Viktor Orban – far-right hopes may be dashed

Viktor Orban has caved in, allowing all 27 European leaders to agree to an aid package for Ukraine. There had been fears that Hungary’s Prime Minister would block the aid package as he had done already last December. He is known to be pro-Putin and pro-Trump and he is seeking to shift the balance of power within the EU to member states and away from Brussels, as he continues to clamp down on democratic procedures in Hungary.

 “Our plan is not to leave the EU,” he said recently. “Our plan is to conquer it.” A more immediate motive will be to release money for Hungary that remains frozen over concerns about the country’s rule of law and anti-corruption measures.     “This is primarily about blackmail, leverage and unblocking his money,” says a senior EU diplomat. In particular he appears to be waging a war against president, Ursula von der Leyen which is hardly surprising given that his controlling Gemini Sun square Pluto collides with her ultra-determined Mars in Gemini square Pluto.

  At the moment he appears to be enlivened by the prospect of a Trump triumph and far-right victories in other European countries after this year’s election.  But his future does not look too assured with tr Saturn square his Sun and opposition his Pluto this year and tr Uranus rattling up and seriously disrupting his Saturn opposition Mars throughout this year and next. He looks thoroughly aggravated.

  Saturn’s swan song in Pisces running through 2025 could be crucial since it undermines his relationship with both Hungary charts (1989, 1872). It also along with tr Neptune undermines his original prime ministerial chart from 2010 suggesting his grip on power may not be as secure as he would like.

  The Hungary 23 October 1989 chart has Pluto in the 10th, which is why they attracted an autocratic ruler. But having being born around the triple conjunction in Capricorn modern Hungary will be unusually susceptible to the swampy currents of transiting Neptune square their Uranus, Saturn, Neptune and Jupiter from 2025 to the end of the decade.  They need EU funds so pragmatism may win.  

Sarah Jessica Parker – same sign relationships

Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick, one of Hollywood’s longest-lasting marriages of 26 years, are appearing on stage together is London in a Neil Simon play Plaza Suite. Reviews are generally good though focus on the stratospheric ticket price. She has had an award-strewn career with Sex and the City the highlight. Matthew Broderick has worked constantly on stage and in musicals as well as in movies.

 What is intriguing about their connection is that both are Sun Venus in Aries. Traditional wisdom has it that while certain signs get on with themselves not all of them do. But Gunter Sachs in his study of birth charts found that many more pick their own sign for a partner than you would expect.

 Sarah Jessica Parker 25 March 1965 9am Nelsonville, Ohio has her Sun Venus and Mercury in Aries in her friendly 11th house with a hard-working Saturn in her 10th (good for her TV production business) opposition Uranus, Mars, Pluto in Virgo in her 4/5th; trine an 8th house Capricorn Moon and an ever hopeful Jupiter in Taurus in her 12th opposition Neptune.  She did have a fractured childhood though she speaks well of it and it is probably as well she picked a career that is constantly changing and exciting since she would not suit a sedate life. She was previously in a relationship with Robert Downey Jnr through his drug problem years.

  Matthew Broderick, 21 March 1962, no time, New York, also has a Sun and Venus in Aries and a (probably) Libra Moon; with his Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius falling in Jessica’s 10th house of career to help in her career. Though his Mars in Pisces conjunct her Saturn may not always be as idyllic as the press releases sound.

  Their relationship chart has a composite affectionate Sun Venus in a sparky trine to Mars.  With a fated yod of Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct a successful, enthusiastic Jupiter. Plus a less helpful composite Mars square Pluto and Uranus – so there will be an undertow about who is in control.

  The conventional wisdom has it that Scorpios get in with other Scorpios since they need the emotional intensity that only one of their own can provide. Aquarians get on with Aquarians for the opposite reason – they both appreciate space.

Leos together was always deemed a definite no-no since both will fight to grab all the attention. Not something that Jennifer Lopez appears to have grasped having hooked up with two Leos in a row – Alex Rodriguez and Ben Affleck.

 Some other examples gleaned from the net some of which worked and some didn’t.

