The named suspect in the NY and NJ bombings, Ahmad Khan Rahami, is an Afghan-born US resident for 15 years, born 23 Jan 1988, according to the FBI. His fingerprints were found on one of the unexploded devices and he has been taken into custody, injured, after a shoot-out.
He’s a Sun Aquarius widely sextile Mars in Sagittarius and widely square Pluto in Scorpio. He has Uranus Saturn in Sagittarius trine Jupiter in go-ahead Aries; and Venus, North Node in Pisces and if born before 1pm also a Pisces Moon. The Pisces theme appears in most of the fundamentalist Islamic terrorists’ charts. And the Saturn Uranus in Sagittarius especially appears to produce rebellious types (see Lauri Love below). In its negative form it can be autocratic and acutely stubborn.
Rahami has his Solar Arc Mars conjunct his Neptune this year, so arguably stoking up his wish for a publicity splash; and his Secondary Progressed Mars is conjunct his Uranus propelling him into violence. With tr Uranus conjunct his Jupiter within a degree of exact, giving him a surge of confidence. There’s nothing of cheer ahead for him.
His chart sits uncomfortably with the USA 1776 chart – his Uranus Saturn oppose the USA Mars and square the USA Saturn; and his Mars opposes the USA Uranus – a gritty and angry interface, on both sides.
His relationship chart with the USA has an explosive, unpleasant composite Uranus opposition Mars square Pluto; with a paranoid and hostile Saturn Neptune on one leg of a Yod in sextile to Mars inconjunct the composite Sun. The composite Sun has tr Uranus conjunct this month so shaking that strained Yod into destructive action (Mars Saturn).