future deals.
Homes are too expensive in Canada. It is now a country for only the UBER rich. Canadians are angry. Price of living or survival is too high. Trudeau is too WOKE. Will it ever be affordable again???
@Sophie, the truth is, it never was affordable for all. The wealth gap was always there. What’s happening now is that more people find themselves on “losing side”. And this is the main factor conspiracy peddlers are using to lure people in.
Ok they might changes law in minimum salary, heath (Health Act), etc…
Will see!
“It’s not clear what form the changes will take though there will be an unpredictable financial phase from 2023 onwards and a revisioning of the long term outlook as well perhaps as changes to the legislature with tr Pluto moving into the Canadian 11th house for two decades from 2024 on.”
If there is “Changes to the legislature”, what can it be?
What are usual change in legislature?
Examples please.
I am waiting for someone to really look into the anti-vaxxers campaigns and where the real money/coordination/resources comes from. This isn’t all gofundme. I am not a conspiracy theorist but this stuff has become conspicuous in its political intent to destabilize many countries. When covid is over this divisive populist energy will no doubt be funneled into something other issue. Again.
@Anita F, hear hear. We have a “Freedom Convey” event coming up here in Finland, incidently machinated by a breakout group from “True Finns” (their name really would be “Basic Finns” and yes, they are “basic”) party. All while we are seriously discussing leaving a NATO application with Sweden – we’re at point where majority of people either are for joining (my position since the late 1990’s) or would support a decision made by their representatives.
Of course those events are not respectful and sad.
It will not help them.
I am against that kind of behavior of course and I am either not interested to have Trumper or any bad group in that manifestation.
The point is that after 2 years we are getting impatient to return to a normal life.
Lots of countries in Europe have lift restrictions (UK is the leader)…hopefully it will happen in Canada soon.
No more comment!
A disgusting and disgraceful event. The desecrated the Terry Fox statue, disrespected the unknown soldier who fought and died for us. Urinated all over the place and stole food that was for homeless people. Oh I forgot the Nazi flags and disgusting rhetoric about Justin Trudeau. These people are pure trash. Do none of them have jobs. I get up every day and work they can eff off.
No Trump bs here in Canada. We are better than that.
I am so disgusted with these damn protests get a damn job
Thank you Marjorie!
Anti vexers, recalcitrant, (PM Quebec) they don’t believe in science, deplorable, racist, mysogyne, fringe minority and now terrorist (PM Trudeau)!
Why not Pro Choice?
Why – because we do not want Trump in Canada – and people who desecrate the Terry Fox Memorial and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and also -people who harass and steal food from a non profit feeding the homeless – I have seen this group protesting in front of hospitals in Toronto blocking the entrance – One friend on the ground said the numbers are over blown – but of course carried by fox news and the organizers who will not speak to the CBC- Canada does not want Trump here or the Confederate Flag – This is a set up see the quote below
“At a rally on Saturday, former U.S. President Donald Trump gave a shoutout to the truckers’ convoy in Ottawa protesting COVID-19 health measures. Trump praised the convoy participants for “doing more to defend American freedom than our own leaders by far.”
Maybe Linda – if you live in Canada you can move to the USA and pay your own health insurance –
Sorry but I do not want Trumpers in Canada
The 7 millions fund came from GoFundMe, (and contrary to what CBC wrote in some newspapers, Putin is not behind this event!)
World largest truck convoy has been 70 km long (would not be surprise if 50k truckers is the right number..it’s coast to coast + some Americains), around 2 millions + people support them (vaccinated or not) and are at the site.
Unfortunately there is some with bad behavior (as always), but mostly (lots of family) are not looking for trouble.
Thank you very much Marjorie!
I notice that Justin has his Saturn near his MC and wondered if he has more similarities energetically with the Queen!
He got covid today most likely from one of his children as reported
Most Canadians I know are disgusted with these anti vexers, and I think the number of 50,000 truckers is way to high -please check –
We have seen them in my neighbourhood attacking restaurants who abide by masks and vaccinations checks – I am not sure who is sponsoring this financially but I would not be surprised if the funds came from the states.