Portia de Rossi and Ellen DeGeneres (Aquarius)

Patrick Harris and David Burtka (Gemini)

Kamala Harris and Doug Emhoff (Libra)

Lisa Vanderpump and Ken Todd (Virgo)

Taylor Swift and Jake Gyllenhaal (Sagittarius)

Kendall Jenner and Devin Booker (Scorpio)

Brexit – the lone wolf strategy under strain

Brexit is about to negotiate another hurdle with new border controls on goods coming in from Europe which is likely to cause delays and additional costs, with more following in April.  Trade deals with the rest of the world which were allegedly the raison d’etre for the split with the EU are not going well. Negotiations between the UK and Canada have been halted after disagreements on beef and cheese tariffs. Deals with Japan, Australia, New Zealand, USA and India have either not happened or have brought negligible results.

  A change in voter regulations will allow ex-pats to vote in the next election, bringing another 2.3 million voters onto the roll. They are likely to be jaundiced by visa restrictions and other complications which may tilt them away from the Tories.

  The Guardian and Independent are tub thumping about all the negatives while the Telegraph is robustly defending their cause celebre. “A fair assessment should acknowledge that although Brexit has not proved to be the economic nirvana that some naive over-optimists imagined, neither has it brought the disaster that some other economists envisaged.” Small mercies.

 No one thinks the UK will even blink in the direction of reapplying since apart from anything else it would probably be rejected. But an easing of barriers, tariffs and travel restrictions might sweeten the pill.

 The Brexit Referendum vote on 24 June 2016, is due for a major disruption round about now with the Solar Arc Pluto about the close the square to Uranus to exact within weeks. Which may coincide with the new border controls. There will be a few jolts and jangles this May and the New Year to March 2025. The majority of voters now think it was a mistake which may be a factor in the next election – with the aggravated ex-pats adding their weight to the vote.

  There’s not much of cheer in the EU/UK relationship chart though the EU are sinking under the weight of their own problems.  Where there might be a chance of a reversal in policies could be starting in 2025 into 2026 with tr Uranus conjunct the composite Pluto with more in the years following.

  France would be a stumbling block to any easing of barriers since the UK/France relationship chart has always been implacably hostile with a composite Mars Pluto square Sun – and there is nothing that looks amiable in that direction for another two years. With Germany there is less animosity but any changes would wait for 2025 at least where there does seem to be a possibility of a different outlook.

  Much will depend on internal EU fortunes which are sagging at the moment -and indeed the global situation which could have a bearing.

Thomas Hardy – pushed and pulled by women

The author Thomas Hardy is another man with Pluto in the 10th for whom women were the central core of his life yet treated badly. He wrote some of the most memorable heroines in fiction but his first wife, who retreated to live in a dusty attic in their house for fourteen years wrote: “He understands only the women he invents — the others not at all.”

Bathsheba, the heroine of Far from the Madding Crowd is an independent farmer who rejects marriage because she hates “to be thought men’s property”. Sue Bridehead in Jude the Obscure lives in sin with her cousin and is praised as the “enfranchised woman of his imagination” (he was a supporter of the Suffragette movement). In Tess of the D’Urbervilles Hardy makes it clear that it is always the woman who pays the penalty: Tess’s exploitation is blamed on the men who let her down.

  In a different sphere of life but not dissimilar to Hefner and Guccione whose entire lives revolved around and were saturated with women yet treated by them with anything but decency and dignity.

  Hardy, born 2 June 1840 8AM Upper Buckhampton, England which gave him a Sun Mars in Gemini trine an uncommitted Neptune in the 7th house of relationships. His Pluto on his Midheaven was square a 12th house Cancer Moon which was conjunct Chiron.

 ADB describes his mother as assertive and elsewhere she is described as interfering, demanding unquestioning devotion from her children. She could also be cold and remote,  intolerant in her views. The Plutonic mother whom he described once as ‘his guiding star’ but also dominating and possessive. It damaged his real life relationships though inspired him to portray the pressures society brought to bear on women.  A strange dichotomy. He was obsessed with women, yet so frightened of them they had to retreat to the attic.

