Donald Trump, having cosied up to the Saudis, changed tack and put the cat amongst the pigeons at last week’s hostile meetings with European leaders, which prompted the normally reticent Merkel to say they could no longer rely on the USA (or the UK). He railed at them for defence underspending, for Germany making money out of the US and refused to commit to backing the climate change treaty.
While there is some merit in what he says about the US having to pull too much weight in NATO, what his stance effectively means is that if Putin decided to push into eastern Europe, the US most likely wouldn’t support NATO in any action. Which must delight Putin, and scare the Baltic countries witless.
There is certainly a nasty sinking feeling in the relationship chart between the USA and the EU with tr Neptune opposing the composite Mars in 2017/18; and more separation in 2019, with tr Saturn square the composite Mercury, Sun, Neptune and square Uranus.
Trump’s relationship with the EU is not mutually supportive at best; and showing extreme stress this September/October with tr Pluto square the composite Mars; and heading into a devastatingly confused 2018/19 with tr Pluto square the composite Neptune.
Trump’s relationship chart with Merkel, who will most likely stay on has much the same with tr Neptune opposition the composite Saturn in 2017/18 for high uncertainty and a degree of panic; plus an insecure, disruptive tr Uranus opposition the composite Mars now and around till early 2018; and tr Saturn opposition the composite Sun Uranus Mercury and square Neptune in 2019.
Trump’s relationship with NATO indicates outright dislike with a composite Mars Pluto Saturn Mercury; and it’s being rattled severely this year into 2018 by tr Uranus square the composite Sun; and tr Saturn square Uranus.
Whatever he intends doing with the array of generals on his cabinet staff and boosted military, standing up against Putin and for the EU certainly isn’t high on his to-do list.