French President Emmanuel Macron is striding the globe like a colossus, dispensing insults and largesse with equal vigour. He dazzled Trump with military pomp on Bastille Day; schmoozed Putin with the glories of Versailles; a horse to Xi Jinping; and the Bayeux Tapestry on loan to the UK. Fading Merkel, entangled in coalition talks, has left the field clear for his Jupiterian reign. The EU was always a Germany-France axis with the former taking the lead in recent times. Macron’s closer-integration zeal would seem to put him in the driving seat. Unless like Icarus, he flies too high and crashes and burns. Much depends on what emerges from the German electoral stalemate, which after this Sunday’s SPD conference may lead to another election.
Macron’s relationship chart with Germany looks to be his biggest headache from this June onwards with tr Uranus opposition their composite Saturn and square the composite Pluto, extending into 2019; and chills in relations now and across this autumn.
His France Presidency chart suggests his bubble of enthusiasm will start to deflate from this April with tr Neptune starting an eighteen month square to the Presidential Mars; with dents to his popularity this year and hitting his confidence in 2019.
His personal chart, 21 December 1977 10.40am, predominantly inspirational and super-confident Fire signs, suggests a one term presidency with tr Saturn dipping below his Capricorn Ascendant before the next 2022 election. If he can muster up enough from tr Jupiter through his 1st to make it through, he’ll have a lame duck second term. Before then he looks to be riding high, despite bubbles bursting under his feet in 2019 with tr Jupiter through his 10th. To watch for: The late January Lunar Eclipse will hit his 7th house Mars in Leo, which should provide an eruption or two. Transits to his midpoints are very gritty from early this February onwards with frustrations, risk and lessening dynamism – running on till late 2019.
His relationship with the UK is deeply conflicted at the best of times with a composite Mars opposition Pluto, sextile/trine both Saturn and Uranus – and won’t improve, despite ancient treasures winging their way across.
But more pertinently he looks out of sorts with the EU, and vice versa, through this year and next, so not getting his way; with huge challenges come 2020 when the EU will be undergoing considerable turmoil. Interesting times.