Jennifer & June Gibbons – blighted by a Black Moon? ++ birth time

The surreal and shocking tale of the “silent twins” June and Jennifer Gibbons is now the subject of a series of podcasts. Intelligent, creative and well-read, with ambitions to become authors, they started life with a speech impediment and were then relentlessly and racially abused and bullied at school, withdrew into themselves and became electively mute. A teenage crush gone wrong pulled them into a vortex of alcohol and drugs, then petty pilfering and arson of empty buildings, as a result of which they were extraordinarily deemed psychopathic and sent to Broadmoor for the Criminally Insane, housed with serial killers, chatted up creepily by Jimmy Savile. There they stayed for 11 years until moved to a low-security institution at which point June died.

  They operated within their own shut-off, slight sinister world where they appeared to be resentful and jealous of each other, yet acted in unison.

 They were born 11 April 1963 in Aden, Yemen with Windrush Caribbean immigrant parents. Their chart with no birth time is not too illuminating apart from one configuration which caught my eye – Mercury in Taurus opposition Black Moon square Mars, which could be interpreted as having a bearing on their angry silence as far as the outside world is concerned.  

  I confess to knowing next to nothing about the Black Moon so this is a fishing expedition for feedback. It purportedly indicates the dark side or shadow and what is taboo – which would certainly fit where these poor girls ended up. Their Mercury was also trine Uranus Pluto.  When they were sent to Broadmoor in 1982 tr Pluto was square their North Node and tr Saturn opposed their Aries Sun.

A skip round other charts:

Peter Sutcliffe, the Yorkshire Ripper and Thomas Hamilton, the Dunblane shooter had Black Moon on their Ascendant. Jimmy Savile may have had his Black Moon conjunct his Moon, Ted Bundy certainly did and Hug Hefner had his Black Moon opposite His Moon.

  I have no idea whether any of this is relevant and the Gibbons twins were not either evil or criminal, just muddled teenagers who had withdrawn into themselves.

Add ON: Marjorie Wallace in her book gives 8.10am as the birth time with twins being born ten minutes apart.  This puts Mercury in the 12th square a 3rd house Mars and a 3rd house North Node – which makes sense given the 3rd house rules communication – in general and with siblings, so rivalry and competition and a 12th house Mercury is fairly inward looking.

  I have seen a stressed 3rd house in an individual where it badly affected their ego structure – not self-esteem so much as ego in the clinical sense as that which allows us to interface with the outside world.

Hugh Hefner – a throwback to a sleazy era ++ Bob Guccione ++ Pluto 10th – Crowley, Polanski, Picasso

Hugh Hefner, a headline-grabber in the days before #metoo when Playboy bunnies and the bon vivant lifestyle that went with them were regarded as acceptable entertainment has been cut down to size six years after his death by his third wife, Crystal Harris, in a tell-all memoir. She was 26 when they married and he 86. She claims he was emotionally abusive and is scathing about his sexual prowess, relating tales of him demanding multiple women on his bed at the same time. She wrote:

‘This wasn’t about making love. It was about power and control and leverage. It was a performance.” His second wife Kimberley Conrad has stepped in to defend his memory suggesting the memoir was about making a quick buck and that Harris had made her choices willingly at the time.

  Hefner, born 9 April 1926 4.20pm Chicago, Illinois, had a 7th house Aries Sun square a controlling, possessive 10th house Pluto in Cancer; with an exuberantly sociable 5th house Mars Jupiter in Aquarius opposition Neptune square Saturn in Scorpio. His 6th house Pisces Moon and Venus were both in a seductive, possessive trine to Pluto. Last but not least he had a needs-space Uranus on his Descendant. Not built for fidelity.

 What intrigues me is his attitude to the women in his life firstly his mother from whom he borrowed money start his Playboy empire, then three wives and an endless stream of blonde bunny clones.

 A 10th house Pluto suggests a smothering, controlling mother which in adult life would make him a control-freak as a defensive reaction. Pluto in the 10th can be influential career-wise but particularly in Cancer is problematic. His Pluto was square his Sun, trine his Pisces Moon and inconjunct his Mars. Pluto in the 10th at its most negative can produce sexual predators. Fred West, the UK serial killer of girls, had it.

