Mike Pompeo – a term of rolling crisis ahead



Mike Pompeo survived a bruising confirmation hearing to be sworn in as Secretary of State at 2pm 26 April 2018.   That puts the ferociously determined and ruthless Pluto Mars in the grandstanding 5th square Uranus in the foreign-affairs 9th. Since Uranus is all about radical change it does suggest a new direction in US foreign policy. The Taurus Sun is also 9th house in a sensible though not sentimental trine to Saturn. And given the Cardinal Mars Pluto Uranus it will be a term of rolling crises. Neptune in the 7th lacks commitment to agreements and undermines co-operation. Jupiter in the 4th will make for greater harmony within the State Department than was evident during Tillerson’s unhappy time with his Term chart having  Saturn in the 4th.

Pompeo’s relationship chart with Trump is a deal more fractious than might appear from his nomination. Trouble will brew up in earnest between them from July onwards with aggravations piling up, high-tension and teeth-gritting moments through till late year.

Pompeo’s astrocartography does suggest Iran is one of his hot spots but with Mars on his IC, not one where he could expect major success. That apart, Australasia/Philippines looks irritable; as does Canada bizarrely.

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