Actor Nicholas Cage, in the 1990s at the peak of his game, with successes galore and paychecks to go with them, went on a spending spree which spliced through his fortune. At one point he owned 15 residences and made a string of expensive and eccentric purchases – $150k for a pet octopus, shrunken pygmy heads, a dinosaur skull and $450k for a lamborghini. The IRS landed him with a bill for $6.3 million in unpaid taxes and ever since he’s been scrambling for work to keep himself afloat.
Born 7 January 1964 5.30am Los Angeles, to a literary academic father and a dancer/choreographer mother, he’s the nephew of director Francis Ford Coppola, has been married and divorced three times (Patricia Arquette, Lisa Marie Presley + one), no doubt totting up hefty alimony settlements as well.
He has Sun Mercury in Capricorn in his 1st trine the can-be-chaotic Uranus Pluto in Virgo; and Mars in Capricorn in his 2nd house, along with Venus Saturn in Aquarius. His Libra Moon is in the 10th as befits a public figure. Both Capricorn and Libra can be extravagant, though not usually to vast excess. His Mars in the 2nd may have added a touch of compulsion, ditto his Venus. Though his Saturn there might have given him some common sense; though square Neptune might undercut that.
He has Jupiter in upfront, go-ahead Aries on the focal point of a T Square to Mercury opposition a 7th house North Node in Cancer, so he will relish a comfortable home and was possibly spoiled growing up. I’d almost be inclined to say he had a Yod, though it’s wide, of Neptune sextile Pluto inconjunct Jupiter, which if mishandled can give delusions of grandeur and lead to fateful consequences. His Jupiter is probably the key to his problems with imposing limits on himself.
His Moon is square Mars for an irritable approach to domestic life and women; that plus a 7th house Node would indicate that forming long term commitments is a challenge for him.
He’s not moving into an easy time career-wise or financially with tr Saturn now moving below his Sagittarius Ascendant, with losses from mid this year onwards. And tr Pluto is in a trapped conjunction to his Sun/Mars in 2018/2019 before moving on to conjunct his 2nd house Mars by 2021/22 which looks like meeting-a-brick wall-time where cash is concerned. With his Solar Arc Sun opposing his Pluto in 2021 as well.
What a pity he didn’t have a sensible manager, who doled him out pocket money and stashed the rest away. His 9th Harmonic, often super-indulgent with money is very marked.