 His Pisces Moon was sensitive when it came to choosing wives since his first Millie had her Pisces Sun close by and wives 2 and 3 (born 24 years apart) both had Jupiter in Pisces conjunct his Moon.

 Crystal Harris, No 3 wife, 29 April 1986 had her Taurus Sun in his 8th opposition her Pluto in his 2nd (a deep connection and money-oriented). Her Moon in Capricorn may have been conjunct his South Node which sounds feasible. And her North Node is conjunct his Chiron. An intertwined and not altogether healthy bond. Their relationship chart had a composite Sun opposition Neptune square Mars – designed for showbusiness, not ego-supportive, argumentative, disappointing over time when the fantasy wore off. With a power-couple, power-struggling composite Pluto opposition Jupiter square Saturn opposition Node. Chained together, resentful and plotting to get the upper and and last word.

 Kimberley Conrad, No 2 wife, 6 August 1962, has a 5th house sociable Sun Leo opposition Saturn square Neptune in her 8th; with a pushily confident Jupiter opposition Pluto. His Saturn fell in her 8th and his Mars was conjunct her Saturn which would create irritations and block intimacy.

  His children in varying degrees have much the same undercurrents as the Trump children- strongly Plutonian relationships with a dominating father.  

  Playboy made Hefner a multi-multi millionaire seems such a throwback nowadays to a sleazy era.


 His rival in the sleaze publishing business was Bob Guccione, whose adult Penthouse contained more explicit erotic content as well as in-depth reporting of government corruption scandals. Less sociable than Hefner, he went in for conspicuous wealth, ultimately went bankrupt when the porn industry flourished elsewhere and was married four times.

 Born 17 December 1930 2.30am Brooklyn, New York, he has a similarly active Pluto to Hefner. Guccione’s Pluto was in a sexually-ramped-up trine to Moon Venus in Scorpio; conjunct Jupiter opposition Mercury Saturn and square Uranus North Node in Aries. His birth time is from memory so it is possible that his Pluto was conjunct his midheaven from the 9th.

Add On: More Pluto in the 10th men from the negative end of the spectrum. Aleister Crowley, Roman Polanski, Pablo Picasso, Ernest Hemingway. It makes for influential careers and huge relationship issues.

Jurgen Klopp – time to recharge

Jurgen Klopp has startled football fans in announcing he is retiring as Liverpool FC manager after eight and a half years in charge, having won every top-level competition available to him. He says he has run out of energy. Though Manchester City FC manager Pep Guardiola thinks he will be back with another team after he recharges his batteries.

 Klopp, 16 June 1967 7.28 am Stuttgart, Germany, has a friendly 11th house Gemini Sun inconjunct Neptune and square Uranus Pluto in Virgo. He has a self-reliant, well-organised, good-executive-material Saturn in Aries conjunct his Midheaven in a disciplined opposition to Mars square Mercury in Cancer, which will make him direct in his comments though maybe behind the scenes.  On the surface, he has an upbeat and amiable Jupiter Venus in Leo on his Ascendant.

  He has been drooping under tr Neptune square his Sun through 2022/23 which could well have sapped his energy and motivation. His Progressed Moon has been going through his 4th since early 2022 which is usually a time to hunker down at home, be introspective and take a chance to reflect on what comes next. From early 202 as well tr Saturn moved into his 8th house which can feel under-supported and a time when others were relying on his resilience so it can feel draining. He was on a nodal return as well through 2022/23.

 Nothing too drastic pointing to a significant career change but a cumulative build up of various factors. He looks upbeat through this summer with two Jupiter midpoints fired up and they run into early 2025 though he will be fairly disoriented as well into 2025. 2026/27 look to be discouraging years but with tr Saturn heading upwards in his chart I can’t imagine him retiring altogether.

Liverpool FC 3 June 1892 is also a Gemini with Neptune Pluto as well as the Sun there square Saturn in Virgo. It is showing signs of an upheaval and disruption this year and next with tr Pluto square the Uranus and sadness from tr Saturn square the Neptune, Pluto, Sun. The SA Pluto Neptune oppose their Jupiter in 2025 which I couldn’t even begin to interpret but probably not good news.

