Martial Arts legend Bruce Lee is remembered on the fiftieth anniversary of his death by a new coffee table book featuring his letters, poetry and family photos. Written by his daughter actress-turned-writer Shannon Lee, it highlights her father’s work ethic and what it means to be a martial artist, from his workout regime, to his attempts to keep his temper in check.
He died at the staggeringly young age of 33 from cerebral oedema; as did his son Brandon, killed in a film set accident aged 29, thirty years ago.
Bruce Lee was born 27 November 1940 7.12 am San Francisco, with an actor father and wealthy mother and grew up partly in Hong Kong. He was tempted both by a movie career and by martial arts as he opened various teaching schools. As his reputation grew he became a pop culture icon who bridged the gap between east and west. After his death he became a formative influence on many actors and sportsman, the kung fu craze, Marvel comics and even the breakdancing craze.
He had an upbeat Sagittarius Sun on his Ascendant trine a ramped up Pluto conjunct Chiron in the 8th/9th. He had a Jupiter Saturn conjunction in earthy Taurus in his performing 5th house opposition a stellium in Scorpio of Venus, Mars, Moon, Mercury and that squared onto Pluto. Stubborn to the nth degree with such a Fixed T Square involving a never-say-die Pluto square Mars. A focal point Pluto is unyielding, can be obsessive, secretive, rarely gives way. As with all strong Pluto it can also be ahead of its time and ultimately has the capacity to lead the way with new ideas and influence though only after a long struggle.
When he died on 20 July 1973 tr Neptune was conjunct his Ascendant and Sun and Solar Arc Venus; with his Solar Arc Neptune just into Scorpio aiming to undermine his Fixed T square for a decade plus thereafter. There was a suggestion at the time that his death might have been caused to an allergic reaction to a prescription medication but perhaps also to over-heating from excessive training. His incredibly Fixed Pluto Taurus Scorpio T Square would not know when to give up and he may just have pushed too far.
His leaving-a-legacy-for-history 17th harmonic was exceptionally marked with a Grand Cross of Saturn Pluto opposition Neptune square Mars opposition Mercury. Saturn Pluto = war. Mars square Neptune = showbusiness. Mercury = communication.
His son Brandon, 1 February 1965 5.48 am Oakland, California, had a 1st house New Moon in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus opposition a 10th house Neptune in Scorpio – like his father he had a Fixed T square and would be suited to a filmic career but not as rock solid. His Sun Moon were inconjunct Uranus Pluto which would create tension as he hopped between clashing attitudes setting up internal strain.
Bruce Lee’s daughter Shannon Lee, 19 April 1969, has not escaped the family singularity with a dominating yod in her chart of a forced-to-be-self-reliant Sun Saturn conjunction in Aries on the apex of Jupiter (Pluto) sextile Neptune. Her Jupiter Pluto conjunction will give her confidence; and her Mars in Sagittarius trine her Venus in Aries an adventurous streak. But life will have demanded a great deal from her and will not have been easy with a deeply Saturnine yod. Nor indeed will the next two years be smooth sailing with tr Pluto finishing the square to her Sun Saturn this year; tr Neptune opposing her Jupiter and then tr Uranus opposing her Neptune by 2025. Her yod is being shaken at all ends pushing her onto a new trajectory in life.
Just a quick thank-you Marjorie.. for doing a chart on a famous, but also obscure to most people, man.
In my own martial arts community, he is held in rather high regard for his unique approach and contributions.
He’s not the be all and end all, but certainly worked hard and left a legacy.
Being 1/2 Asian and 1/2 Eurasian was VERY challenging for him… difficult to be accepted by high level teachers. He had to make his own path.
In the ancient classics, they say….
“after many, many years of VERY difficult practice……. you will BEGIN (!!!) to understand….”
Thank you for this analysis Marjorie. I’m also marvelling at how literal the indicator for “the philosopher” shows up in his chart – natal sun conjunct the ascendant, in Sagittarius no less. A stark reminder of the philosophical basis/nature of martial arts and martial artists.