Why would you turn up at a family lunch to greet a new incomer who has an African-American mother with a blackamoor brooch on? Princess Michael of Kent has never gone out of her way to be likeable but that is a faux pas of astonishing proportions. (Photo credit: Mark Cuthbert)
Born 15 January 1945 of German-Hungarian descent with a Nazi father, she married Prince Michael, the first cousin of the Queen, after her first marriage to a banker was annulled by the Vatican.
She’s a Sun Capricorn trine Jupiter; with a fairly hard-edged and definitely unsentimental chart. A cool, opinionated Air Grand Trine of Neptune in Libra trine Uranus trines her Aquarius Moon which opposes Pluto; and she has a resentful Mars in Capricorn opposition Saturn square Neptune.
Neither Prince Charles nor Prince Harry look enamoured of her this month; though Charles is more resigned at being tied to her by duty. Though that may not survive as the Queen’s influence fades. Even HM herself is looking seriously disappointed in her with perhaps ructions come the spring. As I understand the Kents still live in Kensington Palace with the Queen presumably footing the bill.
The other Royal ladies certainly dislike Princess Michael with Kate more aggravated than usual this month with her; and she sets Camilla‘s teeth on edge, with more tensions coming towards 2019.
Not that her relationship with Prince Michael is that easy either, since her Saturn is conjunct his Jupiter Sun in Cancer dampening his enthusiasm and joie de vivre; with her argumentative Mars in opposition; her Mars and Sun in Capricorn fall in his financial 2nd house (go figure), his Mars (Pluto) probably opposes her Moon, and her Uranus is in his 7th. He does have Saturn Uranus on his Descendant so was always likely to pick a fairly contradictory and autocratic partner who was hard work.