Boeing – a wing and a prayer not enough

Plus ca change. Boeing continues on a downhill slide with nuts, bolts, doors and wheels falling off. In 2019 their planes were grounded after the second accident within a few months, both with high mortality.

  There is nothing to suggest an improvement in their fortunes ahead.

 Their start chart, 15 July 1916, with a Sun Saturn in Cancer sextile Mars in Virgo has been under assault from tr Uranus in Aries and then tr Pluto in Capricorn since 2016 right through till recently and no sooner had that lifted than tr Neptune made a panicky-failure opposition to their Mars through 2022/2023 up to early February this year. No sooner has that lifted than tr Pluto starts a two year trawl from this April in hard aspect to their Neptune in Leo square Jupiter which could bring more scandals to light. In 2026/27 tr Saturn Neptune in Aries will undermine the financial Venus Pluto and that runs alongside three unnerving Solar Arcs.

  Nothing that looks like a successful reboot anytime soon.  Though there may be one lucky break in 2025 with the SA Jupiter opposing the Uranus.   

Post: March 13 2019

The EU, China, India, Hong Kong, New Zealand and United Arab Emirates and others have ordered the grounding of the Boeing 737 Max 8, while investigators work to find the cause of an Ethio­pian Airlines crash that killed 157 this week. It appears similar to the same Boeing plane crash last October in Indonesia which killed 189 people.

  After Trump consulted with the Boeing CEO U.S. aviation safety officials decided not to issue a temporary ban on the plane. This was later reversed when evidence emerged suggesting similarities to the previous crash.

  Boeing was founded 15 July 1916 in Seattle, Washington has has tr Pluto opposing the Cancer Sun exactly now, and on and off till late 2020. It’s also had the discouraging tr Pluto opposition its Saturn last year and throughout this year as well. So a period of heavy challenges, hardship, deprivation and forced change under significant pressure.

   When the October 2018 crash occurred tr Saturn was opposition the Boeing Pluto Venus in Cancer – which is the chart area that was being heavily stressed in 2008 and the aftermath during the crash by tr Pluto in opposition.

   The Boeing Jupiter in Taurus square Neptune in Leo is being elbowed from mid April for two weeks, and again across the year end which is tricky to evaluate. Tr Uranus conjunct Jupiter should bring luck and relief but with Neptune involved it could burst a false-happiness, over-confidence bubble.

  What’s for sure is that 2021 will see setbacks of a major order as the Solar Arc Saturn opposes the Boeing Jupiter and squares the Neptune; followed in 2022/23 by the panicky-failure tr Neptune opposition the Boeing Mars.

Death Penalty – US lagging behind ++ execution time/Alabama ++ Elizabeth Fry

Another gruesome judicial killing in the USA. Alabama has executed hitman Kenneth Smith with nitrogen gas, the first time this method has been used globally, having tried and failed to execute him in 2022 by lethal injection. A journalist who witnessed the execution described to the BBC how he thrashed violently on the gurney for around 25 minutes.

 In recent times the death penalty has been increasingly abolished globally. As of late 2022, 54 countries retain capital punishment, 111 countries have completely abolished it for all crimes, seven have abolished it for ordinary crimes (maintaining it for special circumstances such as war crimes), and 24 are abolitionist in practice. All EU countries ban it with Belarus being the exception in Europe. Although the majority of nations have abolished capital punishment, over 60% of the world’s population live in countries where the death penalty is retained, such as China, India, the United States, Singapore, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Japan, and Taiwan.

  Over the millenia there have been grisly methods from crucifixion, to beheading, hanging and latterly the electric chair. By the late 18th century the English legal system – the ‘Bloody Code’ – handed out death sentences for cutting down a tree, stealing from a rabbit warren and being out at night with a blackened face, pickpocketing, forgery and rape. Public executions were banned in 1868, and the abolition of beheading and quartering in 1870.

