The legendary Bob Dylan has been given a Hollywood biopic which has been rapturously received by the upmarket film critics. “A Complete Unknown: Timothée Chalamet embodies Bob Dylan’s once-in-a-generation coolness.
“The rocker is too mercurial a figure for a biopic to ever fully capture him – but this gorgeous film comes as close as you could hope.”
“For anyone under 75, Dylan’s greatest hits have always been heirlooms: somehow just there. Amid the recreated past, the movie restores a sense of how seismic they would originally have been.”
“Timothée Chalamet shines as a brusque and brattish Bob Dylan.”
Dylan, born 24 May 1941 9.05 pm Duluth, MN, was awarded the the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2016 “for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition”. His songs include Blowin’ in the Wind and The Times.
He has a Sun Venus in Gemini, a common sign amongst popular singers, with the Sun conjunct Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, all in the 6th house of work. He’s got a stellium in Taurus – Saturn Moon in the performing 5th plus Jupiter Uranus, all in an inspired, creative trine to Neptune and North Node in Virgo. His Mercury in Gemini conjunct his Descendant makes him a communicator; and Pluto in his 8th sextile his Sun gives him depth and the ability to influence widely. His Sun also squares a 3rd house Mars in Pisces, so he is assertive, can be get angry about issues.
His super-star 22nd Harmonic is strong; as is his literary 21H; and that curious 13th Harmonic. ‘This number is associated with exploration, genius and breaking with the orthodox. It warns against the unknown and the unexpected. It requires adaptation to change to be successful.’
Timothee Chalamet, 27 December 1995 9.16 pm Manhattan, NY, has a packed performing 5th house with a Capricorn stellium of Sun, Mars, Mercury, Neptune, Uranus – with his Sun like Dylan conjunct Jupiter sitting late in the sign before. Chalamet like Dylan has a Moon conjunct Saturn though in his case in Pisces and his Pluto in the 4th has certain similarities to Dylan’s Pluto in the 8th.
Dylan’s Jupiter Uranus is conjunct Chalamet’s Midheaven so definitely a lucky connection on the carer front.
Their relationship chart has a composite Sun Jupiter conjunction in the 5th which is also fortunate.
Timothys strong 5th house placements (in money-oriented Capricorn) may explain his love affairs with the super rich e.g Kylie Jenner.
And previously, superstar Madonnas daughter Lourdes and Johhny Depps daughter, Lily Rose.
and/or status…
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