There’s a tricky six-week run of influences coming up from this weekend with Mars moving into Capricorn on Saturday and the Sun into Aries on the 20th. Thereafter the Sun hits hard aspects to Mars and Saturn before this month’s end; Mars is conjunct Saturn early in April and conjunct Pluto late in the month, with the Sun hitting Pluto and Uranus through the middle.
It will be more accident, disaster and atrocity-prone and argumentative than usual. For most individuals (us, cross fingers) it will just bring higher levels of tension, frustrations, bad-temper and irksome things going wrong. Usually several major events globally soak up the clashing energies, so it won’t bring catastrophes everywhere.
Looking back to recent occurrences of Mars in a Cardinal sign hitting on Uranus and Pluto, which stokes up the unstable energy, what’s below is just a selection of headline events to give a flavour of what’s likely.
November/December 2017 with Mars on Libra: Egypt’s worst bombing with 300 dead at a mosque. Iran-Iraq earthquake, many dead and injured. Zimbabwe swaps one gangster for another. Texas church shooting, 26 dead. Saudi Arabia imprisons princes/businessmen in Ritz Carlton.
June 2017 with Mars in Cancer: Qatar blockade. Portugal fires, many dead. London Bridge terrorist attack. London Grenfell Towers high-rise fire, many dead. MbS named Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. Disastrous UK election.
October 2016, the last time Mars was in Capricorn: Hurricane Matthew hits Haiti. Obama standoff with Putin over Syria, freeze in relations. Kim Kardashian assaulted and robbed. USA election fever.
March 2015 with Mars in Libra: French sports stars dead in helicopter crash in Argentina. 11 US military dead in helicopter crash in Florida. Armed attackers in French jewel heist on motorway. Poisoning at Crufts Dog Show. Top Gear Jeremy Clarkson fracas and suspension. Hillary Clinton knee deep in email scandal.
2014 Mars in Libra: Bombs in Russia and the Lebanon, South Sudan civil war, more killings (even than usual) in Egypt, Syria, Iraq. More horror rape stories from India. Catastrophic weather, flooding, power cuts etc in the UK; and major snow in North America. Michael Schumacher’s accident
Oh well not looking too good for folks with early cardinal sign degrees like myself (1 degree Cardinal T-square plus Sun 4 degrees Aries, NN 7 Aries 8th – transit Pluto quincunx Moon). I’m also getting dental surgery on the 20th March, five days before my birthday. Big mistake?!
Hugh interesting comments about the 1927 chart. More relevant to the UK now than the 1801, imo.
Mars will in turn square Neptune, Chiron, the MC and the Sun in the 3 April 1043 Coronation chart of Edward The Confessor one of the foundation charts of England over the next month.
Just to add Mars will also square Uranus at 0° 37 Aries and the Sun at 21° Aries in the UK 1927 Constitutional Chart over the same period as well as being conjunct the UK Sun at 10° Capricorn in the 1801 Chart on 4-5 April 2018
Final thought when the Mars is Conjunct Pluto late in April it will be at 21° Capricorn and exactly square the UK Sun at 21° Aries in the 1927 Constitution Chart. There is a lot of potential dangerous energy there.
Hi Marjorie
Is the energy the same for a personality born in the next six weeks?
So, Mars anywhere means shit happens??!!
No. Mars in Cardinal sign bouncing off Saturn Uranus and Pluto.
So that’s why my Sun Aries husband and I have been having massive arguments. And I have Mars in Capricorn….must try to keep my irritatins in check!
Hubby later managed to spill a big glass of red wine over carpet and walls! Luckily the carpet was red too…all very Mars-like!
Club soda should help bring that out 😉
April 15, 2013 – Boston Marathon bombing. Sun conjunct Mars in late Aries, and Uranus in early Aries square Pluto in early Libra. I was close enough to hear them, fortunately not any closer.
I’ve been spoiling for a fight with one of my recalcitrant vendors. A conversation with my manager helped put things back into perspective.