 Cesare Beccaria, 15 March 1738, widely considered one of the greatest thinkers of the Age of Enlightenment, wrote a treatise On Crimes and Punishments (1764), which condemned torture and the death penalty. He is deemed the father of modern criminal law and the father of criminal justice. A man before his time as is often the case with a focal point Pluto. His works had a profound influence on the Founding Fathers of the United States though clearly not in this area.

 He had a Pisces Sun conjunct Jupiter with a fearsome Mars North Node in Capricorn opposition Saturn Chiron in Cancer square Pluto.

 In the UK, the abolition of capital punishment came in stages mainly through the vigorous campaigns since the late 1940s of MP Sydney Silverman, culminating in the Murder (Abolition of Death Penalty) Bill of 8 November 1965. That suspended it for five years and more followed. The last executions were in 1964 though it was not until 1998 that it was finally abolished on the statute for all crimes.   The 1965 Act had a Sun Neptune in Scorpio trine Saturn Chiron in Pisces; with Saturn Chiron opposition Pluto Uranus square Mars.

  Public opinion had been swayed by miscarriages of justice such as Timothy Evans, hanged for killing his wife when Christie the serial killer was guilty. And Derek Bentley executed at 20, who was mentally retarded due to a childhood accident and under the thumb of a younger friend who was the actual shooter of a policeman while he was present. Born 30 June 1933 11.50pm Southwark, he had a Cancer Sun and more significantly an Aquarius North Node inconjunct Mars sextile Pluto. The Aquarius North Node comes into its own while crusading for a cause, which he was not capable of but the injustice of his death did ultimately make a difference. He was hanged on 28 January 1953 when there was a yod of Mars Venus in Pisces inconjunct Pluto sextile Saturn Neptune.  The transiting Pluto was conjunct the UK 11th house Saturn, ruler of the legislature. A tragic martyr to a good cause.

  Sydney Silverman, 8 October 1895 was a Sun, Mars, Chiron in fair-minded Libra trine Neptune Pluto in Gemini with a determined Saturn, Mercury, Uranus in Scorpio.  His determination won through eventually.

Elizabeth Fry (prison reformer, born 1780):

“Does capital punishment tend to the security of the people? By no means. It hardens the hearts of men, and makes the loss of life appear light to them; and it renders life insecure, inasmuch as the law holds out that property is of greater value than life.”

“It is frequently said by the prisoners of Newgate that the crimes of which they have been guilty are as nothing when compared with the crimes of Government towards themselves: that they have only been thieves but that their governors have been murderers. (1818)

[Two things I don’t get. I don’t agree with the death penalty but if it is to be carried out why is it so difficult to get it right? Vets put down pets every day. People die from overdoses every day. Dignitas manage it. There must be sensible drugs on hand which will do the job painlessly.

  The other is the desire of relatives of the victim to be present at the execution, in some cases crowing over the death of the killer. Does that give them closure? I would doubt it – more likely it would give them nightmares for the rest of their lives.]   

ADD ON: Smith was executed on 25 January 2024 7.53pm, dead by 8.25pm. The execution chart – Alabama has two time zones just to be tricky.

 The Alabama state chart, 14 December 1819, is bleak, tough-minded, tending towards the fanatical and autocratic. There is an unyielding Saturn Chiron Pluto conjunction in Pisces square a Sagittarius Sun, Uranus, Neptune with a Scorpio Moon – not exactly sentimental, or warm and cuddly.

ADD ON: Elizabeth Fry was an English Quaker prison reformer, born 21 May 1780, who did not campaign directly for abolition of the death penalty but was a driving force behind new legislation to improve the treatment of prisoners, especially female inmates, and as such has been called the “Angel of Prisons”. She married at 20 and had eleven children, five sons and six daughters.

   She was certainly a thinker, designed for communicating her views with an Air Grand Trine of a Gemini Sun trine Neptune trine Pluto, formed into a Kite by a serious Sun opposition Saturn in Sagittarius. She also had a North Node in Taurus which she clearly put to good use.

