Breonna Taylor – home was a dangerous place

Anger has erupted in Louisville, Kentucky which is under a state of emergency after a grand jury decision not to charge any police officers over the killing of Breonna Taylor. A black hospital worker, she was shot multiple times as three officers raided her home on 13 March without knocking and her boyfriend thinking they were being attacked fired his gun. One officer has been charged with “wanton endangerment”

Cases of killings of unarmed black people by police have fuelled anger across the US and beyond, triggered especially by the death of George Floyd in police custody in Minneapolis in May.

  Louisville, 1 May 1780, has a Taurus Sun in a controlling square to Pluto with a North Node in Taurus conjunct the destructive Fixed star Algol; and a hard-edged Mars opposition Saturn. 

  Breonna Taylor, 5 June 1990, was a Sun Gemini, maybe Moon Sagittarius, Mars in Leo and Jupiter in Libra – so some chart placings similar to Trump. But more significantly she had Pluto in Scorpio in a high-risk and trapped square to Mars in Scorpio. Ebertin ascribes one meaning of ‘the misfortune of having to suffer violent assaults’ to it.  And her Pluto was almost exactly conjunct the Louisville South Node opposition Algol, tying her into the negative, unevolved and fearful energies of her place of birth. Her Saturn in regretful Pisces was also square the Louisville afflicted Mars. Not a good connection.

   When she was killed tr Saturn was exactly conjunct the Louisville Solar Arc Mars, the classic astro-signature for murder or assassination.

  Whatever the outcome instantly, 2021 looks agitated for Louisville with the Taurus Sun in the line of fire of the economically challenging tr Uranus square tr Saturn all year; and a devastating Solar Arc Pluto conjunct the Neptune; and a highly-strung and anxious tr Neptune opposition Uranus.   

7 thoughts on “Breonna Taylor – home was a dangerous place

  1. According to Wikipedia when a majority of Louisville,KY mergered with Jefferson County,KY,it created the Louisville metro police which was created january 6 2003, also according to hours listed they’re open8:00am,hopefully this helps in your research,also on a Wikipedia page on childbirth there is a graph that shows when babies are born across a day,done by a college professor who studies this stuff.

  2. A tragic and merciless injustice. It’s a pity we don’t have a natal chart for the foundation of the US Police force. I understand that historically, policing in the US is tied in with protecting the property of Whites, the infamous slave patrols where runaway slaves would be hunted down and returned to their masters and in the aftermath of abolition when Whites were fearful of the perceived threat to their ‘supremacism’ from Black owned businesses. Is it any wonder, with such a brutal history that many campaigners for justice want the force abolished?

    • I just sat and watched the documentary, 13th, on Netflix the other day. It was horrifying and heartbreaking. It focuses on the fact that the nation’s prisons are disproportionately filled with African-Americans but also looks at how the prison system itself has been created as a business to make profit for the government. If you’re arrested for some silly misdemeanor, as is usually the case, and you can’t make bail because you are poor, you can expect to find yourself in prison for years. It’s utterly inhumane.

      Then there are the sinister goings on of a group called ALEC (The American Legislative Exchange Council) who have the dirty little fingers in this degrading pie. I think the figures for those incarcerated were 1 in 71 men were white and 1 in 3 were black. Sickening. Basically, it shows very clearly how yes, the slave trade of black people ended in the late 1800s, but from it came the police explosion that was just an excuse to arrest these men and women of colour and put them back into a slave environment in which slave labour continued. Slavery has just changed its mask. It it still very much alive and well in the USA today.

    • It might be worth looking at the founding dates for Louisville’s police force I think. From the website it states that the very first there was founded 9 June 1806, with just five officers. That date gives us Saturn conjunct Uranus in Libra at 21 degrees, with Chiron at 26 Capricorn, and Mars 21 Taurus which aligns with the nodes for Louisville. The Saturn/Uranus squares the January Saturn/Pluto conjuction….

      A police department was established in Louisville on 8th March 1856, with a Sun/Neptune/Jupiter conjunction in Pisces at 15-17 degrees. These sextile Uranus in Taurus (17). Mars is 20 Libra, so another square with this year’s
      powerful, authoritarian, and potentially secretive Saturn/Pluto conjunction. The Moon’s NN is 26 Aries, conjunct Louisville’s Mercury, and transited by Mars, BML, Saturn and Mercury as I’ve already posted. I’d say that’s the “voice of the people” moment?

      I also wonder if it would be worth looking at the Wickersham Commission, 1929, which was set up to look at the effectiveness of law enforcement in the US. The date for this is 20th May, 1929. The Moon’s NN is 20 Taurus, close to the Louisville nodes. Mars at 3 Leo opposes the Louisville Pluto. Venus, 22 Aries, squares this year’s Saturn/Pluto conjunction.

      Just a brief look at these patterns suggests the possibility of a catalyst for change. I may be being over optimistic, plus change rarely happens one, two, three….

  3. Thanks Marjorie. How on earth did the Grand Jury arrive at this decision, I am astonished and horrified. And, as always, I cannot understand the deeply entrenched US gun culture. Toxic.

    I noticed that the Louisville Mercury in Aries has both Mars and BML transiting it. Tr Mercury is opposing that Mercury now. And Saturn and Pluto are squaring it. When Mars turned retrograde at 28 degrees, it was in between the Louisville Mercury and Breonna’s own Venus. The pain, frustration, and anger arising from Breonna’s death, and the widespread media coverage (finally….) seems to be symbolised by these patterns.

    I hope her family and those who loved her can eventually find peace, but they have a long and challenging road ahead of them.

  4. It’s fully understandable why people are erupting over this. It’s almost as if the powers that be refuse to acknowledge and hold accountable the wrongdoings of these awful events. They need to start making examples of such police officers and take a deep look at police training in general and overhaul the entire organization to something much better. The fact they don’t and can’t be bothered just shows how much white supremacy arrogance is still in place and triggering those out there screaming for drastic change. They are absolutely deaf to doing the right thing.

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