Anthony Hopkins who lost his home in the Palisades fire issued a zen-like message of stoic calm in the aftermath.
“As we all struggle to heal from the devastation of these fires, it’s important we remember that the only thing we take with us is the love we give.”
Born 31 December 1937 9.15 am Port Talbot, Wales, he has his Sun, Mercury, Venus in Capricorn in his creative, self-protective 12th house with a determined Jupiter opposition Pluto . His Neptune in the 8th (a frequent movie star placing) opposes Saturn and squares a Sagittarius Moon. At the moment his Solar Arc Moon in Pisces is exactly opposition his Neptune, moving through his 2nd house of personal finances as is transiting Saturn. So it will be a substantial financial hit just at a time he no doubt thought he could take it easier on the earning front.
Tr Neptune is moving to conjunct his 2nd house Saturn throughout 2025 and tr Saturn won’t exit his 2nd house for another two years – so it will be an uncertain time. Tr Uranus is also hovering over his IC on the cusp of his 4th house which suggests upheavals at home. Plus his Solar Arc Mars is conjunct his 4th house South Node at the moment
But he also has tr Pluto conjunct his Jupiter through 2025 so he will cope with renewed vigour and drive.
The previous fire which badly damaged his then London home when he was away in January 2000 happened when his Progressed Moon in Pisces was also moving through his 2nd house and rattling up his Saturn opposition Neptune square Moon – so that does seem a sensitive trigger point in his chart. In 2000 as well tr Saturn was conjunct his SA Mars conjunct his Uranus which is much more descriptive of a disaster event.
His Mutable Grand Cross of Saturn opposition Neptune square Moon opposition Chiron would seem to suggest a life pattern of constant flux where Moon areas of home are concerned. Which is emphasised by a 4th house South Node. Sliding back into home and a self-protective nest will be tempting but is not his destiny.
Mel Gibson, 3 January 1956 4.45pm Peekskill, New York, has more obviously catastrophic influences with tr Uranus opposition his Mars in Scorpio exactly now and heading to oppose his Saturn in Scorpio and square his Pluto throughout 2025 to early 2026. Tr Pluto will also be conjunct his SA Mars throughout 2025/26 so it will be a frustrating time.
Billy Crystal, 14 March 1946 7.48am New York, has a fair amount of activity hitting his Taurus Moon though more in the aftermath – and tr Uranus opposition his Chiron soon as well. His SA Mars will oppose his Moon in coming months and tr Pluto will square his SA Mars Saturn for several years ahead. His SA Neptune is also conjunct his Jupiter which will undermine his optimism and often has negative financial implications.
Paris Hilton, 17 February 1981 2.30am New York, has her Jupiter Saturn in Libra conjunct her Midheaven catching last October’s Solar Eclipse and next March’s Aries Eclipse. Her Solar Arc Pluto is also square his Mars for an act of violence, ruthless energy slowing her progress. Her Progressed Mars is also conjunct her Solar Arc Sun Mercury in her 4th exactly now – which will pile on the pressure.
The effect on each individual is likely to vary depending on whether they had insurance, had other homes and how invested they were temperamentally in having a solid domestic foundation to their lives.
While I find the Anthony Hopkins quotes quite profound. I find it quite incredible that he himself actually said it. Because he is known for being quite a cold fish. Especially towards his family. And he himself expressed no surprise when he was diagnosed as being autistic.
Isn’t it winter in California now? Bizarre.
It does seem odd. In Australia we have horrendous fires but mostly in Summer and never in Winter.
“not his destiny”. I have also observed that a self protective home is destiny as i have observed wealthy individuals who can buy anything but don’t have a home to call own and one they have either goes away to someone else as in divorces or legally gets stolen….in Hinduism we say it’s due to ancestors blessings to have own home but I have also seen that even if later in life but Saturn in 1h or 7h, does provide one own roof
Hi. I have saturn on 7th… its true i have my own roof… Thanks!
I met Mel Gibson once just before he became a star and I didn’t warm to him and I think the feeling was mutual. And I have never liked his movies or his odd political/religious views. His chart could hardly be more incompatible with mine with his Mars opp my Moon, his Saturn square my Sun and his Mercury opp my Uranus and square my Neptune etc.
Here are the 5 celebrities biwheel with aspects to either their natal Asc or IC of home, in the Jan 12, 2025 fire event.
Anthony Hopkins, transit Fires sextile natal Asc; transit Smolders 90 nAsc.
Mel Gibsonn, transit Zeus-asteroid, fire, 150 nAsc; trans Fires trine nAsc.
Billy Crystal, transit Ashes trine natal 4th cusp, home.
Adrian Brody, transit Ashes opp nAsc; trans Zeus, fire opp nSun.
Paris Hilton, transit Burns conj natal 4th cusp, home; transit Zeus-a 60 nAsc.
I spent much of my childhood in the areas that are burning. It’s breaking my heart. Pluto is conjunct my natal Sun right now as I’m watching my childhood burn. I tried to anticipate what this transit might mean, I never anticipated this.