Nicola Sturgeon – living a dream, ignoring reality ++cartoon

All political careers end in failure, so goes the accepted wisdom, but none more so than Nicola Sturgeon. In her day hailed as a paragon by the press at large (mainly) and protected from criticism by phalanxes of her rabid Nat-trolls, she strode on, a shining example to other lesser leaders. Murmurs in the background about the shocking deterioration in educational standards, policing, NHS etc since the SNP took over were shot down in flames. Then came an investigation (still ongoing) into SNP finances and her husband, CEO of the party, her resignation and now the covid inquiry.

  The Times writes today: “The gulf between the Scottish government’s myth-making and the reality of the country’s Covid experience is so great that it cannot survive even a January-in-Scotland level of sunshine.”

   What is always a mystery when monumental lies are exposed is to what degree were they believed by those who spieled out the shining-white marketing guff. Has Trump always lived in never-never land where he creates his own road-runner fantasy of invulnerability? Did Tony Blair not look closely at the nonsense he was spouting about Saddam Hussein being capable of bombing Cyprus? Or do the slick-ass used-car salesman excuses just effortlessly flit into mind as a smokescreen? In which case did they ever face reality square on, with a prayer to their guardian daemon to fish them out of the mire as usual? A life not just walking on water but walking on thin ice and hoping it would hold up?

  Nicola Sturgeon, 19 July 1970 3.16pm Irvine, Scotland, has her Sun in patriotic Cancer conjunct Mars in flashy Leo in the 9th square Jupiter and trine Neptune, sextile Pluto. An effective and opinionated communicator with a strong 9th house with expansive dreams from Jupiter and stratospheric ambitions from Neptune Pluto Sun. Not a shrinking violet for sure. She also has a talented Half Grand Sextile from Neptune opposition Saturn sextile Sun and sextile Pluto.

  Two aspects catch my eye. One is the chart-dominating Saturn opposition Neptune which can be creative, working for a better society or neurotic or all three. Individuals with it tend to mistrust others and defensiveness (a Cancer trait anyway) will make them avoid confrontations and therefore go for underhand methods to achieve their aims. Can be cunning and deceitful.

 The other is the Mars square Jupiter. Sakoian & Acker are damning about this aspect – “one of the most destructive because the natives use collective power and even social sanction for self-aggrandizement.”  Can be fanatical about their beliefs, not necessarily honourable or reliable in their dealings, with a tendency to hypocrisy. They will whitewash their real motives and have a tendency to cosmeticize their actions as holier than thou. When in reality it comes down to ego or avarice. Clearly this is Mars Jupiter at its most negative and there will be other ways of living it out.

  The other chart key to significant existential questions is the North Node. Hers is in Pisces in the 4th house giving at tendency towards pride and the assumption she is superior to others, stemming from a demanding parent, who left the impression that her destiny was to achieve great things. Whereas in truth her spiritual journey is to come off her high horse and solve her emotional problems. Organising for others is a displacement activity when in truth she needs to be putting her own house in order. Sliding back into putting on a performance for others is the pull of her South Node which is the ‘road to nowhere.’  The North Node in Pisces can be manipulative if there is insufficient development with the Virgo the South Node overly active.

  She does seem to operate at the negative, undeveloped end of her chart. What brought her to a grinding halt was tr Pluto opposition her Mars last year and through this year (and her Sun before that). And that Pluto transit would reverberate around all the planets tied into the Sun – Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, Jupiter.

  The harmonics which caught my eye – and are similarly marked for Trump and Tony Blair – are

5th harmonic = capable, inventive, can be irresponsible, self-indulgent, deceitful.

10th harmonic = the wheel of fortune, prosperity and abundance, it contains the seed of both rise and fall, of the good and the bad.

15th harmonic = A magic number, rules magicians, alchemy, black magic, actors and eloquent speakers.

16th harmonic = warns against catastrophes, disappointments, humiliations, accidents. Life as you know it might change completely. Sometimes this is self-inflicted, sometimes it is not.

18th Harmonic = strength, material success, but also conflicts and enemies, “war & revolution”, fire and explosions.

Blair has strong 5th, 10th, and 15th harmonics.

Trump has strong 5H, 10H, 15H, 16H.

  I would hypothesize she started out in life with a belief that she was destined for great things and her messianic mission was so ingrained she could not admit to any shortcomings, possibly even to herself.