Chelsea Manning – a life on the edge



Chelsea Manning has had her visiting fellowship at Harvard withdrawn after criticism that her disclosure of classified documents for which she was convicted had endangered lives. Manning had leaked 700,000 military and state department documents to WikiLeaks because of the human toll of the “death, destruction and mayhem” she had seen as an army intelligence analyst in Iraq.

She started to transition to female in 2015 with hormone treatment and although given permission for surgery while inside military prison, it never happened, so she is arranging her own private medical care.

Born 17 December 1987, she has Sun Uranus Saturn Mercury in Sagittarius in a confident trine to Jupiter in Aries; with an emotionally stressed and anguished Mars Pluto in Scorpio conjunct her Moon. Both parents were alcoholics, his mother drank through her pregnancy and didn’t care for her as a baby; and Chelsea reportedly shows signs of fetal alcohol syndrome. Jupiter in Aries will make her impulsive; Saturn Uranus can be autocratic though also innovative; Sun Saturn is prone to depression; Sun Uranus is rebellious.

She’s coming up to her First Saturn Return this year, which is extraordinary given how much she has packed into her twenties. It’s a maturing transit, though with tr Saturn also conjunct her Mercury, Sun, Uranus before the year end, it will also be deflating. And with her Solar Arc Saturn conjunct her Venus it doesn’t look a morale-boosting year, certainly where her feelings are concerned. But she’s also got the super-confident tr Pluto square Jupiter to run till late 2018 which will buck her up.

Where she’s likely to run into major problems is in her late 30s, which is a not-often-recognised major turning point of the mid-life crisis with a Uranus opposition Uranus, Pluto and Neptune square their natal positions running over three years. At that point her Mars Pluto (Moon) will have moved by Solar Arc to start moving across her Mercury, Saturn, Sun, Uranus. And that won’t be an easy transition to make.

It does make you wonder given her background how on earth she was screened for intelligence work.

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