Angela Merkel – persevering against the odds



Angela Merkel was sworn in for her fourth term as German Chancellor this morning around 12 noon. This puts the Pisces Sun and Neptune straddling the midheaven; with the Sun sextile Pluto and trine a 5th house Jupiter; and square Mars. It’s a confident chart, with even a hint of over-confidence from Sun squaring the Jupiter/Pluto midpoint. An accentuated Pluto in the 7th suggests a robust relationship with neighbours, intense and dominating, slightly control-freaky.

Certainly there will be no shortage of arguments and crises with the Sun Mars hard aspect, and Mars trine Uranus – quite explosive at times. Neptune conjunct the MC (if time accurate) may cause drift at times but will be counter-balanced by the strength of the other planets. Not always popular with Saturn square Venus Mercury.

Interesting to see how the 5th house Jupiter turns out – entertainment, children, speculation.

PS: Anyone who has an accurate time, gratefully received.

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