Temperance movements, often driven by religious groups, have at various times attempted to ban the drinking of alcohol – temperance being a misnomer for abstinence. This in contrast to the ancient Greeks and Romans who regarded wine as the nectar of the gods, a divine elixir and a gift from the immortal ones. The festivals of Dionysus and Bacchus gave testament to its transformative power even in states of intoxication.
The use of heavy machinery in the rise of the Industrial Revolution gave rise to misgivings about the dangers of drink amongst workers. Though beer was often safer to drink than the contaminated water. Methodist John Wesley spoke out against alcohol in the 18th Century. He was born 28 June 1703, England, with (interestingly) Saturn Neptune conjunct in Aries square Uranus in Cancer and trine Pluto in Leo.
William Hogarth’s horrifying Gin Lane cartoon of the mid 18th Century showing drunkeneness amongst London poor was not an argument for abstinence since it was coupled with a second engraving of Beer Street showing a happy city drinking the ‘good’ beverage, English beer. In Beer Street, people are healthy, happy and prosperous, while in Gin Lane, they are scrawny, lazy and careless. Mind you, given the conditions of the time drinking may have been the only escape for the poor from an unendurable life.
The American Temperance Society founded 13 April 1826, had a prominent Uranus Neptune conjunction in Capricorn with Pluto just into Aries. There were two yods as well of Saturn sextile Sun Chiron inconjunct Mars in Scorpio; and Mars sextile Neptune Uranus inconjunct Saturn. A hard, unforgiving chart, with a fanatical streak from Uranus Neptune.
Prohibition came into effect in the USA on 17 January 1920, when Uranus was about to enter Pisces and Neptune Jupiter were in mid Leo with Chiron in Aries, with Saturn in Virgo. As elsewhere in the world the temperance movement started to wane in the 1930s, with prohibition being criticised for creating unhealthy drinking habits, encouraging criminals and discouraging economic activity. It was lifted in the USA in 1933 when tr Neptune in Virgo was conjunct the Prohibition Saturn.
There is a (maybe coincidental) strand of Aries and/or Fire signs running through these charts. I would not have associated Fire or Aries in particular with abstinence or the kill-joy sanctimony which is often what the abstinence lobby reeks of.
Wesley born in the middle of the Saturn Neptune conjunction in Aries did have a positive effect in his abolitionist (anti-slavery) campaigning and his introduction of women preachers into his movement which latter certainly fits Neptune Saturn.