Gavin Williamson, former chief whip and holder of the black book of MP misdemeanours, confidante of Theresa May and proud owner of a pet tarantula, has been shoehorned into the top Defence job, with zero experience, to much dismay amongst the military and top Tories. Known as the ‘baby-faced assassin’ he’s seen as an ambitious careerist with his eye on the main chance, possibly even the top job in years to come.
Born 25 June 1976, he’s a Sun Venus in Cancer square Pluto – charmingly persuasive and controlling; with an autocratic Saturn square Uranus (doesn’t practice what he preaches); an opportunistic Mars in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (echoing TMay’s Mars opposition Jupiter); and a slippery, evasive Mercury in Gemini opposition Neptune.
He’ll have mis-steps, setbacks, jolts, jangles and muddles along the way of the next two years; but significantly tr Pluto trine his Jupiter in 2018/2019 will give him a real boost, with confidence and a few successes to purr over. Then his Solar Arc Jupiter will conjunct his Sun, late 2020/2021 which would position him nicely come the next election – if it waits till then.