King Felipe of Spain took over the throne on 19th June 2014 12am at an exceptionally stressed time, with Mars opposition Uranus square Pluto, hinting at a high-risk, crisis-strewn reign ahead. Although he is largely a ceremonial figure, following the advice of his government, he is also guardian of the constitution and many hope he can help to broker a peaceful resolution to the Catalan breakaway crisis. But he’d clearly be for a unified Spain and the main Catalonian parties are republican.
His Accession chart does have a frustrating tr Pluto opposition the Solar Arc Mars and square Solar Arc Uranus in 2017/18, which looks like rolling upheavals. He’ll face a dip in popularity in Nov/Dec this year with tr Saturn opposition the Sun Mercury. 2019 looks aggravated and discouraging with tr Saturn in hard aspect to Mars, Uranus and Pluto. But where he runs into real trouble is in 2022/23 with tr Uranus opposing the Saturn, then conjunct Venus and opposition the MC, which looks very de-stabilising.
Born 20 January 1968 12.45pm Madrid, he has a 10th house last degree Sun Capricorn which is picking up the tr Uranus square in 2018, bringing tensions and sudden changes. At the moment he has tr Saturn conjunct his Venus, so downhearted, mourning losses. Tr Pluto is conjunct his MC this year and next which could damage his reputation or force him into a more controlling situation.
He wasn’t altogether happy when his father King Carlos stood down; and will from 2019 be kicking over the traces and insisting on more freedom to speak his mind with tr Uranus moving across his Ascendant and into his Ist house for the years thereafter; with radical changes in his life as tr Pluto trines his Uranus and is conjunct his Sun towards 2023. His grandfather Alfonso X111 abdicated when the Republicans won in the election in 1931 with the Saturn in Capricorn opposition Pluto square Uranus in Aries was in place – and it’s not beyond the bounds of possibility that he may go the same way at some point in the 2020s.
The EU are being their usual hypocritical, self-interested selves, and with two minor exceptions have responded with echoing silence to the Spanish policia brutality. Separatist movements run counter to their integrationist ethos.
The relationship charts between the two Spain charts, 1475 and 1975 (see previous post), look jangled and disappointed this year with tr Uranus square Sun Mars on one; and tr Neptune starting a few years of undermining transits on the other. Where it looks to be coming to a head is towards 2020 and onwards till mid decade.
So Brexit may turn out to be way down the list of the EU worries.