Israel is becoming increasingly worried as Syrian army forces backed by Iranian-backed militias, including Hezbollah, push closer to the Israeli border. Assad is intent on reclaiming Syrian territory lost to the rebels during the civil war. More worrying is Tehran’s desire to consolidate and expand their sphere of influence. Which is why Israel in the last few weeks has stepped up its strikes against suspected Iranian targets inside Syria. Assad is now in control of 70% of the country whereas before Russia’s intervention he only had 25%. The situation is fluid with Syrian troops quelling jihadist militia, and he may be wary of allowing Iran too much influence as he grows stronger. But it could easily spill over into a wider conflict, if it leads to an Iran-Israel confrontation, which would pull the USA in.
The previous post on Assad, December 15th, pointed to a high-risk period coming from early 2018 right through till the early 2020s, so his game isn’t won yet, by a long shot.
With astrology it’s never wise to connect too many dots since there may be disparate problems flaring up. But US Defence Secretary James Mattis does look on war-alert from February 2018, with tr Pluto square his Mars/Saturn midpoint, though none too happy about it. That could, of course by North Korea, or just plain exasperation at Trump. Israel looks to be marginally panicked in January, on full-steam-ahead and damn-the consequences in February; explosive in March and highly edgy in April. So tensions will continue to escalate.
The 31 January 2018 Lunar Eclipse at 11 Leo triggers the Iran 1 February 1979 Aquarius Sun exactly as well as its Mars Mercury. And locating that chart to Iran puts the disruptive Uranus conjunct the Midheaven and the Full Moon across the Asc/Desc axis, which does point to significant events, not necessarily on the day itself but over the few months covered by the eclipse. And the 15 February 2018 Solar Eclipse is exactly conjunct the IC located to Teheran, which again suggests it will be the focus of important events. There could also or alternatively be natural disasters, such as earthquakes, as well since Mars on an eclipse is often points to a shocking collision of sorts, and Uranus on the MC to major upheavals
Neither Iran chart, 1979 or 7 October 1906, looks positive in February with tr Neptune opposition Saturn on one and tr Neptune square Mars/Saturn on the other before continuing on to conjunct the Mars by April and onwards – both of which will feel like failure and at least induce panic and major concerns.
The Eclipses will also trigger and aggravate the Israel chart with the Lunar Eclipse being conjunct their stubbornly, war-like Saturn Pluto and the Solar Eclipse opposing their Mars, which echoes last year’s eclipses. So it will be a fraught period throughout that region.
FYI: My last Syria post evoked a charming response from an ru email (Russia-based) threatening me with butchery and describing me in terms which I won’t repeat in front of the children.