There’s a hissy fit going over at the Bronte Society over Cambridge Double First Lily Cole’s inclusion as a ‘creative partner’ for the bicentenary celebrations of Emily Bronte’s birth. She has made a short film about Wuthering Heights and its anti-hero Heathcliffe, which also focuses on women’s rights. All of the Bronte sisters initially published under pseudonyms for fear they wouldn’t be taken seriously. Lily Cole’s sin appears to that she was once a supermodel and is now an actress.
Emily Bronte was born 30 July 1818 at 2.49pm? Thornton, England and died aged 30 only a year after Wuthering Heights, her only novel, was first published. It’s now taken to be a classic of English literature.
Lily Cole was born 27 December 1987 in Torquay, England and is a creative and ambitious Sun, Mercury, Neptune in Capricorn with a fearsomely determined Pluto and Mars in Scorpio.
Emily Bronte’s Jupiter is conjunct her Sun, Neptune, Mercury so they are a good fit. Lily has an innovative Saturn Uranus in Sagittarius which is conjunct Emily’s highly-strung Uranus Neptune in Sagittarius; and Lily’s North Node in Pisces is conjunct Emily’s Pluto.
When Wuthering Heights came out it was assumed the author was a man because of the sex and violence. Victorian readers were ‘shocked and confounded by a tale of unchecked primal passions, replete with savage cruelty and outright barbarism.’ Lily Cole certainly tunes into that with her Mars Pluto in Scorpio. And with tr Mars now back in Scorpio, boosted by Jupiter, it’s clearly stoking up the same angst and fury.
Nothing like the literati for getting on their high horse about irrelevancies, when they perceive an outsider moving onto their patch.
“Be with me always – take any form – drive me mad! only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you! Oh, God! it is unutterable! I can not live without my life! I can not live without my soul!” Emily Bronte: Wuthering Heights.